The Freehold Transcript and The Monmouth Inquirer from Freehold, New Jersey (2024)

UEMBiS-O? TOT ASSOCIATED PRXSS. The Associated Press exclusively entitled to the Use (or mttitiUcatkm ol all new dispatches In Uu paper. The Qreater Weeklies Division of Utie American Presa Association eur national sdver- tlaing represent sura. Tba TrsJiscTf, tnibaerrptloo list Indued by post office not by liseav Subscribers dauruir to havw their sddresset changed via pleas send F0RM a veil at NSW eddraa. Your addrsss will changed aa often as desired.

-L Changed I Heads Tt.S Oh tsar. Call IwC Baits Hssotia BIstw, taMU Ulct THE MOVMOLTH KQUXEK VOL, C. Na V0L 20 FREEHOLD, KEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12. 1950 CUM MI IUiw, M. frtMl SECTION A PAGES I TO 8, faMish' Ity TStpsSaf Honing TW Tr-tuU Tramps W.

jpsssv. It Bast BU Priiault M. 1. -r ass llnrm aaat a. TKi yisioM of warn Going Forward DIG New Jersey Year Stt2 cd Tiro JOSEPH CSIBBIKi GOVERNS! TO UCCJ'IKD KCJI iftCTiVI VZt tf The Transcript present this week a special page listing the modernisation of business pro peril and some statistics on In new home (or too year 1S48.

We all notice changes from time to time but It la not until an attefnpt 1 made to compile the Investment during any given year that one able to growth cf our community which has more Hun doubled In it pace. An Investment in and around rreehold represent faith In the future of our local economy. Such Investments will benefit the investor and alto bis neighbor; Uicy enhance the attractiveness of the whole community as a shopping center; they keep Freehold abreast, of newer communities; 'The past year was a banner year for Freehold and its neighboring townships in" spite of devastating drought. a county seat and centrally located in one of the more fertile areas of the nation, its future to unlimited. Down swept ehill wind from the mountain peak, From the snow five thousand summers id; An open wold and hill top bleak.

It bad gathered all the eoid. -And whirled it like sleef on the wanderer's cheek; It carried a shiver everywhere Jrfom the un leafed boughs and pastures bare; Ths Uttls brook heard tt and built a roof "Neath which he -could house him. winter proof; Ail night by the white stars' frosty gleams He groined his arches and matched his Slender and clear wert his crystal spars As the lashes of light that trim the start; He sculptured every summer delight In his balls and chamber out of sight; Sometimes his tinkling water dipt' Down thru a frost-leaved forest crypt. Long. Sparkling aisles of steel-stemmed trees Bending to counterfeit a breeze; Sometimes the roof no fretwork knew But silvery mosses that downward grew; Sometimes it was carved in sharp relief With quaint arabesques of ice lern leaf; Sometimes it was simply smooth and clear Tot the gladness of heaven to shine through, and here He had caught the nodding bulrush top And hung them thickly with diamond drops.

That crystaled the beam ol moon and sun, And made a star of every one: No mortal builder's most rare device Could match this winter palaoa of Ice; Twsj ss if every image that mirrored lay' In hi depths serene through the summer day, ch fleeting shadow of earth and sky. happy model should be lost. in fairy masonry builder of the frost Freehold located, as we all know, within a few hours' drive of the greatest concentration of populations in the Mew Highways to serve this area will supplement those Which bring hundreds of thousands to the county each year. Ws hsve a historical tradition exceeded by few other places. As our individuals stand together, wt can see even greater prosperity for this vicinity.

We either problem, have set highway na fss whsdS brlnsr aweral nuHtons of dollar Into th State Treasury, la Iowa gney haw sta annual hwty compentatloji tax whlck tt levied against ths bis; long-haul commee eul trucker who cross the Stat, la Kansas and West Virginia the tax I based oat lit weight and ait- kual mileage. -Th actual rwetra from such tax would depend oa th rata w- but Jules Tepper. counsHi tar- New Jersey Automobtls Owners. Inc, sstimatew ttve State r- at Wost UD.00O.OiX) addltlomU revenue every year by using the ton-ail tag a levied ia Oregon. Under this plan, the tax would, ta placed on ail long-haul trucks.

-eves) those registered In New Jersey, snd would earlud local eoai, farm and delivery vehicles. Twenty million dollars would solve lot of Stat House headaches. rrsAMCedtt Ths rule of the road ia New aww la tle State Traffic Act. will be ct i during Htm 195C legislative now underway to conform th Uniform Traaic Cod toilawvd by many other states. For severai weeks, Governor DrtacoU' Oommittes on Tra'4 Safety, Incruddnsy the Attorney Geo-erti.

