First-Year Progress Report (2024)

Progress Report 1 October 2001 – 31 March 2004



with matching contributions from the following industrial sponsors:

Abitibi Consolidated Inc., B.C. Hydro and Power Authority, Bugbusters Pest Management Inc., Canadian Forest Products Ltd., Gorman Bros. Ltd., International Forest Products Ltd., Lignum Ltd., Manning Diversified Forest Products Ltd., Millar-Western Forest Products Ltd., Phero Tech Inc., Riverside Forest Products Ltd., Slocan Forest Products Ltd., Tembec Forest Industries Ltd., TimberWest Forest Ltd., Tolko Industries Ltd., Weldwood of Canada Ltd., West Fraser Mills Ltd., Western Forest Products Ltd., and Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd.

by John H. Borden, RPF, RPBio, FRSC Professor Emeritus, Department of Biological Sciences Simon Fraser University Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6

1 April 2004

Executive Summary

This project was originally intended for a two-year duration, beginning on 1 October 2001. It was supported by mainly by an NSERC Cooperative Research and Development Grant for $250,000 which matched equal contributions from the forest industry (19 companies collectively), and B.C. government agencies, Forest Renewal B.C. and its successor, Forestry Innovation Investment (FII). Because of delays in renewed funding by FII in the second year, the NSERC funding was extended for six months, so that the end dates of both the NSERC and FII grants were on 31 March 2004.

The research on forest insects supported by this funding had three objectives: 1. to make fundamental discoveries based on rigorous experiments;

2. to identify those discoveries that have practical potential in forest pest management; and

3. to work with clients to develop, test and implement new technology arising from fulfillment of the first two objectives.

Pursuit of these objectives in 15 major projects and six minor ones has led to many deliverables that fall into two broad categories, Contributions to Scientific and Technical Knowledge, and Operational Deliverables. In the former category there are 26 significant contributions.

1. Demonstration in 2002 of marked differences in the bark and foliage volatile spectra of Douglas-fir (coast and interior), interior spruce, interior fir and lodgepole pine that could be used in host discrimination by tree-killing bark beetles.

2. Finding in 2002 of primary attraction of Douglas-fir and spruce beetles to synthetic blends of host volatiles, the first such demonstration for either species.

3. Confirmation in 2002 that myrcene is a better synergist for mountain pine beetle pheromones than a synthetic blend of lodgepole pine volatiles, leading to the hypothesis in 2003 that the ancestral host of the beetle is whitebark pine, which has very high amounts of myrcene in its oleoresin.

4. Discovery in 2002 of new repellents for bark beetles, including trans-verbenol, acetophenone and 1-octen-3-o1 for the Douglas-fir beetle, MCH and 1-octen-3-ol for the mountain pine beetle, and 1-octen-3-ol for the spruce beetle.

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5. Proof in 2001-2002 that Phero Tech's new high-dose verbenone pouch can deter attack in lodgepole pine stands by the mountain pine beetle in 0.16 ha plots treated with 16 pouches, and that deterrence can be significantly increased by adding a seven-component nonhost volatile blend, both treatments being suitable immediately for small-scale implementation.

6. Verification in 2002 that MCH and 2-phenylethanol reduce catches of the mountain pine beetle in pheromone-baited traps, but discovery that only the latter compound is partially effective in deterring attack on pheromone-baited trees.

7. Demonstration 2003 that in 0.16 ha plots, an inexpensive simplified 3-component nonhost volatile blend was partially effective alone in deterring attack by the mountain pine beetle, but that a combination of this blend with high-dose verbenone was no better than verbenone alone. 8. Successful demonstration in a 10-replicate experiment in 2003 of the push-pull tactic against the mountain pine beetle in square 4 ha plots, by significantly reducing the percentage of trees that were mass-attacked in the centre ha treated with verbenone plus the 3-component nonhost volatile blend released at 10 or 15 m centres (but not 20 m centres), and with the outer 3 ha band treated with 12 pheromone-baited trees at 25 m centres. 9. Elucidation that failure in some replicates of the push-pull tactic in 2003 against the mountain pine beetle was not related to the number of red trees on a plot, but was strongly and negatively related with the density per ha of available lodgepole pines, and positively correlated with the diameter of those pines, in other words, lodgepole pines in plots with the lowest density/ha and the highest dbh were most likely to be attacked. 10. Moderately successful protection of permanent sampling plots from attack by the mountain pine beetle in 2003 using high-dose verbenone plus the 3-component nonhost volatile blend deployed at 10 m centres, suggesting that even greater efficacy could be achieved by using the push-pull tactic. 11. Demonstration in 2003 that commercial tree baits from Phero Tech Inc. and Biota Control Inc. were comparable in their ability to contain and concentrate attack by the mountain pine beetle, leading to the conclusion that resource managers should select their preferred product based on other criteria, such as price, ease of handling, quality control, duration between order and delivery, and the availability of technical back-up.

