Operating instructions. TV.dl.owneriq.net/e/ecb21f31-bd73-4e7c-8ed3-2f288b1c04cb.pdf · Operating instructions. Aventos 3781 ZW ... Loewe video recorders and direct operation of Loewe - [PDF Document] (2024)






Operating instructions.

■ Aventos 3781 ZW■ Aventos 3981 ZW■ Mimo 32■ Vitros 6381 ZW■ Xelos 5381 ZW



Daily handling 10Switching on/off 10Changing channels 10General menu operation 11Adjusting the sound 11Adjusting the picture 11Operation on the set 11

Modes of operation 12 – 17TV mode 12Picture in picture 13EPG mode 14 –15Teletext mode 16Video mode 17

Operating additional equipment 18 – 20Logging in and connectingAV equipment 18Video playback 19Loewe video recorders and directoperation of Loewe DVD players 20

What to do if … 21 – 22

Technical data 23Mechanical dataElectrical data

Accessories available 24

Service addresses 25


Remote control – TV functions 3

Control panels 4 – 5

Rear connections 5

Welcome 6Thank youTV equipmentSetupCleaning

For your own safety 7 – 8

Initial installation 9Batteries – remote controlConnectionSwitching onInitial installation


Remote control – TV functions

Radio mode on/off

Picture menu

Switch on/off– in standby mode

Sound off/on (Mute)

EPG operation on/off

Blend in programme, time, title of the broadcast/in the menu: blend out menu

Call up main information/in the menu: switch info texts on/off

Call programme overview/in the menu: confirm

Last programme

Programme info on/offPersonal teletext pageson/off

Set picture format

Select programme up/down/in the menu: select up/down

Teletext mode on/off

Call up menu/in the menu: back

Video operation withvideo operating line


✳ PIP operation on/off

Direct operationselect for VCR/DVD/TV

Indicator: operate DVD

Indicator: Operate VCR

Set volume – / +/in the menu: select or adjustleft/right

Select programme directly/in the menu: numeric input

Control 150

LP 000SV







1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8



You can assign other functions to these keys for TV operation. Assign these functions in the TV menu under – Settings – Function Keys.

✳ only in sets with Picture In Picture function


Control panels



On/Off key

To display menu

Channel up/down/in a menu: adjust

Standby indicatorOperating indicator

Headphones socket

Video input AVS(Y/C, CVBS)

Video input AVS (CVBS)

Audio input(white=left,red= right)

Connections on the right of the TV base



Connections on the right side of the TV set

Headphones socket

Video input AVS(Y/C, CVBS)

Video input AVS(CVBS)

Audio input(white=left,red= right)

On/Off key

Operating indicator

Standby indicator

To display menu

Channel up/down/in a menu: adjust

+– On/Off key

To display menu

Channel up/down/in a menu: adjust

Standby indicator

Operating indicator

Headphones socket

Video input AVS(Y/C, CVBS)

Video input AVS (CVBS)

Audio input(white=left,red= right)

Connections on the right side of the TV set



✳ depending on equipment andtype of set or retrofittable




















Audio output sockets

External audio input

✳ VGA-inputand output for

remote control signal(RC5/RC6)

✳ Antenna socket 1st satellite tuner

✳ Antenna socket 2nd satellite tuner

✳ Connection for IR link

Antenna socket for antenna or cable system.If no PIP tuner is fitted, insert antenna plugof your antenna or cable installation here.

✳ If a PIP tuner is fitted, insert antenna plugfrom PIP tuner (splitter) here.

✳ Antenna socket for picture-in-picture (PIP).Insert antenna plug

of your antenna or cable installation here.

Digital tone inputs Dolby digital module ✳

Digital tone output Dolby digital module ✳


ConnectionLoewe audio systems

Connection for active surround speakersDolby digital module ✳

Connection for active center speakerDolby digital module ✳

Connection for subwoofer in the stand,Loewe active loudspeaker systems

or Home Automation

Connection for special subwoofer

Dolby digital module ✳

Sockets for videorecorder, DVD,decoder etc.


Rear connections

On/Off key

Operating indicator

Standby indicator

To display menu

Channel up/down/in a menu: adjust


Headphones socket

Video input AVS(Y/C, CVBS)

Video input AVS (CVBS)

Audio input(white=left,red= right)

Connections on the right of the TV base




Thank you,for choosing a Loewe product.We are very happy to have you as a cus-tomer.

Loewe combines high quality in technology,design and user friendliness. This appliesequally for TV, video and accessories.Neither the technology nor the design are anend in themselves but serve to give our cus-tomers pure watching and listening enjoy-ment.We have not allowed ourselves to be ledastray by short-lived fashion trends in thedesign. You have, after all, purchased a high-quality piece of equipment which you don’twant to get tired of looking at tomorrow orthe day after.

About the setWe have designed the TV set in such away that it is easy to operate withmenus. If you need information abouthow to operate it, just display the infotexts with the i button, you will soonget a grasp of the relationships.

You will find the answers to many tech-nical questions in the index of your TVset. If it’s a matter of operating the TV,you can access a function directly fromthe index. This saves you from having toread through detailed operating instruc-tions and is the reason why this operat-ing manual you are reading only explainsthe most important operating steps.

With the remote control, you can operatethree Loewe units, this TV, a Loewe videorecorder and a Loewe DVD player.

TV equipmentThis operating manual describes the maximumequipment.Functions marked by ✳ are not available inall TV sets.The illustrated menu contents may vary de-pending on the TV equipment.You can find out what equipment your TVhas in the main information – ”Technicalspec. of TV set”.

SetupHandholds are provided on the front right andleft sides of the Vitros und Mimo TV sets. Usethese handholds to carry the TV set. Do notcarry the Vitros set by the base, as the decora-tive grid could be damaged.

Please note that the feet of the TV set couldleave marks on soft wood furniture (e.g. deal,pine, fir etc.) due to the weight and moving theset about.The plastic material of the feet containssofteners which could in some cases etch thesurfaces of furniture.In such cases you should place a firm under-lay about the same size as the base of the TVset underneath it.

Please also read and observe the safety in-structions on the following pages.

Make sure no bright light or sunlight falls onthe screen and impairs the picture by reflec-tions.

CleaningClean the TV set only with a damp, soft, cleancloth (never use aggressive or abrasive cleaningagents).

DisposalPackaging and boxesYou have chosen a very high-quality, long-lasting piece of technical equipment. In compli-ance with national regulations, we have paid afee to authorized disposal companies who willcollect the packing from the dealers. Neverthe-less we recommend that you keep the originalbox and packing material so that the TV set hasoptimum protection if you have to transport it.

The setPlease consult your dealer for environmentallyfriendly disposal of the TV set.


10 cm

5 cm5 cm

For your own safety

For your own safety and in order to avoidunnecessarily damaging your TV set, pleaseread and observe the following safetyinstructions:

• This TV set is designed exclusively forreceiving and reproducing audio and visual(AV) signals.

• It is designed for the home or office andmay not be used in rooms with highhumidity (e.g. bathroom, sauna) or a highconcentration of dust (e.g. workshops).If the unit is used in the open air ensurethat it is protected against moisture (rain,dripping or splashing water, or dew). Do notplace containers filled with water, such asvases, on the TV set. High moisture and dustconcentrations produce creep currents inthe set which can lead to danger of electricshock or fire.The manufacturer’s warranty is only validfor use of the TV set in the specifiedpermissible environment.