State Motor Veolci Luector. Superintendent of Stats Police ethers, tssv been burning th m. night oil workhrsC out a pror- of great bsneflt to ak motor istt. New Jersey speed limit ol 43 miles per hour will probably be Increased to SO mile per. fore the sssns aa in New York and Pennsylvania.

Unless a motorist is driving la territory sorted loss peed at 49 mil per hour, brsaklng the Iswr now-By travel r-f over 49 mile per hour, Th teei limit tn rtaidmUsd sone I 30 mile per hour and tt la up to th motor 1st to know tt. Ia New fork. JStat poUcenwrsi mud follow a aposidcr for a qua. go forward or backward wt tame Russell towelt" And Freehold Is going forward. FIRE IS A TERRIBLE MASTER Impossible to trace the course Colder weather metfha greater dollar.

before we feel any real relief in the will have to tod that our local municipal and school is down. expense like the library tax spending 1 down and our fed down. over, budget, we, must hear la is wasting1 only when the people return for their money on a neces department of local government la to be in another column of the bud World NewsEvents They Say column which ten the public bow compare with actual expenditure the budgeted expenditure for cannot stand skill. strains on heating- of the taxpayer's Consequently ketbook, we nding both other county ax down, our sary pro get forms A that the 1950 figure In addition 1949. counter proposal limit the sale of Lest the Hid been mimicked By the elfin )ects, tt Is practically (tat eral (spending is And In looking mind thst spending do rat get a fair The stste praised for.

ordering, to Another practical completion Of the municipalities to determining their And some day presentation a period of yearr Idea of whether against the may be safely WHAT'S The U. 8. Senator fight on House out taxes on step forward vat the early TRENTON-Cov. Alfred Oris-coll In Me annual message to be submitted to the legislator soon will recommend more effectiv. jssw present stats resources and the evneavtring of business group which do not eosstribuie a proper ahar to state or local governments to avoid putUnsr a heavier load oa John Q.

Taxpayer. Already the state hat 'made a profit of $1,225,000 by rearranging its Invest msnts under -State Treasurer Waiter T. Msrgstts. Jr. and another profit I xpectd In 1950 ia the form of payment.

Artother wourcw of rtvenu" that the awemor 4s Expected to tap- tn thta budget I th SU.OOC.OTO Veteran's Loan Fund. This would be done without impairing' the sound- a or the scope of the sosa program, for the full (11,000,000 ts no tofiger needed. What has hspperv- ed is this: Whew the original vet-air loan wa mad by local bank, th Stat et aslds a 30 per cent guarsnte for each loan. The money representing the 30 per cent guarantee remain even though the loan hat been repaid, i Thus, many banks lav a much as 80 per cent of their Veteran's loans fully gusssWeed against the 30 per cent anticipated under th law. So seems very likely that Gov.

Drts-coU will sv to pick up tome $5,000,000 from this aourc. Th other posaUWU tie ant more limited, as most business ooncwrns In New Jersey already- contribute substantially ut the support of either local or state, govsrnmsnta. The Admlrdsfratiotv to studying on big busbies group wttfoh present pays, almost nothing toward the support of our schools, welfare, highwaya or our protection. These ara the big Interstate truck which are registsred ia some other tal. Due to reciprocity, hey pay no registration or license fee.

If they happen to buy gas la New Jersey, they pay few dollars a year. Yet they use our fciafuwaya, depend on ouF'Oeilc and Are ssraartmsnta for and load and unload til our terminals, om of which are also tag frse. -Other states; faced with th sum rnrtt team ago UKN) On Tuesday as ffred OuBols was passing slong th mill dam stXak Topanentus, ha- observed a small stream escaping 'at th base. Mr. DuBoit notified th workmsa at the pumping nation and the leak was soon stopped up.

Mutkrsts had somehow undermined th dam. and mad th opening. A number, of year ago the dam brok sway doing contlderabt dsmag to th pumping station property. The New York paper report among war new from th Philippines thst oa Sunday CoL Blrk hlmer with a battalion of th 38th infantry has advanced towards oval eU and Major Tsggsrd with two battalions of th tarns reglmeat moved towards Peres dst Marina. Captain Peter Vredenburgh, of Freehold, is connected with the A local general (tor advertises this week six foot fuggy whips-ten cents sach; assorted chocolate cream drop at 10 cent pound; 10 quart ttamped milk pans for seven cents.