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12. Finding in 2002 that fatty acids and vegetable oils are competitive with a four-component nonhost volatile blend in delaying attack by ambrosia beetles on conifer logs, but realization that fatty acids and oils are impractical to work with and have little commercial value.

13. Finding in 2002 trapping studies that among an array of seven bark beetle pheromones that are perceived by ambrosia beetle antennae, MCH was so repellent to the striped ambrosia beetle that it was tested in 2003 as a log protectant in combination with nonhost volatiles, with the unfortunate outcome that for various reasons, no log protectant treatment was effective.

14. Additional finding in 2002 that attraction by the striped ambrosia beetle to the pheromone lineatin is enhanced by the bark beetle pheromones ipsenol and ipsdienol, but failure to verify this discovery in 2003 in different biogeoclimatic zones, suggesting that behavioural ecotypes exist.

15. Successful field testing in 2002 of new lightweight flexible plastic traps of both cross-vane and pipe design for trapping large woodborers, and further successful testing of an improved cross-vane trap in 2003, leading to the first sales of the new trap by Phero Tech Inc. in 2004.

16. Discovery in 2003 that the bark of paper birch reflects incident light well into the ultraviolet range, suggesting that this is an adaptation to protect sensitive photosynthetic tissue, and that it secondarily results in repellency of coniferophagous bark beetles. 17. Demonstration in 2001-2002 of the interaction of visual and chemical cues that guide bark beetles away from nonhosts and toward susceptible hosts. 18. Finding in 2001-2002 that large woodborers are repelled by white traps that simulate the bark of nonhost aspens and birches, but that ambrosia beetles are not repelled, leading to the hypothesis that ambrosia beetles have evolved as olfactory specialists, with keen host and nonhost perception and powerful pheromones, while large woodborers have evolved as generalists that rely on both visual and chemical cues. 19. Discovery in 2002 that the host volatiles ethanol and conophthorin interact with the pheromone tirathol to result in optimal attraction of the birch-infesting ambrosia beetle, Trypodendron betulae.

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20. Characterization using morphological and molecular analyses in 2001-2003 of fungi associated with B.C.'s four native ambrosia beetles in the genus Trypodendron, with research continuing in 2004 in Dr. C. Breuil’s laboratory at UBC.

21. Demonstration by two weevil caging experiments in 2002 and 2003 of high susceptibility to the poplar and willow borer of one hybrid poplar clone (trichocarpa x nigra), and absolute resistance in another (nigra x maximowiczii).

22. In contrast to results in the field (21), lack of absolute discrimination among hybrid poplar clones by the poplar and willow borer in laboratory and field bioassays, suggesting that resistance expressed in the field by intact plants is induced by weevil oviposition, and leading to ongoing studies of the genetics of resistance in collaboration with Dr. J. Bohlmann’s laboratory at UBC.

23. New findings of pheromones of coniferophagous bark beetles in the bark of angiosperm trees, e.g. chalcogran and conophthorin in nine each of 33 species examined to date.

24. Characterization in 2003 and 2004 of the damage caused by lesions made by overwintering alder bark beetles on the bole of 1-3 year old saplings in red alder plantations, and discovery that the normal overwintering habitat of emerged beetles is in the buds and twigs in the crown of mature trees. 25. Verification in research terminating in 2002 that grandisol is a male-produced pheromone that attracts female white pine weevils, and that grandisoic acid in combination with host volatiles is attractive to males. 26. Discovery in 2002 of the spruce budworm sex pheromone component (E)-11-tetradecanal, and the saturated aldehyde tetradecanal, in the oral exudate of budworm larvae.

Operationally there were five major deliverables, as follows.

1. Set up and operation of over 65 experiments in over 30 separate research sites throughout the southern half of B.C., in a 2.5-year period, involving interaction with seven collaborators in industry and academia, and 22 cooperators in nine companies, two government agencies, one non-governmental organization and 2 universities.

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2. Liaison in collaborative research and development with two scientists in Canadian Forest Service laboratories at Sault Ste. Marie and Fredericton, and one U.S. Forest Service scientist in Athens, Georgia.

