True Crime Society - The FBI are investigating the death of Mica Miller (2024)

This blog is about a case that isn’t essentially a crime yet, although the FBI are involved. It is definitely a mysterious death case. We are going to discuss the apparent suicide of Mica Miller. Mica died on April 27 in South Carolina. Many people have questioned if Mica’s husband, Pastor John-Paul Miller may be involved in her death.

We will start with some background into the main players.

John-Paul does have a documented criminal history. In February 2005, he was charged with domestic assault/battery and bodily harm.

In April 2013, John-Paul was found guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and knowingly causing property damage in excess of $300.

Mica was married prior to John-Paul. I believe her first marriage was around 2012.

In 2015, Mica and John-Paul began an affair, while they were married to other people. John-Paul and his first wife had five children together by this time. Both of their spouses filed for divorce.

In a 2017 affidavit Alison, John-Pauls, first wife, accused him of engaging in sex acts with minors younger than 16 and having an addiction to prostitutes. She also alleged that John-Paul was caught in an affair with Mica in 2015 while she was working as their babysitter and married to his then-best friend Jeremy Deas.

“Our marriage and my husband’s career were less than stable at the time, because at the time my husband’s affair was discovered, he had previously admitted to both me and our congregation that he had an addiction to prostitution,” Alison wrote in the affidavit seeking alimony.

“He had also confessed to me and other staff members of the church that he had sexual encounters with young females from the church, who were under the age of sixteen,” she added.

‘When the defendant’s affair was discovered, the church leaders demanded that the defendant seek counseling for sexual addiction, Alison added.

‘When he refused, the majority of our church left the congregation.’

‘Our separation was a result of my discovering that the defendant was having an affair with the praise and worship leader in our church, who was also the weekly babysitter of our four children, and the wife of his best friend.

‘His marital misconduct not only destroyed my marriage, but also caused me to lose my church family and income, along with severely damaging the relationship between the defendant and our children.’

Alison’s affidavit went on to say: ‘I agreed to work with the defendant to reach an agreement on resolving the issues of our marriage, and not seek an adultery divorce, as an attempt to prevent him from further damage in his career as a church pastor.’

A friend of Mica and Jeremy’s spoke to the media.

‘He had a way of taking over someone else’s mind’, one source said. ‘Mica and Jeremy would spend a lot of time at Millers house with Ali and JP, rehearsing the music for the church.

‘It seemed kind of suspicious, that they would always be hanging out, always together, he always had them around. It was like JP did it underhandedly, to subliminally get into her mind.

‘Once everyone found out he lied to our faces, we confronted him, and he sat there and denied it to our faces, that he was just friends with Mica and that was it, the source added.

‘The majority of the church left the congregation after that, and we were shocked when we saw him with Mica and then they got engaged.

‘They got married and it destroyed a lot of people’s lives.

‘He had her wrapped around his little finger. She would jump even when she was married to Jeremy. He did it in such a sneaky way and she was just a sweet person.

‘He’s a very good talker, and good at getting people to do things for him. But I saw red flags. Jeremy and Mica had just bought a house and it tore the whole thing apart.

‘At first Jeremy carried on going to church because he just loves God and wanted to support the cause.

‘But eventually he did stop going. With Ali it was like she disappeared; they were both so devastated. He was very, very controlling and vicious.’

Alison and John-Paul initially signed a final divorce agreement, which ruled that John-Paul would pay $1,200 in child support and $1,100 in alimony.

John-Paul told Alison that she and the children would have the means to live in the marital home until the youngest of their four children turned 18.

He only made one payment before saying he could no longer afford the court ordered amount. He said he had fallen out of a tree and broken his legs ‘while trying for reconciliation’ with Alison.

He ended up appearing in court in a wheelchair.

The couple made an agreement to temporarily drop the child support payments to $900 a month, with John-Paul arguing he should not have to pay alimony because of an error on the divorce paperwork.

After a five-month legal battle launched in November 2016, John-Paul eventually paid $3,300 in alimony in 2017. However, his ex-wife accused him of ‘manipulating’ his income from the church, claiming: ‘It is hard to understand how he is suddenly making less now, when every aspect of the ministry has improved’.

Alison also accused him of buying a boat, motorcycle and golf cart, adding: ‘I do not understand how he can have these things, but not afford to be able to pay alimony.’

She said she had to borrow $15,000 from her father because her ex-husband had been failing to pay the agreed amounts.