During th week CrsnBury" town phone wr connected with the Karmer't snd Traders' tin snd in th near future several business houses, not already having connections, will put In phones. Arrangements have been mad bctwsea th F. A T. Co. and th long distance people whereby people having Letters To (Letter to tha editor taast be wUI withheld apaa reaut.

From Transcript i in ii i county budget which will enable know the county figure when own estimates and local tax rate. we, would like to see in the budget comparison of gross debt over a Tbik wop Id give the electorate an their resources ar being husbanded time wWn a "major cspttal Investment undertaken. Files II mum iii i in i FAIR FOX ONE from Iowa last week opened a of Representatives legislation wiping Senator Gillette's would also lift the tax but would yellow margarine to the states in want to buy inargWlne should be which it was manufactured. margarine. We agree It should be as such and that- falsification punished.

But tc restrict' it to an odd approach. It koesn't apply to food stuffs that we know of. pointed out-last weekVhat margarine at about half the price of butter. means might prefer to make that of some who do. If the substance on the basis of health, it would But if It's good enough for should be good enough for another.

People who Next Tuesday allowed to buy properly marked should be roundly certain states Is butler or other Senator Fulbright had sold People of limited saving. We know were assailable sound more one atste. it systems and the number of destructive fires ln-- creases. While the memory of the blaze which took 40 lives In Davenport. Iowa, is fresh in our minds, we in New Jersey might give emphasis to fire prevention in the spending of the.

(33 million which was authorized at the last election. The State Department pf Institutions and Agencies is aware of the need having cited fire preven- tkm In its requests for funds. The 8 late Taxpayers' Association approved the proposed bond issue on the samejaasis after visiting 20 of the instltut'loos, The advice of experts on fire prevention should guide the spending of this money so that New Jersey ill not have' a hospital tragedy. Just because the exterior of a building is fireproof does not mean that 4t cannot burn'. Home fire prevention is a different problem.

People living en marginal Incomes are in an ate position during a housing shortage. To condemn by legislation the shanties In which many people live Mould be to deprive many of any shelter at all. The only answer is to treat fire with the utmost respect, to check heating equipment annually, and have some type of fire extinguisher handy at all times. RETIRING FROM PUBLIC LIFE Upon his retirement from public life last Sunday. Dr.

William C. Errickson must feel that he has made i real contribution to. the community. He has served Freehold for 15 years as a member of the of Education and for three years as a mem- brr. of the Borough' Council.

'He was also president of the Monmouth county association of. school boards and of the local board. Freehold is fortunate in attracting to its governing bodies members who serve without pay. It is only then spirit of public service which prompts them to sacrifice their spare time for meetings and conferences and to listen to the complaints and criticisms of citizens who have different Idess on how thing should be done. The only compensation- may be found in the prids of being a public official and in the satisfaction of leaving an imprint, upon the history of the community.

A-s chairman of the finance committee. Dr. Errickson has kept the Borough within its budget. The year was completed with a surplus of several thousand dollars. We congratulate Dr.

Errickson on his contributions and wish him contentment in the additional time he now' has to devote to his family, his profession and his hobbies. A TIDE OF TOYS Another bid for world peace through a friendly offering of toys to children of other lands has been by the. American Legion. And In Free-hold- MonmouthJPost Nol.S playing its part to help the movement along, "Ttiere Is no doubt that toys made "surplus" by 'Christmas replacements will make a far more tangible impression upon the rising generations in other countries than the practical but not so visible Marshall plan Facilities for the repair of toys are not gva liable so those whteh are damaged are not wantwdei.ther it necessary to send new Don't send war like item 'such as little guns, tanks, military airplanes or batUeshlps, But make the purpose clear by a friendly letter which may initiate, a correspondence. Fights are pot started between people who under-, stand each other.

The Legion plan Is another way of expressing friendship. Those who have fought ik war clj not want another and they are doing something about Ttr 'v o- THE COUNTY BUDGET Lajt week's, budget message from Abram D. finance director of the Board of Freeholders. fleeted wikc thinking upon the part of those who direct the county affairs. This is the time to "hold the Altliough the budget totals and the amount to be raised by taxation showed decreases, the amounts were small.