3. Administration of over $500,000 in external research funding, including the support and supervision of three postdoctoral scientists, three research technicians, seven graduate students, and 13 research assistants, as well as a fleet of six vehicles which logged over 150,000 km, purchase and deployment of over $60,000 in semiochemicals and release devices, and maintenance of a large inventory of laboratory and field equipment.

4. Contribution to scientific and technical training through the graduation of two PhD students, who are now Postdoctoral Fellows at Cornell University and UBC, and two MPM. students, who are now Woodborer Program Manager for Phero Tech Inc. and Entomologist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and the supervision of three other graduate students.

5. Communication of activities and results through the following: • 29 papers published or in press in refereed journals (with an anticipated 32 manuscripts yet to come);

• 2 chapters published in books, and one in press;

• 3 non-refereed publications;

• 19 presentations at scientific and professional meetings; and

• extensive interaction with Phero Tech Inc., the company that will develop marketable products and services arising from this research.

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I and my students and employees are most grateful to: Kevin Carvill RPF, who guided us through the final days of Forest Renewal B.C. and facilitated the transition to funding by Forestry Innovation Investment (FII); Fred Lowenberger RPF, who did his utmost to make administration by FII user-friendly to researchers; Alison Janidlo and Linda Martin of NSERC who understood the uncertainty of funding from multiple sources and made it possible for research to proceed in the face of this uncertainty, including facilitating a six-month extension of my NSERC CRD grant; and Barb Sherman of my department at SFU, who expertly oversees financial and administrative management of the research program. We also thank all the companies and industrial associations that have generously and loyally supported this research during a time of extraordinary hardship for Canada's forest industry, and many members of the forestry community in all sectors, who have aided and participated in this research in so many ways Personal Note This is the last major report from my research program. Ongoing research has continued since my mandatory retirement from SFU on 1 September 2003, and follow-up research will continue for some time to come. However, no new projects are anticipated, and half of my time is now devoted to a new job as Research Director of Phero Tech Inc. I’ve had a wonderful time for 37 years at SFU, and it’s been a highly productive venture. Ninety nine graduate students have earned 116 degrees in my laboratory, two more will earn their degrees in 2004, and a final student will receive her second degree in 2005. Together with technicians, postdoctoral fellows, publishing undergraduates, and numerous external collaborators, we have produced well over 400 publications. These report many new discoveries and practical applications. One of my students is no longer with us. My first PhD graduate, Jim Richerson died tragically of a heart attack four years ago in Alpine, Texas, where he was Head of the Biology Department at Sul Ross State University. Jim and I inspired each other, each of us feeding off the other’s zest for discovery. Much of that early excitement is reflected in the accomplishments of the students in this report. They did not know Jim Richerson, but each of them owes part of his or her success to the stage that Jim set over three decades ago.

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Table of Contents


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This 2.5-year CRD project was started on 1 October 2001 after termination on 30 September 2001 of my 10-year NSERC Industrial Research Chair. It ended on 31 March 2004, seven months after the date of my mandatory retirement from SFU. The major contribution of $125,000 per year from NSERC was matched by collective contributions of $62,500 from 19 forest industries, and $50,313 shared by Forest Renewal BC (FRBC) and it successor BC Forestry Innovation Investment (FII). A further contribution of $80,504 from FII covered the period from 1 October 2003 to 31 March 2004, and a grant of $11,888.20 from the B.C. Forest Investment Account funded some of the collaborative research with Lignum Ltd. in 2003-2004. Supplementary industrial contributions to the overall research program were made by the Cariboo and Interior Lumber Manufacturers Associations, the Northern Forest Products Association, Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd., Louisiana Pacific Canada Ltd., Phero Tech Inc., Scott Paper Ltd., and Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd. via sponsorship of GREAT Scholarships (now expired) from the Science Council of B.C. to two to Ph.D. students, Deepa Pureswaran and Cindy Broberg. Also included in overall program funding is a $50,000 per year Discovery Research Grant from NSERC intended for basic research. During the first six months of the 2.5- year CRD program, research on woodborers reported herein overlapped research on the same subject under FRBC Grant no. PA97511-0RE, which terminated on 31 March 2002.