John-Paul responded in the filing by saying that he ‘gave her everything’ in the hope that they would reconcile, claiming he had ‘no money and no place to stay’.

He added that his ex-wife allegedly, ‘screamed and cussed’ in front of his parishioners, and ‘harassed him’ when dropping off the children. John-Paul also claimed her boyfriend ‘threatened’ him several times.

He rebutted claims that he was earning more than ever in 2017, saying the ‘stress of finances is unbearable’, claiming to have borrowed $20,000 from friends.

That same year, John-Paul wrote a letter to the church asking for forgiveness. According to multiple members of the church at the time, Elders told them, “You’re not a good christian if you don’t have forgiveness.”

Mica and John-Paul were married in 2017. They never had any children together.

In 2021, it is believed that John-Paul began an affair with Suzie Skinner. Suzie was married to another man, Chris Skinner at the time and they were both members of John-Paul’s church.

Chris Skinner was confined to a wheelchair following an accident that happened 20 years prior to 2021.

On September 6, 2021, Chris Skinner died after he fell from his wheelchair into a community pool. This is a post from an online sleuth, Robbie Harvey.

Harvey said: “There is something disturbing about the pastor and Suzie Skinner. Suzie Skinner’s ex-husband, Chris Skinner, died of drowning. Chris had a tragic accident about 20 years ago that left him confined to a wheelchair, but he has adapted and gone on to live a beautiful life. According to Suzie, he often liked to go to the communal swimming pool alone. On Labor Day 2021, Chris did just that. But apparently something went wrong. According to reports, Chris got too close to the pool in his wheelchair and fell in, with no one nearby to save him.”

This is an excerpt from his obituary:

Christopher S. “Chris” Skinner, passed away on Monday, September 6, 2021. Born November 14, 1979 in Manassas, VA, son of Wayne L. Skinner and Jeanne (Wells) Hinson.

You never forget the moment that you met Chris Skinner. Chris was a man who loved Jesus, loved his family, loved his friends, and loved life. After being paralyzed at age 20, he passionately pursued sharing his story of tragedy to triumph with everyone he met. Although he has spoken to over 1 million people, he believed his greatest purpose was to be a loving Daddy and husband.

Chris is survived by his wife, Suzanne J. Skinner; son, Caleb Skinner; daughter, Alethia Skinner; father, Wayne L Skinner; mother and step-father, Michael and Jeanne Hinson; step brother and sister-in-law, Jonathan and Amy Hinson; mother and father-in-law, Ed and Judi Jefferis; sister and brother-in-law, Shawn and Tamra McDermott; brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Jim and Allyson Jefferis; nephews, Blake Lanham, Andrew Hinson, and Brody Davis; and nieces, Natalie Hinson, Katherine Jefferis, Sarah Jefferis, and Anna Jefferis.

It is believed that Mica and John-Paul’s relationship was rocky for years.

Mica’s family have released texts dating back as far as 2022 in which they allege abuse by John-Paul.

“The proof is in the abuse,” Mica’s sister Sierra Francis wrote on TikTok. “Police reports were filed when JP threatened his life, we did a wellness check. That is when he got mad. Police stated ‘when they arrived to perform a wellness check, he was loading micas belongings into his truck. he stated he was not suicidal.’ #justiceformica.

“All you had to do was love me enough to drive home to me, but you don’t even care that much about me, I love you, I’m sorry.”

“If you come home today we can take off the rest of the year and go to counseling everyday. Go to Iceland. Do whatever in order to get well.

“I also desperately want a child with u. I’m just scared of this. This is the only reason I wouldn’t. I’m scared of divorce or putting the child thru things like this where u leave and aren’t willing to do whatever it takes.”

“All of this started because of one bad decision a month ago in Columbia. If I could go back (in) time I would. We had the GREATEST marriage in the world up until that one wrong choice.”

“It can continue down that path or we can have an amazing marriage once again, the choice is urs. Love u.”

True Crime Society - The FBI are investigating the death of Mica Miller (1)
True Crime Society - The FBI are investigating the death of Mica Miller (2)

In October 2023, Mica filed for divorce from John-Paul.

The following timeline is from Robbie Harvey online.

::: Mica Miller Timeline UPDATE 05-13 :::

This story is changing daily. So here's a complete timeline of events as of now.

April 13, 2013 – John-Paul Miller is found guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and knowingly causing property damage in excess of $300.…

— Robbie Harvey (@therobbieharvey) May 13, 2024

February 4th 2024- Pastor John-Paul preaches a sermon on Korah and Moses and how it’s wrong to rise against religious leaders.