• This set may only be connected to a powersupply with the voltage and frequencyspecified on the rating plate using theenclosed power cable. The wrong voltagescan damage the set.

• If the set is moved from a cold environmentto a warm room, condensation forms on allparts of the set. Moisture produces creepcurrents in the set which can cause a fire. Inthis case, you should leave the set for areasonable time to acclimatize (when thecondensation on the screen has evaporated)before switching it on.

• Like every piece of electronic equipment,your TV needs air for cooling. Obstructingthe air supply to the set can cause fires. Theair vents on the back of the TV set mustalways be kept free. Do not leavenewspapers or cloths lying on the TV set.The air supply is also impaired when the TVset is placed on a blanket or a thick pilecarpet.If the TV set is placed in a cabinet or on a

shelf, at least 5 cm clearance at the sidesand at least 10 cm at the top must be left toallow air to circulate.Stand the TV set in a place where it is notexposed to direct sunlight or additionalheating from radiators.

• Magnetic fields influence the picture qualityof the TV set. Do not place loudspeakers orother magnetic sources immediately next tothe TV set.

• Avoid dropping metal objects, needles,paper clips, liquids, wax or similar into theair vents at the back of the set. This causesshort circuiting of the set and could start afire. If anything should get inside the set,switch it off immediately, pull out the plugand call the after-sales service to check it.

Do not place vases filled with water, lightedcandles etc. on the top of the TV set.


For your own safety

• You should never attempt to remove therear panel of the TV yourself. The set op-erates with high voltages which could befatal. Leave repairs and servicing of your TVset to authorized TV technicians.

• Due to the picture tube, TV sets have theircentre of gravity fairly near to the front. TheTV set therefore has a tendency to tip for-ward relatively easily which could causeinjury to persons.Only stand the TV set on a level, firm base.The set must stand on all feet. The TVshould not overhang particularly when it isplaced in a cabinet or on a shelf.If the TV is placed on a stand, make surethis is larger than the surface area of thebase of the TV.

When using turntables and drawer shelves,make sure they have a sufficient load ca-pacity.

We recommend you to use only originalparts, e.g. Loewe racks and stands.

If the TV set is placed on a console withcastors, move the console carefully becausethe console and the TV could tip over.Consoles with castors may considerablyreduce the stability of the sets placed onthem, so only use consoles speciallydesigned and approved for the TV.Never allow children to handle the TV setunsupervised.

Do not allow children to play close to theTV set, they could knock, push or pull itfrom the stand and injure someone.

• Do not place the TV anywhere where it maybe exposed to vibrations. Vibrations canlead to overloading of materials.

• Do not leave the TV on unsupervised.

• Pull out the antenna and mains plugsduring a thunderstorm. Surge voltages fromlighting strikes can damage the set boththrough the antenna system and the mains.You should also pull out the antenna andmains plugs during long periods of ab-sence.

• The mains plug of the TV must be easilyaccessible so that it can be disconnectedfrom the mains quickly at any time.

• Lay the power cable so that it cannot bedamaged. The power cable may not bekinked or laid over sharp edges, and maynot be walked over or exposed to chemi-cals; the latter applies for the entire TVset. A power cable with defective insu-lation can lead to electric shocks andis a fire risk.

• When you pull out the mains plug, do nottug the cable but hold the housing of theplug. The cables in the mains plug couldbe damaged and cause a short circuit thenext time it is plugged in.




Initial installation

Batteries – remote controlTo insert or change the batteries, press thepoint marked by an embossed arrow. Pushthe cover of the battery compartment downand remove it. Insert the batteries of the alka-line manganese type LR 03 (AAA) with thecorrect polarity (+/–).

Then push the cover back on.

Note on disposal of batteries:The original batteries do notcontain any pollutants such ascadmium, lead and mercury.Used batteries do not belong inthe domestic waste. They mustbe taken to the appropriatecollection points according to thenational laws. Ask your dealer.

ConnectionMainsConnect the TV set to a 230V/50–60 Hertzoutlet.

AntennaeRemove the rear cover from the Mimo set bypulling backwards. Clamp the cable in the cableholder and lead it downwards through theopening.Connect your antenna or cable system to theVHF/UHF antenna socket.If your TV is equipped with a picture-in-picturetuner (PIP), plug the antenna plug protrudingfrom above the PIP antenna socket into theantenna socket for the VHF/UHF tuner. Plug theantenna plug of your antenna or cable systeminto the socket of the PIP tuner.If your TV set is equipped with one or twosatellite tuners, connect the SAT antennae tothe SAT sockets (see figure on page 5).Refit the cover to the Mimo set.

Initial installationAutomatic programming of the TV set is startedthe first time you switch it on. Follow themenus.First you have to select the menu language foryour set. Then you specify which antenna youhave connected to your TV and in what countryyou are using it. Then you start the stationsearch. The TV set searches for, stores and sortsall the stations which your antenna systemreceives. You then see a list of the storedstations in which you can mark your favorites.Finally log in your video recorders, decoders,Loewe audio system and Home Automationwith the connection wizard and connect theseto the TV set according to the illustratedconnection plan.

Select the settings with thearrows on the ring ...

... confirm the settings withOK. You then move on to thenext menu ...

... press this button if you wantinformation about the settings.

You can repeat initial installation at any time,e.g. after moving house. Launch the index inthe main information (i button). Then select theitem ”Repeat initial installation”. Then start”Initial installation” with OK.





















Switching on

Press the On/Off button so thatit snaps in.




Daily handling

Switching on/offYour TV set is equipped with an eco-standbypower supply unit. The power consumption dropsto low power in standby mode. If you want tosave even more energy, switch the set off withthe On/Off switch. However, please note thatEPG data are then lost and timer recordingsprogrammed on the TV set will not be carriedout.

If the TV is switched on, you canswitch it off with the blue On/Offbutton on the remote control.The red standby LED on the setlights up. If the green (blue) LEDalso lights, a timer recording isin progress, EPG data is beingacquired or radio mode withoutscreen display is active.

From standby it is best to switchback on with the blue On/Offbutton or with a numeric key(channel 0-9). The green (blue)operating LED then lights up.

When you switch on the TV withOK, you see the channel tableand can choose a channel.

Switch on in the radio mode.

None of the indicators lights upwhen you switch off the TV setwith the On/Off button on theset.

Switch on the TV set with the On/Off button on the set when it isswitched off.

Changing channelsChannels up/down (only favoritestations if these are shown in thestation table).

With the numeric keys on the remote controlThe set has a dynamic memory with 220/with DVB1470 memory slots. If up to 9 channels are stored,you only need to enter one number, up to 99 twonumbers, up to 999 three numbers and above 999four numbers (please look in the channel table tofind out how many channels have been stored).

1-digit channelsKeep the button 0 – 9 pressed forone second, the channel thenchanges immediately.or press the button 0 – 9 briefly,the channel then changes after 2seconds (immediately when up to 9channels are stored).2-digit channelsKeep the second numeric keypressed for one second, the chan-nel then changes immediately.or press both numeric keys briefly,the channel then changes after 2seconds (immediately when up to99 channels are stored).3-digit channelsKeep the third numeric key pressedfor one second, the channel thenchanges immediately.or press the three numeric keysbriefly, the channel then changesafter 2 seconds (immediately whenup to 999 channels are stored).4-digit channelsPress the four numeric keysbriefly, the channel then changesimmediately.