The budget total is less by two or 'three tenths of one per cent, the amount to be ral.xi by -taxation i reduced by less than one 'per cent. fc In these days of federal government helping, states financially, of federal and stsie governments helping counties financially, and of "counties helping municipalities' by -bearing a sltare of certain pro- BENJAMIN FRANKLIN is the anniversary of the birth of Other Editors Say $88,000,000 TO THE UNEMPLOYED The State Division of Unemployment Security reports that in 1649 paid out ZB8.000.000 in unemployment tneuranc benefits. This Is nearly $10,000,000 more than as collected. Benedts paid in 1949 have hit an all-time hieh inark Income was reduced because ol a change An the experience rating formulae and because xrkers paid one-Urter ol one per cent instead of oae per evnt of their Wage. The record-breaking benefit payments In 1949, year of comparative proiperWy, "WIH cause many who iave a stake in the tate't unemployment reeerws to wonder if the funds aire being wi-ly admi matured.

There li growl rg concern about the tendency on th part of thf.sDKIalon of Dnpmployment Security to pay claims without much in tlw way ol proof being submitted that the recipient honestly unemployed. Nearly every emplojer on meets can present evidence that former employees have taken advantage of the law and applied for and received benrfjl wien tfiey might have continued to work and earn. Because the contributed to Hie reserve fund, the policy has been to pay him. regardless of any evidence the employer may present bearing" on the worthiness of the claim, short. It has been entirely too easy for an employee to take time off, live up hi unemployment werve and Spoil the record of his emplovfr.

A rveding of the Division of Security's report indicate that higher rate ij expected If the history in Is going to be typical, This would seem to rail for a careful Investigation of the extent t.o which unemployment Insurimre ts being used aVa racked by sloifliful andmn-priBCipW pioni. The LitJtla-ture hi given thi niattrT too little, stud'. Fact is that tlie whole vast, organization ha bp-n tel. and has cWn to mamnxth proportions wit iiout much In the. -y inquiry aso.

Its efficiency the need for re'ion of lis rules and pr-t k-s 1 1 CQV IT DEMOCRAT. THEY NEED YOUR HELP Polio-epidemics were the worst In tiie nation's history More than 40,000 people werey stricken in major outbreaks. tht rWcd across widespread -areas fronvcost to coast. The epidemics are over NBut fir thousands who must live with the disease the tragedy of poiit has hardly Iwsrun. of Inst yer'svlc- tl ma.

17.0(10 witl require contlnWd care and treatment trus yer. MaViy more thousands remain from oth yenrs. Most of tt-rse patient are chil dren. They are deprmting hravvly upon the1 March of Dimes to furnish flnnnrtitl In The long liard puU alortj; the road to rehatnl-Unlion. March of rlm reivipts for last yer totaled J36.iKX).0U0 Patient care iione In rt Hl.OMJ.OU) in March of I times funds.

llnw rrruch- fcnll be nrrdrd In 19M? No one--an anjwtr that question with any degree of rtainty. But It It obvious that your contribution to 19TiO March of Dimes must be much greater, than ever txifoie. if sufficient funds ar to be made available to the National Kourtda (Concluded on page 2. Section A) of a mil before arresting him foe speeding. Ia New Jersey the law require such at chaas for a raon-abte dlstanca, which rosy mean AO (Concluded on pssga Section A) phones on th former tin can call bp th Cr anbury pay sfBc of th long distance and havs their mev tag transmitted anywlwr en (ha line.

R. V. Lswrenc ef this place, and. Halstesd Walnrlght of sUnasqusa, hav formed a partnership, ana opnd law office at Asbury Peuk. They win both retain thsir formar offices, Th snnusl meeting of th 2lm merman Cycle club was held Wednesday evening.

Th following now officers wr electtd; presi dent, K. A. Zlmmermsn; vie prsai-dent, Joseph SfcDermett; secretary, Joseph Thompson; treasurer, Wllllsm A. Uanklnsoa. TBIBTT-nVK SAU AGO Th sever atorm of wind and rain which commenced Tuesday vtnlng and continued sir Bight Tuesdsy did considerable damage to ttlephon, telegraph nd slectrio light lint.

Th storm sterna la hav feta mora dettructlv la Hlghtttown than la th vicinity a freehold. A reception was held Wednes day st th. home of Mr. and Mrs. H.