February 8th – According to Mica, she’s involuntarily hospitalized in a mental facility.

Just to break from the timeline for a minute, there was a fundraiser that confirms Mica had been in hospital. It raised $165.

This is info from the fundraiser:\

Gifting Mica Some Birthday Love 💕

Hi all! As you may know, our sister Mica has recently been in the hospital. She’s had a lot of ups and downs this month but that hasn’t stopped her spirits! She just turned 30 but due to so many life events happening, she was unable to be celebrated in the way our family had planned:( I really want to rally her community together to remind her how important she is to each and every one of us. I know that there are SO MANY of y’all that love her and support her like we do.If you want to send her some birthday love our whole family would be so grateful! ❤️ (All gifts are anonymous!)

February 8th – According to affidavits from Mica’s family, John-Paul takes this opportunity to go through Mica’s electronic devices and delete evidence.

February 10th – Mica accuses John-Paul of stealing her car while admitted in the hospital.

Mica’s divorce filing was withdrawn February 12, 2024, but later that same month, on February 23, her husband filed against her for Separate Support and Maintenance.

Also on February 23, John-Paul left his number for a waitress that he had met. There is an explicit adult conversation that happens between the two and John-Paul asked the woman for sexual photos.

Robbie Harvey summarised some of the sermons given by John-Paul during this time.

February 25th – In another sermon to his congregation John-Paul says a mentally ill person doesn’t know they’re sick. “You have to trust people around you. The thing that’s sick is your mind and your mind is what you need to realize that you’re sick.”

March 10th – John-Paul preaches a sermon and reveals he went through two years of messages on his wife’s phone. He found that 18 people reached out saying to her, “If you ever want to talk about your husband you can talk to me and I’ll keep it confidential.” Visibly upset, the Pastor followed up with, “That’s a demon talking…”

March 10th – Pastor John-Paul tells his congregation that his wife was in the hospital and as soon as she got out, she left him. “She gets out and she just leaves. Just completely leaves me. Leaves everything, drains the bank account and just goes. Guess what? While you’re talking bad about me out there I’m building a school in Africa for over a hundred kids to be able to be fed.”

March 10th – Pastor John-Paul says to his congregation, “One thing I’m going to preach about is gettin’ rich, strong, healthy, and finding a hot wife that loves Jesus.” … while wearing his wedding ring.

On March 11, Mica filed a police report that said her tire was slashed. The possible suspect’s name was redacted from the report. Mechanics at East Coast Honda on Highway 17 Bypass found a tracking device while repairing the tire. Mica would end up reporting four separate instances where trackers were found on her vehicle.

On March 12, John-Paul’s request for spousal support was dismissed. There is no explanation as to why.

On March 17, John-Paul told a story of a Pastor whose wife left him for a member of his staff. The pastor had to hire a third party company to find her. Once he found her, divorce papers were drawn up. When the time came to sign the papers, the Pastor couldn’t do it because, “Bible says divorce is wrong…” and if she wanted out she would have to leave him.

On March 17, Sierra, Mica’s sister made a Facebook post.

On March 18, Mica posted a video encouraging others. She says, “I’m just making sure my heart doesn’t have any unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment… Just forgiveness and hope for the future… and peace.”

On March 22, Mica posted an emotional video in which she spoke of abuse within marriage and offered support to ‘ANYONE struggling with leaving a dangerous situation because they think God will be ‘mad’ at them.’

She said: ‘Today my heart’s a little heavy. I’ve had lots of women that have reached out to me about situations of abuse, and I just want to tell you what a lot of people have told me lately, because I think I forgot.

‘But you are the bride of Christ before anybody else’s, male or female, it doesn’t matter what gender you are, abuse is abuse.

‘You don’t have to stay in an abusive relationship. Whether that’s sexual, whether that’s somebody forcing you to take illegal drugs or alcohol abuse, or physical abuse, psychological abuse, making you think that this is all your fault or that you’re a bad mom or a bad husband or you’re not giving it your all when you know you are.

‘God hates divorce, but why? According to everybody that I’ve asked and the scriptures I’ve seen it’s because it hurts people. But does abuse hurt people. How do you think God feels about that?’

On March 27, John-Paul filed a police

Report alleging that he was being harassed on social media by his wife. He tells police that he is “Worried about his reputation.”

At some point in early- mid April, John-Paul sent Mica an apology for posting a topless photo of her online.