Depending on how many channels have beenstored, you can place one or more zeros in frontof the number and select for example channel 7= 07 or 007 or 0007.

About the channel table

Launch the channel table withOK

mark the channel(the marked channel is shownin the PIP picture ✳)orMark with numeric keys

Launch the marked channel

Sort alphabetically/numerically(blue button)

Display favourite channels only(yellow button)

Launch Audio/Video programs– AV selection

for playing AV equipment (seealso page 19).

Select AV socket or VIDEO forVCR transmitter.



2 7

2 7

1 2 7 8




0 9...


short long

short short long

all short

Channel overview: TV Alphabetical











Select and press OK to proceed Menu


EndChange sorting

Change programs Favourite programsOK



Channel overview: TV Numerical



6 S–RTL 7 N–TV 8 DSF 9 TM3 10 PRO711 RTL 212 WDR 313 BR 314 HR15 MDR 3


0 9


Select and press OK to proceed Menu


EndChange sorting

Change programs Favourite programsOK

... Select program:


Daily handling

Adjusting the soundAdjusting the volume

Adjust the volume


Sound off;Sound on: press button again oradjust volume

Other sound settings:Call TV menu

Mark ”Sound”

Call soundfunctions

Mark soundfunction


Sound settings: Sound via the loudspeakers of theTV set or another system. Listening mode Stereo/Panorama/Dolby Virtual✳. Sound select (language)for loudspeaker, headphones and sound outputs.Volume of the headphones, automatic volume,max. volume, treble, bass and balance.

Set teletext volume

Sound off

Set volume

Adjusting the pictureCall the Picture menu

Call the TV menu

Mark ”Picture”

Call picturefunctions

Select picture settings

Mark picturefunction


Picture settings: contrast, picture adjustment,colour, brightness, focus, colour tone, pictureformat, noise reduction (DNC), movementcompensation (DMI), automatic picture sizeadaptation (AMD) and rotate picture in largepicture tubes.

Operation on the TV setChanging channels on the TV set

Channel up

Channel down

Volume, contrast and colorPress the functionbutton until thedesired functionis marked

More volume,contrast or color

Less volume,contrast or color






General menu operationWith the TV and picture menus, we show you howto navigate within the menus. Which buttons youcan use for operation is shown at the bottom ofthe appropriate menu.

Call the TV menu

Mark(white field)

Call the menuwith OK



Grey menu items cannot beselected

Set(setting valueand bar)

Mark othermenu items


Show/hideinfo texts

Back to the previous menu level

Hide all menus








other ...Picture formatDNC off on






other ...Picture format



i DNC (Digital Noise Control)With DNC you can eliminate or reduce pictureinterference, e.g. due to poor reception.


ContrastPicture adjustment

BrightnessSharpnessTintother ...

Colour 32




Volume 36

Sound off Sound on

SoundSound via

Loudspeaker soundHeadphone soundother ...

Headphone volumeSound adjustListening mode Stereo Panorama Dolby Virtual

Volume 36



ContrastPicture adjustment

BrightnessSharpnessTintother ...

Colour 32

Direct control on TV


Station –/+Service


– + ChangeMark

Volume 16

TV menu

Standard settings








TV menu

Standard settings





TV menu

Standard settings






TV modeIn initial installation and daily operation, the TVset is in TV mode. This is also the case when noneof the other modes of operation such as EPG,Teletext, PIP, Video or Radio is selected.Every one of these modes of operation has amenu which you can call with the M-button andwith some color button assignments.

Function of the color buttons in TV modeYou can assign the functions of the four colorbuttons yourself. The following functions are setat the factory:

red: list or call personal teletextpages

green: call picture format setting

yellow: call last viewed station

blue: call station info

You can assign other functions to the buttons inthe TV menu ”Settings” – ”Function keys”.Status display

Show/hide status

Main information

Call main information

The explanation of the remote control showsthe function of every button in different modesof operation of the TV set and the remote con-trol.

The index answers many questions regarding allaspects of the TV. If it is a question about theoperation, you have direct access to the operat-ing function from the index.

Loewe TV sets are supplied in different modelswith different equipment. You can find out whatequipment your TV has under the menu item”Technical spec. of the TV set”.When you have made all the settings andconnections, you can switch over to ”Simplifiedcontrol” using ”Select Mode”. Then the”Settings” and ”Connections” can no longer belaunched in all modes of operation menus.Switch ”Simplified control” back off when youwant to make settings.

Call the TV menu

Launch the TV menu

zap2textSome stations use this service. If teletext pagesare referred to during a program, the TV setsaves and/or displays this page number. You callthe teletext page with the T button from thedisplay during the program or from this menu.

Standard valuesYou can save the setting for picture and soundyou have made in this menu and launch themagain later.

ConnectionsYou will find information about this in the chap-ter ”Logging in and connecting AV equipment”on page 18.

Modes of operation

Some settings in the TV menu:Child lockUse the child lock if you want to prevent yourchildren watching after a certain time, once ordaily, all or certain programs.

On-screen displaysYou can define duration and position of thedisplays, the content of the program and statusdisplay and activate or deactivate zap2text as adisplay.

Timer functionsYou can have your TV switch on and off at spe-cific times or have yourself reminded by a signaltone.

Time and dateWhen you receive teletext, the TV records theright date and time settings. The time serves asinformation for timer recordings, timer functionsand EPG. If you do not receive teletext youshould set the date and time and not switch theTV off with the mains button as the settings willthen be lost.

LanguageIf ”your” menu language is not set, you have toselect the ”Language” menu in a language youcannot understand:Press the M-button (TV menu), mark the lastmenu item (settings), press the OK button andmark the last menu item (Language) under”other ...” and press the OK button.Now select the right language and confirm withOK.




Main information

Autom. channel search

Explanation of the remote control




Operating informationConnections

Select control level

Select and call upwith OK

Technical spec. of TV setIndex

Clock 20:15

1 ARD Stereo

TV menu

Standard settings






Modes of operation

Picture in Picture (PIP) ✳

Standard PIP functions:In standard PIP, a PIP picture is displayed in thecurrent TV picture. The frame round the PIPpicture is initially green in standard PIP.

Show/hide PIP picture

PIP picture as still frameThe frame around the PIP picturemust be green. If it is not, pressthe green button.Press the red button to freezethe PIP picture.Press again – moving picture.

Changing the station of the PIP pictureThe frame around the PIP picturemust be green. If not, press thegreen button.Then select the station asnormal.

Changing the station of the TV pictureThe frame around the PIP picturemust be white. If it is not, pressthe green button.Then select the station asnormal.

Station scanThe frame around the PIPpicture must be green. If it isnot, press the green button.Start the station scan with theblue button. The PIP frameturns blue.

The programs now change automatically.Stop the program scan with the blue button.The PIP frame turns green again.

Changing PIP picture/TV pictureThe frame around the PIPpicture must be green. If it isnot, press the green button.Change the pictures with theyellow button.

Position of the PIP pictureCall the PIP menu with the M-button.

Select ”Position”

Select the symbols for theposition

Hide the PIP menu

Setting ”iPIP”Switch on PIP, call the PIP menu with the Mbutton.