As I neared official retirement, there were no new graduate students or postdoctoral personnel in my laboratory. Postdoctoral Fellow Dean Morewood left for Pennsylvania State University on 1 April 2002. The employment of Drs. Harold Pierce and Aileen Wardle was terminated on 30 September 2002, after 28 and 11 years, respectively, working in my laboratory. This left Research Technicians Leslie Chong, Regine Gries and Kathy Simmonds (nee Hein) coordinating overall field research, chemical-analytical activities, and woodborer management studies, respectively. Ms. Simmonds left my employ on 31 December 2003 to begin studies for a second degree in Nursing. With residual funding from other grants (not FII or CRD) Ms. Gries will continue one-third time through the summer semester, and Ms. Chong will work full time until her retirement date on 1 November 2004. One PhD student and one MSc student will defend their theses in 2004, and a final student, Cindy Broberg, will complete her research in 2004 and defend in 2005. Using residual funding, I will continue to conduct hands-on research myself,

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 2 primarily on several species of bark beetles, and will ensure that up to 30 papers on accumulated results are published in refereed journals.


Three objectives were paramount in my research program and guided all of the research therein. These are:

1) to make fundamental discoveries on natural phenomena by conducting experimental research of the highest possible standard;

2) to determine experimentally whether any of these discoveries have the potential to be exploited in new or improved methods of forest pest management; and

3) to work with industrial and governmental clients to facilitate the operational development, testing and implementation of new technology arising from fulfillment of the first two objectives.


My laboratory developed, employed, adapted and refined what is now proven methodology. With excellent technical support, well-maintained equipment, and few restrictions on the flow of materials and supplies, we have had considerable success. We always strove to construct perceptive hypothesis on how natural phenomena work, and then reconstructed the mechanisms that govern them.

We were expert in: volatile capture methodologies; coupled gas chromatographic- electroantennographic detection analysis (GC-EAD), GC-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and other methods of volatile analysis; laboratory bioassays using various types of olfactometers; field forestry techniques including collection of mensurational data; field-trapping, tree-baiting and tree- and log-protection experiments using randomized complete block layouts and numerous types of lures and traps; and statistical analysis using ANOVA, Ryan's Q test, linear regression, chi-square and many other parametric and non-parametric tests. When our technical capacity was exceeded, we had a long history of successful collaboration with other laboratories.

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Investigators Deepa Pureswaran (Ph.D. student), Harold Pierce, Regine Gries, John Borden

Cooperators Ben Wilson, RPF (Babine Forest Products), Gwen Baker (Riverside Forest Products), Lorraine Maclauchlan RPF (BC Ministry of Forests), Ionut Aaron (Malcom Knapp Research Forest).

Problem Statement

Past research elucidated the perception of response to nonhost angiosperm bark volatiles by tree- killing bark beetles in B.C. This led to the development of a repellent nonhost volatile blend that we now recommend for use in combination with the antiaggregation pheromone verbenone against the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae. Very little is known about the perception and response to host and nonhost conifer volatiles by B.C.'s four major tree-killing bark beetles, D. ponderosae , the Douglas-fir beetle, D. pseudotsugae, the spruce beetle, D. rufipennis, and the western balsam bark beetle, Dryocoetes confusus. Knowledge of this aspect of chemical ecology could lead to a better understanding of primary attraction to uninfested trees, secondary attraction involving both host volatiles and aggregation pheromones, and nonhost avoidance. It could also lead to the discovery of new attractants and repellents that have potential for operational application.

Research Accomplished

• In 2002, Deepa completed a replicated analysis by GC of the foliar and cortical volatiles of coastal and interior Douglas-fir, lodgepole pine, subalpine fir and interior spruce. In each case 10 trees ≥ 500 m apart were sampled. The results show a striking difference in both bark and foliage volatile spectra between coastal and interior Douglas-fir, and distinct differences among species in both ratio of volatiles, the presence or absence of some, e.g. β-phelladrene, limonene, bornyl acetate, and also the presence or absence of certain enantiomers of chiral compounds, e.g. (+)-α-pinene. These results indicate that there is ample information in the volatile spectra of the four conifer species to justify testing the hypothesis that the bark beetles specific to these species use these volatiles to distinguish between host and nonhost

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 4 trees during host selection. A paper on this subject has been submitted for publication (Section V,B, No. 30).

• Twenty five field trapping experiments were conducted in the summers of 2001 and 2002 to test the above hypothesis. For the Douglas-fir beetle synthetic blends of bark and foliage volatiles from subalpine fir and lodgepole pine reduced catches in traps. In one experiment interior beetles responded significantly to blends of host volatiles alone, confirming primary attraction. In contrast blends of Douglas-fir and spruce volatiles did not increase catches significantly over those in traps baited with ethanol and the pheromones frontalin and MCOL. Spruce beetles also showed primary attraction to their host volatiles. For the mountain pine beetle neither host nor nonhost volatiles had any effect on the response to traps baited with the pheromones trans-verbenol and exo-brevicomin. Conversely, myrcene, which is only a minor constituent of lodgepole pine bark and foliage volatiles, and was excluded from the synthetic test blends, had a huge synergistic effect in combination with the pheromones. A paper on this subject has been submitted for publication (Section V,B, No. 31).