“I’m sorry for putting a picture of you on the internet,” reads the apology email, “It was for less than one hour and immediately taken down. I was hurt that you are telling everyone horrible intimate details of my past sin, and I just wanted to try and hurt you. Please forgive me. It was evil of me to do that.”

Mica made another police report on April 15 regarding the fourth tracking device that she found on her car.

She told police that she had found a “heavy duty tracker” placed on her vehicle by John-Paul and wanted to turn it over as evidence. The report noted that it was not the first such complaint police had taken from Mica.

The report also said an officer told Mica that it was a civil matter and that she could keep the device because the two were still legally married.

On April 16, Mica filed for spousal support. A hearing notice was sent out for the request on April 23, with a date of June 5 being set.

Around this time, Mica sent an affidavit to her attorney. It reads in part:

She wrote: “Since the day we became husband and wife, I have been abused in every way I can think of. Emotionally, sexually, spiritually, financially, and physically. He has harassed me physically and electronically with letters, phone calls, emails, and texts, hacking my emails, hacking my personal Facebook, and impersonating me. Using my stolen phone to send texts and emails out to church members pretending to be me, texting friends and family saying that I am sleeping with teenagers from our church, and showing up in person at places around town … To having installed 3 different tracking devices on my vehicle.”

This timeline of the events of Saturday April 27, 2024 is from the Robeson County Sheriff’s Office:

Investigators conducted several interviews and developed a timeline of events in relation to Miller’s death on April 27, 2024:

11:00 am Miller was observed on her ring camera arriving at her residence on Margarita Dr., Myrtle Beach, SC.

11:38 am Miller was observed on her ring camera leaving her residence.

12:12 pm Miller is observed on store surveillance walking into Dick’s Pawn Shop which is located at 1852 Mr. Joe White Ave. Myrtle Beach, SC.

12:13 pm Miller is observed at the register and initiates the purchase of a weapon.

12:34 pm Miller is observed leaving Dick’s Pawn shop after purchasing a weapon and ammunition.

1:06 pm​ Miller’s black Honda is observed traveling on Hwy 501 near Four Mile Rd., Conway, South Carolina.

1:27 pm​ Miller’s black Honda is observed arriving at 41 Grocery and Grill which is located at 41 SC-41, Mullins SC.

1:35 pm Miller is observed leaving the store after purchasing a drink and gas.

2:54 pm ​Miller called Robeson County from Lumber River State Park. The Lumber River State Park is 32.7 miles (41 minutes) from 41 Grocery and Grill in Mullins via SC-9 North.

We thought this would be a good point in the story to share Mica’s obituary:

Mica Acacia Miller, 30, of Myrtle Beach, SC, passed away on Saturday, April 27, 2024. She was born March 7, 1994, in Wichita, Kansas, a daughter of Michael Francis and Angelita Ramirez.

She is survived by her husband, Pastor John-Paul Miller of Myrtle Beach, SC; stepchildren, Logan, Zachary, Eli, Asher, and Selah; one brother, Nate Francis and his wife, Victoria; four sisters, Anna Francis, Sierra Brown and husband, Matt, Abi Francis and Destinee Barrientos and husband, Nicholas.

Mica was energetic, affirming, adventurous, faithful, loving, giving, forgiving, talented, joyous, creative, assertive, bold, determined, authoritative, passionate, hardworking, a risk taker, and so much more. She and JP have been friends since 2009, married in 2017, and spent almost every single day and night together. Mica loved her little dog, Loki. She loved doing outdoor activities like waterfall repelling, hiking, skydiving, running, and going to the beach. Mica would take on any challenge, even if it was being a vegan for an entire year. Mica was a great stepmother, and an amazing wife and helpmate. She helped Pastor JP with the church in every way. Mica was the worship leader, graphics designer, youth leader, women’s ministry leader, and Pastor’s assistant. And she did all of this with the upmost integrity and faithfulness. Mica made the greatest of efforts to always be the best wife she could be. She truly served Jesus and her husband with all of her heart. She would praise her husband after every church service telling him he was the best preacher in the world (even if it wasn’t true). She also told him he was the funniest preacher in the world (even though that wasn’t true either). Mica loved her family soooooooo much. She looked forward to every text from her father or brother. She sought every opportunity to pour into her sisters. There were thousands of nights that she would pray out loud for God to always bless and take care of her family. They were constantly on her mind. Mica wanted more than ANYTHING for each member of her family to serve Jesus continually. Mica loved her ice bath, nice car, sauna, house, etc. but more than anything on earth, was her desire to see people come to Jesus!