Select ”iPIP”

Hide menu

iPIP function:In iPIP the TV picture currently displayed becomesthe PIP picture. Select another program for the TVpicture and keep your eye on the PIP picture. Inthis way you can temporarily ”ban” commercialsor parts of programs to the PIP picture. In iPIP, theframe round the PIP picture is orange.

PIP picture on/off

The PIP picture becomes a TV picture again whenyou switch off PIP.


3 WDR3





PIP menu




PositionFunctionality iPIP Standard-PIP


PIP menu






Modes of operation

updated accordingly. With the g h buttons, youmark a channel you want to watch (currentlyrunning), memorize or record.

The frame turns blue when you press the bluebutton. The blue frame signifies station selec-tion. Use the arrow buttons < > to choosebetween your favourite stations, all stations orthe station just set. You can select another indi-vidual station by moving to “...” with >, mark-ing a station in the list and storing it with OK.The respective current settings you last made inthe colour-framed first line are shown in additionto the operating notes for the green, yellow andblue buttons.

Direct input of timeYou can also enter the time directly with thenumeric keys of the keypad. After entering thefirst digit, the time is displayed first next tothe symbol of the green button by asterisksand is then replaced by the entered numbers,e.g. 2100. The selection jumps to the nextpossible programme. Enter four numbers, e.g.2100.If the entered time has already passed, its entryis used for the following day.

Memorizing or recording a programmeYou prepare the programme marked with theg h buttons for recording by pressing the redbutton. The symbol + is placed in front of thetitle of the programme. The TV switches overto this channel when it starts.

Programming recording for the videorecorderYou prepare the channel marked with the gh buttons for recording by pressing the redbutton.

Launching detailed informationIf detailed information about the selected chan-nel is available, you will see the T-button dis-played additionally. You can launch the detailedinformation with this button.

Other functions in the EPG menu:

Overview of the memorized programmesYou will find the channels you have memorizedin a list, also DVB radio stations.

Switching on TV when memorizingYou can have the TV switched on automaticallyfrom standby at the time of the memorizedchannel. If you are not present at this time, asafety prompt makes sure the TV switches offa*gain after 5 minutes.

Registering/starting memorizedprogrammesIf the TV is already on when the memorizedchannel starts you can have the start of thechannel indicated or the TV switched over imme-diately.

Short info linesShort infos are broadcast for many programmes.Set how many lines this information should haveor switch the short info lines off.

EPG entryIf you want to start EPG operation, you canretain your last settings for topic and pro-gramme selection or start with all topics and allprograms.

EPG modeEPG is the electronic channel guide for TV pro-grams. With this system, you can easily find theprogrammes that interest you (sorted accordingto time, day, topics and channels). You canmemorize programmes and programme record-ings.

A wizard is activated the first time you use EPG(not with DVB) which guides you through thenecessary settings. Then run the data acquisition(see page 15).

Using EPG

Switch EPG on/off

The first line is framed initially in green. Thegreen frame stands for time and date, with thegreen button you switch between time and dayor, if the frame has a different colour, back to thegreen frame. With the arrow buttons < > youselect: now, later, the time or day for when pro-grammes start. The list of channels below isupdated accordingly. With the buttons g h youmark a channel you want to watch (now run-ning), memorize or record.

The frame turns yellow when you press the yel-low button. The yellow frame stands for topicselection. With the arrow buttons < > youchoose between personal topics, all topics andthe individual main topics such as Film, News,Show, Music etc. The list of channels below is


EPG Fri 03.08./20:08

Select andmemorizewith OK

RecordDay (Fri 3.8./now)Topics (all topics)Programs (all)

Fri 03.08. now soon 21:00 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 ...


i InfoDetaiMenuEnd

19:15 VOX Zurück in die Vergangenheit19:30 ZDF WISO19:30 BR3 Immer weiter, immer höher und dann?19:40 SAT1 echt wahr!19:40 RTL Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten –20:1519:50 MDR Mach dich ran20:00 ARD Tagesschau20:00 HR3 Tagesschau20:00 NDR Tagesschau20:00 WDR Tagesschau



EPG Fri 03.08./20:08

Selectand viewwith OK

RecordDay (Sat 3.8./12:00)Topics (music)Programs (all)

person. topics all - ... Hobby Sport Child Knowledge Music ...


i InfoMenuEnd

12:00 NDR WunschBox -13:0014:03 ARD WunschBox20:45 MDR Das deutsche Schlagermagazin21:00 NDR Bi uns to Hus01:25 NDR Bi uns to Hus12:00 NDR WunschBox14:03 ARD WunschBox


EPG Fri 03.08./20:08

Select andmemorizewith OK

RecordTime (Sat 4.8./14:03)Topics (Music)Programs (fav.)

Favorite programs all ARD ...


i InfoMenuEnd

14:03 ARD WunschBox -15:0020:45 MDR Das deutsche Schlagermagazin14:03 ARD WunschBox


If, for example, you cannot receive any EPGproviders and no DVB is installed in the TV set,you should switch off the data acquisition.

Implementing data acquisitionThe data must be collected first after thesesettings or every time the TV is switched off. Todo this, select the programme which youhave defined as a provider and leave itswitched on for about one hour. Or switchthe set into standby mode. The green (blue) LEDlights up in addition to the red LED after abouttwo minutes. Data acquisition takes about onehour, in sets with a DVB module a little longer.The data is automatically collected between 2and 5 in the morning when the TV is switchedoff to standby.

Defining personal topicsYou will find the programs that interest youfaster when you define your personal topics.Mark ”Select personal topics” in the EPG menuand compile your list of personal topics.

Radio modeYou can switch the radio mode on and off withthe L button. If at least one satellite tunerand possibly a DVB module are installed in yourTV set, you will be able to receive radio stations.If none of these additional modules is installed,you can only select the audio inputs and playback through these with the channel table orthe g h buttons. You can find further informa-tion in the Operating Instructions for satellitesand DVB.

Modes of operation

Select programmes for EPGSelect the channels here for which information isto be collected.

Channels marked by + are favourite channels. Theprovider supplies information for channelsmarked by E (terrestrial, cable and analog satel-lites) and D (digital), these are already marked(blue letters).

Mark the station/Remove themarking

red: Only mark favorite stations

green: Mark all stations

yellow: Only mark this station

Back to the EPG menu

Switching data acquisition on/off

Mark ”Data acquisition” in theEPG menu under ”other”

Select data acquisition off/on

EPG settings

If you want to change the provider or want tohave other programs evaluated, you can do thisin the EPG menu.

Provider search

EPG on/off

Launch EPG menu

Mark ”Provider/Select channel”


Start provider search (greenbutton). This may take sometime.

Mark the provider

Save the provider

This is followed by a channel search and a listof TV channels is displayed which transmitdata. Move on to the provider selection withthe OK- button. If the channels offered arewhat you want, move on to the channel selec-tion with the blue button.








EPG menu

List of memorized stationsSelect provider/programFavorite programsSelect personal topicsSwitch on TV when marked yesMemorized stations first reportother ...