E. Tsylor. on th JerseyvUla road. Bear Frse-hold, In honor of th sewlywsds, gdr. Taylor's brother, M.

Russell Taylor, and his bride wh was Miss Edn MouAt (Concluded on pstgw Seeuoa A) The Editor si rued. drs N' MW wtfl ased Ptwf tk Name Th uhse tiles In the placet which cannot dignified with th nam of homes. Why do those responsible for th wtUar of th peoplt la thl county ignore their res ponsAiH ties Why. should Innocent children dl for lick of a decent af place to uvrr As long th is problem It Ignored whit and Negro peopl silk will -lack th basic iswessiiy- decent born, with plumbing, sanitary facilities. Bursty this it a blot upott our American way of Ufa ca-r not turaeur tack tips this tttu- tion.

I mm sd lata step ar called for to avoid further tirh tragedies. Let th death of the childrea not hav bssa la wala. li their death shall sry to brine out th needed housing la aur thty will ba a moatan and not a gravestona to th hope of peopl tor dec at living eondtUona. Vtrystncarwly ysurs. IfRS.

DOROTHY UXUBVnCSJL Farminrdal. K. 1, Jan. isea ITh Trsnscript siory gsv tM fir' eu-HPoursg kerosen la a warm ttov. A aonlng and bwlJIng cod wu proposwd la th several year ago but oppssutte) defeatsd It Ed-J 1 (Cooosuded i pax SagUsss fttasa a the t'aloss Xtsas ga j' At I always the case sack Jan uary, the American people were chiefly interested tssrt week In the President's Stat of ths Union sag sad hi Economic Report to the Congrats.

In both he stressed the present prosperity of the United State With its snnual ZS blllloa dollar production so the fact thst the threatened recession had bean averted, and tkasrpsoceeded to sire-ct that tf ths present rats of progress is maintained, ths country should reach total annual production of 900 Billion dollars ia five years with an average increase fori each family of 11.000. I Mr. Truman'a-Stst of the Union message eontaiaed ae surprises and In fact hit Itglilatlve recommends-1 tiont in tn domestic flsid were virtually those of last year, namely, the repeal of the Taft-Hartley Law, the broadening of Social Security, the adoption of the Brennan Farm Subsidy compulsory health insurance. Federal aid to educatloa, civil rights legislation, provision foi the St. Lawrence and Columbia River power projects, etc.

tn. tKa asked for ia third year Marshall Plan appro- prlaJion, military aid to foreign msifrbers the North Atlantic Pact snld ths enactment of his Four Polh-t program for the develogmtnt of backward areas In foreign countries He. stressed the fact thst while his administration was aiming, at economy la Its various objectives, the budget would involve a deficit, tnd toward this he advocated that oder its Increase In taxes voted by the Congress. The reaction of ftepubllcaa- members to the President's message was 'characteristic. Senator Taft saw in Ihsra the "same old handouts" couched In mild phrases and the comment of other Republicans was similar.

While Democratic members appeared to go. along with the Administration, It It well known thst a sufficient number of them in both houses are opposed to many of the proposed measures and will probaably with the aid of Republican opposition cause their defeat at the present session as during the last one. The Administration therefore, tt is predicted, will probably be satisfied with what little it can get with ths expectation of tsklng the case to the people at the Nov-ember flections and obtaining thereby a more amenable Congress" DeveJopsaeat Ia far ast Actually evtrshadowing the President's message in hnportsnca last week wer ths fsiUntovlng developments In ths Fsr East. Great Britain, as had been expected, gave formal jure recognition to th new Communist government China and for the first tlm In many years did not wail let cooperation In a foreign matter from the 'United States, Meanwhile th Nationalists were making their last stand on th Island of Mormon and Madam wno left the United States for Formosa on Sunday to be with her huitnd. the Generalissimo, said her countrymen the Reds to the; death, PresldestTrumsn.

however, announced definitely thst ths NaUon-alittt on ths island would receive no military aid whatever from ths Umtd States, which, he said, did nor Intend to become involved In stay civil war In Chtna. The announcement raised a siorm of protett end criticism in Con-areas, especially from Republican members, who Ufcreen. MacArthur. insist thst Formosa It vsl link tn the chain of antl-Communta defenses ia the Pseloc and that It It (Cottduded on pa bsctioa A) By DICK DEVESTT Ths QueatioD If the pond were Improved, would you spend mors time there swim ming, skating or picnicking than at present? The Answers: Larry Mancinl, Jackson street "Yes. but there 'v would have to be Improve- f- For.

one I tiitnff ver Huie room for the atnaii kios to swim. I think they ought to have a special place and fact II-'les for them. Anil her thing it tne condition of the water itself. The water isr very dirty and the bottom it covered witlli sharp particles and glass. If I had nickel for every bottle in the Pond I would be able to retire." John Moreau, West Mat stssel: Yet.