John-Paul announced Mica’s death to his congregation on April 28.

John-Paul told the crowd that Mica’s death was ‘self-induced.’

“As Christians, of course we know she’s not here. [She’s] in Heaven, worshiping and enjoying and probably haven’t [sic] had time to look down here yet,” he said.

‘You all know she wasn’t well mentally and that she needed her medicine and it was hard to get to her,’ he said.

“But I’ve been down to the body about four times this week and each time it still didn’t hit me [that she was gone],” John-Paul said. “I thought she was gonna wake up. I even tried to raise her from the dead one time this week.”

John-Paul then explained that he genuinely thought he had raised his wife from the dead at one point but the person he thought was Mica was her sister.

“I went to the mall. … She [Mica] had bought me this dog tag. The chain broke, so I went to the mall to get it fixed. And I saw a female about 20-30 feet in front of me. And she was wearing one of Mica’s dresses, and she has the same tattoo Mica has on her arm and the exact same hair, and out of just instinct, I screamed, Mica!” he said. “The girl turned around; it was one of her sisters. And I thought I raised her from the dead. She’s alive, you know. But I can’t wait to see her one day.”

Prior to making the announcement, he asked his flock to stand and instructed them to, ‘leave church quietly and don’t talk about the announcement here in the building.’

‘I’m taking a little bit of a break, it might be a few days or weeks. I got a call last night, my wife has passed away, yeah it was self-induced […] I’m just kind of going on adrenaline,’ he said.

On April 30, John-Paul allegedly attempted to get into Mica’s apartment. He was stopped by the building manager and police were called.

On May 2, Mica’s siblings filed affidavits in regards to her estate. You can read the affidavit here.

Following Mica’s death, John-Paul has given many interviews. He spoke to ABC15 on May 2 and said “She was probably the greatest wife anyone could ask for.” He also, once again, pointed out her mental illness.

John-Paul spoke to the Christian Post on May 4.

Pastor Miller explained that his late wife was diagnosed with “bipolar II, schizophrenic and dependent personality disorder” in 2017 and he had been trying to manage it with lithium and significant support since then. He said that as long as she took her medication, his wife would be fine. Mica, however, had a roller coaster relationship with her treatment regime.

He alleged she would complain how the medication would make her gain weight or cause her to slur. And earlier this year, the wife of a well-meaning pastor friend who had no understanding of mental illness offered to pray and believe that Mica Miller’s mental illness would go away. That incident, he said, stuck with Mica and she started to believe that she no longer needed the medication.

“I took care of her through every time she went to the mental institute. I took care of her every time she stopped taking her lithium. I would never expose this stuff [about] her if I didn’t have to now, but every time she tried to kill herself, I would be there. I would literally sometimes pick her up physically put her in the truck, take her to the [hospital],” Miller said with a slight crack in his voice.

The pastor said he took his wife to probate court a few weeks ago to get her hospitalized, but the court stated that she wasn’t a danger to others so she could not be forced.

“Nobody believed me when I told them that she was having a psychotic break. She would have never left. She would have never done what she did. They wouldn’t believe me. I have 48 text messages that I sent out saying she needs her lithium; somebody help me please. And no one believed me,” the grieving pastor said.

A previous friend of John-Paul’s has posted a video online, indicating that he also struggled with mental health issues.

The video shows John-Paul experiencing what some claim appears to be drug-induced psychosis. He explains in the video to an unidentified person that his medication was changed, and he felt like ants were crawling all over him even though no ants were visible crawling over him.

In the video, John-Paul is laying on a lawn next to a truck with an open door mumbling almost incoherently. Neighbors offer him water and try to comfort him while gently trying to figure out the best way to help him.

When asked if he wanted his mother to come help, he said, “I don’t want my mom” because she is always trying to get him on medication and “this is what it does.”

“I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t do nothing,” he said.

On May 4, photos of John-Paul and Suzie Skinner were made public. He had apparently been seen with her multiple times since Mica’s death.

True Crime Society - The FBI are investigating the death of Mica Miller (3)

On May 5, John-Paul was temporarily dismissed of his duties at Solid Rock Church.

“I, Charles Randall, by the authority vested in me as overseer, hereby release Pastor John-Paul Miller from all ministerial functions for a time of healing, counsel, and guidance, pursuant to our governing instrument,” the statement read.