Select provider



Select providerand confirmwith OK



OKProvider searchChange provider listProgram selection




EPG menu

other ...Data acquisition off onShort info lines noneEPG entry last setting








Select personal topics

InfoSelect topicsand mark with OK Back




General musicJazzRock/PopClassicalFolk/Easy listeningMusicals/OperaOther

mark allMark only

Program selection: 3SAT

0 VIDEO 1+ARD E 2+ZDF E 3+SAT.1 E 4+RTL E 5 VOX 6+S–RTL E 7+N–TV 8 DSF

9+S–RTL E10+MDR 311 DSF12 TM3 13+PRO7 E14+RTL 2 E15+WDR 3 E16+BR 3 E17+HR 3 E





Select programsand markwith OK


+ MarkMark allMark only


Modes of operation

More functions for page selection Displaying teletext pages

Stop self-turning pages (HOLD)

zoom: top half– bottom half –normal size

TV picture on/off (Split text)


Mark a specified page number onthe page (Page Catching)

Teletext modeTeletext transmits information such as News,Weather, Sport, Programme Previews and Subti-tles.

Teletext on/off


Scrolling in stored sub-pages. Inthe bottom line you will seewhich sub-pages you can alreadylaunch.

Launch contents page 100

The TOP table is a general list of teletext. You canonly launch the table on channels which use theTOP operating system.

Launch the TOPtable

Mark a generaltopic

Select the Topicscolumn

Markmenu items

Display page

Enter the page number directly

Teletext menu

Launch teletext menu

Here you will find functions suchas ”New message”, ”Reveal”hidden information, switch toother channels (if another tuneris available), enter 4-digit sub-page number directly and pro-gramme video timer recordingsvia teletext.In the settings you will findmenus to define the previewpages, subtitle pages and per-sonal teletext pages.

Set volumeYou can adjust the volume in teletext mode afterpressing the sound off/on button t.

1 0 7


MMany channels use the TOP operating system,some use FLOF. Your TV supports both thesesystems. The pages are divided into generaltopics and topics. After switching on the tele-text, up to 390 pages are stored for fast access.

Selecting pages with the coloured buttonsThe coloured bars (in TOP) or the colouredwriting (in FLOF) show you which colouredbuttons to use to scroll to general topics andtopics.

red: back to previously viewedpage (not with FLOF)

green: forward to next page(not with FLOF)

yellow: to the next topic (onlyin TOP and FLOF)

blue: to the next topic (only inTOP and FLOF)


Geld Optionen 2� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1O

– +





Table of Pages (TOP)



WetterVorhersageStädteRegionalReisenint. StädteBiowetter


ÜbersichttagesschauWetterSport 1TV GuideARD heuteARD morgenFS-SendungenTV Guide 2KulturGesellschaftweitere . . .

Select page andpress OKto view

Page selection

1OO 1OO ARD-Text O1.O7.O1 1O:3O:42

ARD-Text Teletext im Ersten

Letzte Meldung: Libyscher Botschafter in London schließt Entschädigung fürLockerbie-Opfer nicht mehr ausFußball: Rolf Hüssmann soll neuer Sportdirektor beim VfB Stuttgart werden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2231O.3O Ein Zwilling zu viel . . . . . . . 31412.OO Tagesschau um zwölf

tagesschau. . . . 11O TV Guide. . 3OO/4OOWetter. . . . . . . . . 17O Kultur. . . . . . . . . 5OOSport. . . . . 2OO/6OO TXT-Quiz. . . . . . . 555Lotto/Toto. . . . . 666 Wirtschaft. . . . . . 7OOIndex. . . . . . . . . . 1O1 Impressum. . . . . .1O7

– + Inhalt tagesschau

Page selection OK view

werden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2231O.3O Ein Zwilling zu viel . . . . . . . 31412.OO Tagesschau um zwölf

tagesschau. . . . 11O TV Guide. . 3OO/4OOWetter. . . . . . . . . 17O Kultur. . . . . . . . . 5OOSport. . . . . 2OO/6OO TXT-Quiz. . . . . . . 555Lotto/Toto. . . . . 666 Wirtschaft. . . . . . 7OOIndex. . . . . . . . . . 1O1 Impressum. . . . . .1O7

– + Inhalt tagesschau

1OO 1OO ARD-Text O1.O7.O1 1O:3O:42

ARD-Text Teletext im Ersten


Station –/+Sub-page







TOP table

News flash

Page selection

Lotto/Toto. . . . . 666 Wirtschaft. . . . . . 7OOIndex. . . . . . . . . . 1O1 Impressum. . . . . .1O7

– + Inhalt tagesschau

Page selection

1OO 1OO ARD-Text O1.O7.O1 1O:3O:42

ARD-Text Teletext im Ersten

Letzte Meldung: Libyscher Botschafter in London schließt Entschädigung fürLockerbie-Opfer nicht mehr ausFußball: Rolf Hüssmann soll neuer Sportdirektor beim VfB Stuttgart werden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2231O.3O Ein Zwilling zu viel . . . . . . . 31412.OO Tagesschau um zwölf

tagesschau. . . . 11O TV Guide. . 3OO/4OOWetter. . . . . . . . . 17O Kultur. . . . . . . . . 5OOSport. . . . . 2OO/6OO TXT-Quiz. . . . . . . 555Lotto/Toto. . . . . 666 Wirtschaft. . . . . . 7OOIndex. . . . . . . . . . 1O1 Impressum. . . . . .1O7

– + Inhalt tagesschau


Modes of operation

Pause (PAUSE)

Next chapter (only for DVD)

Previous chapter (only for DVD)


Perform selected function.

When you start a recording, the channel youhave just selected is recorded. You cannot switchover to another channel, it is locked. You canonly switch over when the recording has fin-ished.Exceptions:1. You have installed several tuners (not PIP

tuners) in the TV set, then you can watchanother channel with the second tuner.

2. You can also watch the signal via an AVconnection (e.g. DVD player or a secondVCR).

3. In a VCR with Digital Link Plus the VCR tuneris used for the recording (not for satelliteprograms).

Video menu

Launch the Video menu



❚❚ The Video menu provides you with options fortimer programming by EPG, teletext or manually.You can also amend or delete timer information.

In the ”Connections” menu you can log other AVequipment on or off and make a ”Digital LinkPlus data transfer”. This serves to transfer thetransmitter data of the TV set (not satellite chan-nels) to the Digital Link Plus VCR.

Digital Link Plus VCRs have the possibility fortransferring the programme data from the TV setto the VCR via the Euro-AV cable (not satelliteprograms). Every time you change the channelmemory of the TV, you are asked whether youwant to make a data transfer.The receiver unit of the VCR is always used forrecording with a Digital Link Plus video recorder(not satellite channels) and the tuner of the TVset is available for watching TV.

Loewe VCRs also have Digital Link, a system forcontrolling Loewe VCRs via the Euro-AV cable. Ifthe Loewe VCR only has Digital Link, the TV tuneris used for recording. If you have installed yourLoewe VCR in a concealed place, you can operatethe Loewe VCR with the remote control. Operati-on with the control bar also works with DigitalLink.

Digital Link must be switched on on thevideo recorder.

Only use fully wired Euro-AV cables, otherwiseDigital Link or Digital Link Plus will not work.


Video modeYou can operate Loewe video recorders and DVDplayers with the video control bars even if theyare hidden. The VCR’s must be connected to theEuro AV sockets (Scart) and logged in under the”Connections” menu.Digital Link must be switched on on the Loewevideo recorder. Only then can you use the con-trol bar. You also need Digital Link for timerrecordings of satellite programs controlled bythe TV set.You can display up to two control bars but theyare only displayed by logged in VCR’s and DVDplayers.