I would. Freehold has needi'd a good reoreat lonal spot fr a long time. With a minimum smount of effort the town authorities ran give Freehold what needs at the pond I I areas, more fire places, an Improved bathing beaten, bam and to on. Adequate super vision sriould 'also be provided to maintasn. "these "faculties.

However, the resportsibility for keeping" the pond neat and clean rests srlth thoa Who use the Pond facilities Yes. I think the town should go Ij.ilf-way and do the work neces sary; the Pond would be used by mote people lit Treold. But the bulk of the rspunsrbllMy reats with the citiwns of Freehold who use the Pond for tbetr recreational wsnta." Brtrtice Mcllvalne, of Berkeley place "Yes, take the children out t-here for iwlmmlrYf. There Mas glass and pawr nil over (he grounds ttie water witi to dirty looking I hated to sw-e ar)-one go In I think If the grounds ware cleaned up and the beach was Ailed in with clean sand and the holes In the Pond bottom wile marked, more people would want go swimming and ptcmcking tiiere. As fur as skating goes.

'I mVsrlf wuid jro more often If sUtHJ ient lighting-could be provided fW the safety of everyone. it) lbere should be bmrtnet provided for the ptxiple to sit on-when chttnsrinV their skates. Thre are lot of that could tie Improv-ed at lheF'nd whkh wouldn't be too experasive more people would sntlo go thne" (Concluded on pnar1 8, Section A) ine irtnautana at their drinking bouts made sport of hanglnaf one of thrtr companlint whoif not quick enougi to cu himself down. would tiave his neckbroive as Ui rope straightened ou 1 00 I 'm mhi think the Pond needs to a greatly tmjjrmed 1 I I day camp coUn- V. I selur trrree years I ago, we used to 1 I ptibll interest aod tetter sboutd to a tsagwr tssaa swcsssaiy to eoyer th ubieet-r4Sttlly BM wards Sr aufttctetlt.

Oeadllaa far Hit column la Tuesday CRITiaZES COVERAGE Of TRAGIC FIRE Benjamin Frankifri, One of the greatest Ameritanj! who ever lived. There Is some variance between Mr. Franklin's autobiography and the biographies which others have written about him. But all agree that he was a most unusual man. Born 244 years ago and starting life without wealth, the man who was our first postmaster did much more for.

others than for himself. And In the end he came out alright. Mr. Franklin was msny things, statesman, patriot, suthor. publisRer." printer, scientist, inventor, diplomat, philosopher and volunteer fireman.

s' He said, among other things, that a penny saved is a penny earned. And It is still true. His comment on our national financing today would make news. -C i WE DID EXAGGERATE It was pointed out to us Friday that our statement "The Democratic faction desned house." in last week's paper was sir exsggeration. From the viewpoint thst the borough clerk, engineer, physician, nurse and some other appointments were not changed, the indictment stands Howeve the group no casting the deciding vote around the Council table.

In order to execute the program outlined during the" campaign, did clear the way for such action by Its designations of committee chairmen and borough attorney. 0 I A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT The New England physician who admittedly performed mercy killing upon a woman hopelessly ill of cancer may have acted on impulse allowing a little, air lb enter her veins or may hsve-knov-lngly made himself the "guinea pig" of a social experiment. We prefer to thiftk It was the latter. And we hope that out of his case may come some answer to the why humans must suffer to the last while anlmuls may be put out of their misery. To th Editor of Th Transcript After I finished reading th newt Story on your front pagt about th horrible death of fiv small children burned up with their hem.

I turned immediately to your editorial page. There I expsctsd to find some recognition of th causes of this tragedy and torn condenv rnstion of th condition that mad It Inevitable. I found nothing further about it. Thert ar torn very important points missing in your coverage, and surely the pepplr reading thlsl account would want to know why this Ore happened, why ft wa inevitable and how it could havs been prevented. -J The home that burned down was limply a fire trap with only one way In Snd out of the house.

AD the" "neighbors of th unfortunate families Involved slated thst this was to. Escape or rescue was absolutely Impossible. Also, ther wat no- adequate supply of water with which to put out lb fir. These ar fact which th slightest Interest and Investlgstlon would hav brought -to In our county' fhsr ar many bundVeds rvlng In home ilk this fir trap. Mostly th Negro psofil ar ronSesnasg to raise their.

The Freehold Transcript and The Monmouth Inquirer from Freehold, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.