Also that day, Mica’s funeral was held. In a video from the service, John-Paul said he attempted to raise his wife from the dead. According to one man, John-Paul attended a bar later that day and shows no remorse for his wife’s death.

On May 6, the North Carolina Medical Examiner ruled that Mica’s death was suicide by gunshot.

This info about the events of April 27 is from the Robeson County Sheriff.

​On Saturday, April 27, 2024, at approximately 2:54 pm, Robeson County E911 Communications Center received a 911 call from a female. The caller asked the dispatcher if her phone could be located because she was going to kill herself and wanted her family to be able to find her body. During the conversation with the dispatcher, the caller hung up the phone and the dispatcher was unable to contact the caller. The dispatcher was able to find the location of the caller and dispatched a Deputy to the location. The deputies contacted the Lumber River State Park Superintendent upon their arrival at Lumber River State Park in Orrum, NC. The Deputies and State Park Rangers conducted a search of the area for the victim. The search was aided by a Robeson County Sheriff’s Office drone. During the investigation, a black Honda Accord with a South Carolina registration was located in the parking lot at the State Park. The investigators confirmed that the vehicle belonged to Mica Miller, 30, of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Investigators located a Sig Sauer gun case in the passenger seat of the vehicle and a box of ammunition in the center console of the vehicle. Investigators also found a receipt for the Sig Sauer handgun from a pawn shop and a receipt from a convenience store in the vehicle. Both receipts were dated for same day of Miller’s death (April 27, 2024).

During the search of the park for the 911 caller, investigators were approached by an individual who had found a bag near the water edge with an identification belonging to Miller. The individual stated that he heard someone crying and a gunshot while he was fishing.

Law enforcement continued the search and E911 received a call from an individual who stated that a body was located in the water. Law Enforcement responded to the location and contacted the North Carolina Medical Examiner’s Office upon locating the deceased. The victim was identified as Mica Miller.

A Sig Sauer 9mm handgun was located in the water at the crime scene during the search of the area. The serial number on the weapon matched the gun box that was found in Miller’s Honda.

During the investigation, Miller’s phone and other personal belongings were located. A search of Miller’s phone revealed that she conducted a Google search for “national parks near me” and the Lumber River State Park location was provided.

The investigation also revealed that Miller and her estranged husband (John Paul Miller) had been separated and were involved in the legal system. This information led to the investigators confirming the whereabouts of Miller and a female that he is allegedly romantically involved with. Investigators were able to confirm that both individuals were not in North Carolina on the night before and the day of Miller’s death.

Investigators learned through interviews that John Paul Miller was at an athletic event in Charleston on the day of Mica Miller’s death. John Miller’s vehicle was observed traveling on Hwy 17 Bypass, in Horry County at 2:22 pm on April 27, 2024. The investigation confirmed that John Miller was accompanied while traveling to and from the event in Charleston, SC.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024, Sheriff Burnis Wilkins, Investigators, and the Medical Examiner met with the parents and immediate family members of Mica Miller. John Paul Miller was given the opportunity to attend a separate meeting and Miller indicated through his attorney that he would not come to North Carolina to meet with the Investigators.

On May 10, John-Paul’s attorney released a statement. You can read the entire statement here –

Following the untimely death of Mica Miller, unfounded rumors and false accusations began circulating on social media and in various media outlets, suggesting Pastor Miller’s involvement in her demise. This created a buzz, causing local and national media outlets to begin proliferating these falsehoods, on a mammoth proportion. Our client refutes any report that suggests he ever abused his wife. Recent reports claim that Pastor Miller “groomed” his wife from the age of 10 years old couldn’t be farther from the truth.

On May 12, Rev. Charles Randall clarified in his sermon at Solid Rock Church regarding John-Paul’s position, “He has not been fired. I have released him from ministerial functions for a minute to get some healing, and some counseling and some guidance. You can’t go through these things like this and just step right back to same day.”

On May 14, it was announced that the FBI had joined the investigation into Mica’s death and the circ*mstances surrounding it.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations confirmed it is helping Robeson County investigate Mica Miller’s death, Officer Kevin Wheeler said.


::: Mica Miller Timeline UPDATE 05-13 :::

This story is changing daily. So here's a complete timeline of events as of now.

April 13, 2013 – John-Paul Miller is found guilty of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and knowingly causing property damage in excess of $300.…

— Robbie Harvey (@therobbieharvey) May 13, 2024


True Crime Society - The FBI are investigating the death of Mica Miller (2024)


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