Show/hide videocontrol bar

Select the video control bar ifseveral VCR’s or a DVD playerand a VCR are connected.

Select function

Switch VCR/DVD on/off

Select video input (Euro-AVsocket) for the VCR

Rewind (only for VCR) or Scanin rewind

Stop (STOP)

Playback (PLAY)

Fast forward (only for VCR) orScan in fast forward


▼ ▼


Video menu

Delete timerConnections




Timer changeTimer recording


▼ ▼

▼▼▼ ❚❚■



▼ ▼

▼▼▼ ●❚❚■






Operating additional equipment

Search for and store the VCR channel (ifthere is no Euro AV cable)Switch on the test channel on the VCR or inserta recorded tape and start playback.Then launch programme 0 on the TV set (set ex-factory to channel 36). Select the first menu item(VCR) in the AV selection list.To prevent ”normal” TV channels being found inthe search, pull out the antenna plug from theantenna input of the VCR temporarily (the plugattached to the cable to the antenna system).

Launch the TVmenu

Mark ”Settings”




Mark ”Manualsetting”


Mark ”Range”andSelect ”UHF”

Mark ”Chan-nel”

Enter channel30



























Search forchannel (bluebutton)

When the channel is found:

Store (redbutton)

A list of the stored channels is displayed

Overwrite programme (pro-gramme 0 marked)

Hide menus

Plug the antenna plug back into the VCR.If you now get interference because a TV chan-nel is transmitting on the same channel as theVCR channel, you have to change the transmit-ting channel on the VCR (see operating instruc-tions of the VCR) and search for the VCR chan-nel on the TV again .

3 0


Logging in equipmentYou have already logged in and connected allconnected devices (video recorders, camcorders,DVD players, DVD recorder , Loewe audiosystem, Pay-TV decoders, Loewe homeautomation, door intercom) with the connectionwizard when you put it into operation for thefirst time. If you want to connect further ordifferent devices, you have to call the connectionwizard in the TV menu – ”Connections”.

Connecting VCR equipmentIn addition to the connection via the Euro-AVsocket, you also have to connect the antenna(only for antenna or cable systems) through theVCR to the TV set. The antenna signal is thenavailable both to the tuner in the VCR and the TVtuner.


Automatic search


Enter/change name

Manual adjustment

Preferred stations


Child lockOn-screen displays

Timer functions

AV settings

Time and dateother ...


Manual adjustment

Frequency 599.25 MHzName VIDEO

TV stand. B/G




Channel E37 (E21...E69)

Col. st. Autom.

Range UHF




0 VIDEO 1 ARD 2 ZDF 3 SAT.1 4 RTL 5 VOX 6 S–RTL 7 N–TV 8 DSF

9 S–RTL10 N–TV11 DSF12 TM3 13 PRO714 RTL 215 WDR 316 BR 317 HR 3




EndOverwrite station

Insert stationOK

TV menu

Standard settings





Manual adjustment

Frequency 591.25 MHzName VIDEO

TV stand. B/G



Channel E36

Col. st. Autom.

Range VHF UHF Cable


Manual adjustment

Frequency 543.25 MHzName VIDEO

TV stand. B/G




Channel E30 (E21...E69)

Col. st. Autom.

Range UHF




Operating additional equipment

Launch the AV channel via the AV selection

Launch AV selection list

Select AV socket or VIDEO forVCR transmitter.

Now you will see the playback from the con-nected AV unit.

Launch the AV channel via the channeloverview

Launch the channel table

In the numerical sorting you will always find theAV sockets at the top of the list without channelnumbers.

Mark the AV socket

Now you will see the playback from the con-nected AV unit.


Video playbackIn order to see the VCR picture on your TV andhear its sound you have several possibilities:1. You can use the Euro-AV sockets on the TV

set and on the VCR. This is the best option ofall – good picture and sound quality.If you are playing back from a VCR withDigital Link Plus, the VCR picture is shown onthe current channel slot.If you are playing back from a standard VCR,DVD player or camcorder, select the AVsocket to which the video signal is connectedin the AV selection list or the channel table.Video recorders emit a switching voltageduring playback which the TV set can decode(can be activated for every VCR in the con-nection wizard). Then the VCR picture isshown on the current channel slot as in Dig-ital Link Plus VCR’s.

2. You use the antenna connection between theVCR and the TV set. The sound is only broad-cast in mono. To do this, select the first menuitem, e.g. VCR, in the AV selection list.


Channel overview: TV Numerical



6 S–RTL 7 N–TV 8 DSF 9 TM3 10 PRO711 RTL 212 WDR 313 BR 314 HR15 MDR 3



Select and press OK to proceed Menu


EndFavourite programsChange programs

Change sortingOK

0 9... Select program:


Operating additional equipment

Select the equipment to be operated:

for VCR:the VTR indicator on the remotecontrol lights up ...

press again, the DVD indicatorlights up ...

press again, none of the indica-tors lights, the TV is then acti-vated.

The TV cannot be operated if VTR or DVD isswitched on. In this case switch back to TV or wait20 seconds until the remote control automaticallyswitches back to TV mode (none of the indicatorslights).

Loewe VCRs VV3600H, VV8500H and VV5000Mcannot be controlled with this remote control.Please use the original remote control or thevideo bar.

Functions for Loewe VCRs Functions for Loewe DVD players

Direct operation of Loewe VCRs and DVDplayers.You can switch over the remote control of theTV set to operate Loewe video recorders andLoewe DVD players. These devices can beoperated directly or, in the case of equip-ment installed in a concealed place, bythe TV set. Then the digital link functionmust be activated on the VCR.

Control 150

LP 000SV







1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8



Select language

Select subtitles

Power on/off– Standby

Show/hide OSD menu

Select title/chapter via menu

Hide OSD menu strip

Slow motion

Enter menu selection


Next chapter/title/Fast forward

Previous chapter/title/Fast reverse


Menu control:move selection up/down

Direct control:Pause/Frame-by-frame (top)

Slow motion (bottom)

Pause or still/Frame-by-frame

Show/hide DVD

Repeat chapter/title/entire DVD/Repeat off

Select direct controlfor DVD/TV/VCR

Indicator: DVD control

Indicator: VCR control

Select camera angle

Menu control: move selection left/right;Direct control: Fast forward/reverse

Number buttons

Control 150

LP 000SV







1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8



Select set to be operated TV/DVD/VCR

Indicator: control DVD

Indicator: control VCR

Start playbackStop tape

Select sound/station language selectionSelect picture and sound sourceSwitch on/off in Standby

Display/close Timer list

Counter reset

Status displayIn menu: close menu

Start recording (+ )

Call up station listin menu: call up/confirm

Fast forward/search forwards

Rewind/search backwards

Station selectionup/down

/manual trackingIn menu:

select position

Pause (still frame)/frame-by-frame


Call up VCR Menu

switch to Long Play/Standard Play

Display/closeShowView timer Menu

Slow motion forwardsIn menu: select/set

Select station directlyIn menu: enter digits

Reverse playIn menu: select/set


What to do if …


Various menu items cannot be launched(shown in grey) or the menus for the EPG andteletext modes of operation cannot belaunched

Timer recording, Change timer and Clear timerare not shown in the Video menu

”Connections” cannot be launched in the Videomenu (shown in grey)

The ”Channels” item in the TV menu and the”Automatic channel search” item in the maininformation cannot be launched

Control of the Loewe VCR with the video con-trol bar and the timer does not work or doesnot work properly

General problems with connecting externaldevices through an AV input

Picture shifted horizontally

Possible cause

”Simplified control” activated in main informa-tion

No video recorder logged in

a) A timer recording is currently in progress

b) You are recording from the TV set with thevideo bar

The child lock is activated. If these menus wereaccessible, children could still set the programs.

a) The VCR’s Digital Link function is not activatedor not possible

b) Euro-AV cable not connectedc) Video recorder not logged in

a) The device is not logged in to the ”Connec-tions” menu or is connected differently toshown in the connection diagram

b) The AV norm is set incorrectlyc) The AV signal is set incorrectly

The TV set is in the Southern hemisphere (e.g.Australia, South Africa)


Deactivate ”Simplified control” in the main infor-mation. Press the i-button, select ”Select controllevel” and launch with OK. Set the ”Simplifiedcontrol” to ”no”.

Log in VCR in the TV menu- Connections.

a) Wait until the timer recording has ended orclear the timer.

b) Wait until you stop recording.

Deactivate programme-related child lock: Switchoff child lock or enter PIN in the TV menu - Set-tings.

a) Activate Digital Link in the VCR (see operatinginstructions of the VCR)

b) Connect the Euro-AV cablec) Log in the VCR

a) Compare the connection diagram with theactual installation in the ”Main information”under ”Connections” and connect as shown ifnecessary.

b) Set the correct norm.c) Set the correct AV signal.

If ”Automatic” is set for AV norm or AV signal,this can lead to wrong detection in the case ofnon-standardized signals. In this case the normand signal must be set according to the oper-ating instructions of the external device.

Set the horizontal position:a) Launch the main information with ib) Launch Index – Set picture – Horizontal

displacementc) Set horizontal picture position.



Connection of a decoder does not work or doesnot work properly

No sound through the TV loudspeakers

All menus appear in the wrong language

Digital Link Plus does not work

Various characters are displayed incorrectly inteletext

Possible cause

a) The signal is not decoded because the correctdecoder programs have not been selected inthe TV menu - Connections

b) The sound is missing in decoder mode be-cause the wrong decoder sound is allocatedin the TV menu - Connections

a) The item ”Sound from...” in the Sound menuunder ”Sound” is not set to ”TV”

b) Nothing is inserted in the 9-pole cube socketon the back of the set

The wrong menu language has been set

a) The VCR has not been logged in as a DigitalLink Plus device or has been connected to thewrong socket

b) The Euro-AV cable is not fully wired (Pin 10not wired)

c) Some video recorders can only take over thechannels from the TV in initial installation

d) All or some terrestrial or cable channels arestored at channel slots G 99

The wrong character set is set in the teletextmenu


a) Follow the instructions in the TV menu –Connections again and select the appropri-ate decoder programs.

b) Follow the instructions in the TV menu –Connections again and select the right soundsource (decoder, TV or Autom.), see instruc-tions of the decoder.

a) Change the setting to ”TV”.b) Either a dummy plug with bridges, Loewe

active loudspeaker system, the transmitterfor the home automation or a subwoofermust be plugged into the cubic socket.

Set your menu language:1. Switch off picture-in-picture (PIP)✳ and

switch off all on-screen displays, press the Ebutton

2. Launch the TV menu (M button)3. Select the last menu item and press OK4. Select the last menu item on the last page

and press the OK button5. Now select the right language and6. ... confirm with OK.

a) Log in the Digital Link Plus VCR under ”Con-nections” and connect according to thediagram.

b) Change the Euro-AV cable

c) Reinstate the original state (ex-factory) ofthe VCR (see operating instructions of theVCR)

d) Sort the terrestrial and cable channels sothat they are between 1 and 99.

Set the right character set: Teletext menu –Settings – Character set – Standard or the ap-propriate character set.

What to do if …


Technical data

Mechanical dataAventos 3781 ZW Item no. 63445Dimensions (cm) 81x59,5x55,5 (w x h x d)Weight (kg) 53Picture tube Real Flat-LineFormat 16 : 9Screen class 81 cm, visible 76 cmAventos 3981 ZW Item no. 62405Dimensions (cm) 81x59,5x55,5 (w x h x d)Weight (kg) 53,5Picture tube Real Flat-LineFormat 16 : 9Screen class 81 cm, visible 76 cmMimo 32 Item no. 62430Dimensions (cm) 81x61,5x57,5 (w x h x d)Weight (kg) 54Picture tube Real Flat-LineFormat 16 : 9Screen class 81 cm, visible 76 cmVitros 6381 ZW Item no. 61426Dimensions (cm) 85,5x62x59,5 (w x h x d)Weight (kg) 57Picture tube Real Flat-LineFormat 16 : 9Screen class 81 cm, visible 76 cmXelos 5381 ZW Item no. 61420Dimensions (cm) 83x62,5x58 (w x h x d)Weight (kg) 50Picture tube Super Flat-LineFormat 16 : 9Screen class 81 cm, visible 76 cm

Electrical dataChassis name Media Plus (Q2500M)Image refresh frequency PAL/Secam 100 Hz

✳PAL 60/NTSC 60 Hz proscanFull Digital 100 AMD/DMI/DNCPower supply 220V up to 240V/50–60HzPower consumptionIn operation approx. 145 Watt

Standby <2 WattSat-Record-Mode <60 Watt

Ambient temperature 5º – 40º CelsiusTuner VHF/UHF/ cable(Hyperband 8 MHz) 42 MHz – 860 MHzChannel memory✳ 220/with DVB:1470TV standards✳ B/G, I, DK, L, L‘, M, NColour standards✳ PAL, SECAM,

NTSC, NTSC 4,43Sound standards FM, AM, Nicam

mono/stereo/2-soundAudio rated output 2 x 15 Watt / 4 OhmAventos 2 x 12 Watt / 4 OhmAudio music output 2 x 20 Watt / 4 OhmAventos 2 x 16 Watt / 4 OhmTeletext HiText (Level 2.5)

ConnectionsMini-DIN (Front) Video IN Y/C (S-VHS/Hi8)Cinch (Front) Video IN CVBS (VHS/8mm)Cinch (Front) Audio IN L+RJack 6.3mm headphones 32–200 OhmIEC socket 75 Ohm antenna / cableF-socket 75 Ohm✳ SAT and SAT A/DAV 1 Video IN/OUT Y/C (S-VHS/Hi8)

Video IN/OUT CVBS (VHS/8mm)Audio IN/OUT L+R

AV 2 Video IN/OUT✳✳ Y/C (S-VHS/Hi8)Video IN/OUT CVBS (VHS/8mm)Video IN RGBAudio IN/OUT L+R

AV 3 Video IN Y/C (S-VHS/Hi8)Video IN/OUT✳✳✳ CVBS (VHS/8mm)Video IN RGB or YUVAudio IN/OUT✳✳✳ L+R

Cinch Audio OUT level adjustable/fixedJack 3.5 mm Audio IN L+R9-pole cube socket home automation or

Loewe active loudspeaker systemsMini-DIN 8-pole Service or Loewe audio systemsJack 3,5mm ✳ IR Link OUTCinch✳ Centre OUT Centre signalCinch✳ Subwoofer OUT LFE-SignalCinch✳ Surround OUT L+RCinch✳ Dig. Audio IN 1 Multichannel signalCinch✳ Dig. Audio IN 2 Multichannel signalCinch✳ Dig. Audio OUT Multichannel signal✳ depending on equipment and type of set or

retrofittable✳✳ OUT only in Digital Link Plus video recorders✳✳✳ OUT Monitoring picture and sound


Accessories available

VGA connection upgrade kit for use with aPCThis transforms your TV set into a VGA monitor.(not available when used with the Online-mod-ule).

IR-LinkThis enables you to control a concealed videorecorder made by another manufacturer or d-box with the original remote control via the TVset.

Home automationControlling of light switches, dimmers, rollingshutters etc. with the TV set menu.

Loewe Video RecordersLoewe video recorders are specially adapted indesign, user guidance and technical character-istics to Loewe TV sets with the result that dailyhandling of the equipment is made much sim-pler.

Loewe DVD-PlayersThe DVD-Players from Loewe are characterisedby form and colour which match Loewe TV sets,adapted user guidance and technology. A com-bination of the two devices forms a systemwhich offers many advantages.

RacksAsk your dealer, he will be able to offer you theright rack from the Loewe range to suit your TVset.

Loewe audio systems and activeloudspeaker systemsA combination of a Loewe TV set, a Loeweaudio system and a Loewe loudspeaker systemprovides an excellently adapted Home Cinemasystem with the advantages of high operatingcomfort, matching design and adapted technol-ogy.

Internal radio transmitter and radioheadphonesfor cordless sound transmission to Loewe HS82radio headphones or for surround sound to radiospeakers (e.g. L82 HF) with an integrated DolbyDigital Decoder.

Single-/Twin-Sat tuner and Digital-TVdecoderYour TV set can be retrofitted with an inte-grated SAT 6 or TWIN-SAT 6 and a Digital-TVdecoder. A combination of the two componentsenables you to receive analogue and digitalsatellite programs. All uncoded digital pro-grams can be received with the Digital-TVupgrade kit 1 Sat/Twin-Sat. An additional Dig-ital-TV upgrade kit 2 Sat/Twin-Sat-CI P is avail-able for Aventos 3981 ZW, Mimo 32 and Vitros6381 ZW TV sets which is suitable for Premiere.

Dolby Digital Decoderfor multichannel playback of DVD players inDolby Digital cinema quality. The Dolby DigitalDecoder is integrated into the TV set.

Online-ModuleFor convenient internet access and E-mail.Everything can be accessed via the remote con-trol or the optional infra red keyboard.


Printed in Germany8/06.03/10,0Subject to modifications

GermanyLoewe Opta GmbHKundendienst ZentraleIndurstriestraße 11D–96317 KronachTel. 09261–990Fax 09261–95411Great BritainLinn Products LimitedPO Box 8465PrestwickUK – KA 7 2YFTel. 01292–47 15 52Fax 01292–47 15 54GreeceSOUND HELLAS S.A.Kleanthous Str. 10GR–54642 ThessalonikiTel. 2310–856 100Fax 2310–856 300HungaryBasys Magyarorszagi KFTEpitok utja 2–4H–2040 BudaörsTel. 023–415 637/121Fax 023–415 182IsraelRIF TRADING LTD29 Izhak Sade StreetISR–Tel Aviv 67213Tel. 03–62 40 555Fax 03–62 40 303ItalyGeneral Trading SpAVia Vittorio Emanuele, 33I–50041 Calenzano (FI)Tel. 055–88 11 71Fax 055–88 11 74 0MaltaMirage Holdings LtdFlamingo ComplexCannon RoadM–QormiTel. 49 71 82Fax 44 59 83MaroccoSOMARA S.A.377, Rue Mustapha El MaaniMA–20000 CasablancaTel. 02–22 20 308Fax 02–22 60 006NorwayCableCom ASØstre Kullerød 5N–3214 SandefjordTel. 033–48 33 48Fax 033–44 60 44

PolandPiotechul. Boh. Getta Warszawskiego 18PL–81-609 GdyniaTel./Fax 058–62 43 467 / 058–62 45 009PortugalVideoacusticaComercio e Representacoes deEquipamentos Electronicos S.A.Estrada CircunvalacaoQuinta do Paizinho, Arm. 5P–2795-632 CarnaxideTel. 21–42 41 770Fax 21–41 88 093SloweniaJadran Trgovsko PodjetjePartizanska cesta 69SL–6210 SezanaTel. 057–391 402, 391 406Fax 057–391 400South AfricaTHE SOUNDLAB PTY LTDP.O. Box 757Parklands 2121Republic of South AfricaTel. 011–44 76 575Fax 011–44 76 662SpainGaplasa S.A.Conde de Torroja, 25E–28022 MadridTel. 91–748 29 60Fax 91–329 16 75SwedenCanseda ABAmalia Jönssons Gata 19S–421 31 Västra FrölundaTel. 031–70 93 760Fax 031–47 65 15SwitzerlandTelion AGRütistrasse 26CH-8952 SchlierenTel. 01–732 15 11Fax 01–730 15 02TurkeyEnkay Elektronik Servis MüdürlügüAlemdag Cad: Site Yolu No.: 10Ümraniye/ IstanbulTel. 0216–523 15 94/96Fax 0216–523 16 58

Service addressesAustraliaInternational Dynamics Australasia Pty Ltd.129 Palmer StreetAUS - Richmond, Victoria 3121Tel. 03–94 29 08 22Fax 03–94 29 08 33AustriaRobert Bosch AGPostfach 146A–1011 WienTel 01–79 72 24 500Fax 01–79 72 24 599BeneluxLoewe Opta Benelux NV/SAUilenbaan 84B–2160 AntwerpenTel. 0902–88 00 2Tel. 03–270 99 30Fax 03–271 01 08Loewe Opta Nederland B.V.Ravenswade, 54A1NL–3439 LD Nieuwegein (Utrecht)Tel. 0900–20 20 180Fax 030–280 33 27CISService Center Loeweul. Verkhnyaya Maslovka, d. 29RUS–125083 MoscowTel. 095–212 50 43, 956 67 64Fax 095–212 47 10CyprusL&M Eurappliances LtdP.O. Box 23426Kennedy Avenue 1A&BCY–NicosiaTel. 02–42 05 10Fax 02–42 87 70Czech RepublicTIPA sdruzeníDolní nám. 9CZ–746 01 Opava 1Tel: 0653-62 49 44Fax: 0653-62 31 47DenmarkKjaerulff 1 Development A/SVestre Stationsvej 9DK–5000 Odense CDanmarkTel. 661 354 80Fax 661 354 10FranceSorep Import S.A.11 rue de la DuranceF–67100 Strasbourg Cédex 1Tel. 03–88 79 72 50Fax 03–88 79 72 59


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safe place.

Operating instructions. TV.dl.owneriq.net/e/ecb21f31-bd73-4e7c-8ed3-2f288b1c04cb.pdf · Operating instructions. Aventos 3781 ZW ... Loewe video recorders and direct operation of Loewe - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.