• The results with myrcene led Deepa to propose the hypothesis that populations of mountain pine beetle in B.C. co-evolved with ponderosa pine which has a much higher myrcene content than lodgepole pine in some locales. In 2002 she ran two additional experiments for the mountain pine beetle on Red Plateau, near Kamloops. These tested more complete synthetic blends of lodgepole pine bark and foliage volatiles than in 2001, which included trace amounts of myrcene. Analysis of the trap catches showed that myrcene was again a better synergist than the blends of volatiles from lodgepole pine, the principal host of the beetle in B.C. Following up the hypothesis that the mountain pine beetle in B.C. may have evolved as a ponderosa pine specialist and may be more attracted to its volatiles than those of lodgepole pine, Deepa collected foliage and bark samples of ponderosa pine from the southern interior. These disclosed no higher myrcene content than in lodgepole pine. This result led to a revised hypothesis that the ancestral host of the mountain pine beetle is whitebark pine, which has a myrcene content of >30% in its oleoresin. In 2004, I plan to conduct follow-up experiments with the three principal monoterpenes in whitebark pine. Myrcene, terpinolene and 3-carene will be tested alone and in all possible combinations in a search for blends of synergists that could improve the response of the mountain pine beetle to

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 5 its aggregation pheromones. A paper on this subject has been submitted for publication (Section V,B, No. 35).



Investigators Deepa Pureswaran, John Borden, Regine Gries

Cooperators Ben Wilson RPF (Babine Forest Products), Gwen Baker (Riverside Forest Products), Lorraine Maclauchlan RPF (B.C. Ministry of Forests)

Problem Statement

Until recently research on behavioural disruptants for bark beetles has focussed on antiaggregation pheromones produced by conspecific beetles. For several years my laboratory shifted part of its focus to investigating the role of volatiles from heterospecifics. Many of these compounds act as synomones, semiochemicals that are naturally beneficial to both the producing and the perceiving species. In bark beetles they may deter one species from attacking a host already attacked by another, relieving both from the threat of interspecific competition for the limited resources offered by the inner bark. When known and tested for repellency these synomones have considerable potential for use in combination with other repellents in protecting trees, and possibly stands, from attack.

Research Accomplished

• Deepa Pureswaran and Regine Gries used GC-EAD in 1999 and 2000 to determine which compounds released by both sexes of Douglas-fir, mountain pine, spruce and western balsam bark beetles are perceived by the antennae of both sexes of each of the four species. A paper on this subject was submitted for publication in 2003, and is now in press (Section V,A, No.25. Armed with this information, Deepa conducted experiments in the summers of 2001 and 2002 to elucidate the potential behavioural activity of each of the antennally-active compounds. Analysis of the data from these experiments, completed in the fall of 2002, has revealed several new repellents. 1-Octen-3-ol, which is produced by female Dendroctonus spp., and has been found previously in a European bark beetle, was highly repellent to Douglas-fir beetles, mountain pine beetles and spruce beetles, and thus can be classed as a new antiaggregation pheromone. MCH (3-methylcycohex-2-ene-1-one), which is an antiaggregation pheromone for Douglas-fir and spruce beetles, was significantly repellent to

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 6 mountain pine beetles, indicating that in this case it acts as an interspecific synomone. Acetophenone, also identified in the volatiles of all three species, was moderately repellent to Douglas-fir beetles. trans-Verbenol, an antiaggregation pheromone of the mountain pine beetle, decreased the response of both sexes of Douglas-fir beetles. No results were obtained for western balsam bark beetles. The results on the three Dendroctonus species were submitted for publication in 2003 and are now in press (Section V,A, No. 26).




Investigators John Borden, Leslie Chong, Tracy Earle RPF (Lignum Ltd.), Dezene Huber (Forest Sciences, UBC)

Problem Statement

As far back as 1989, the antiaggregation pheromone verbenone released from bubble caps at 1.8 mg/24 h at 20ºC (Phero Tech Inc.) showed great promise in protecting stands of lodgepole pine from attack by Dendroctonus ponderosae. However, research in Canada and the USA demonstrated that verbenone applications were of inconsistent efficacy over time, place and species of tree. Two approaches to improving the efficacy of verbenone-based disruption treatments have been pursued. My laboratory developed a nonhost angiosperm bark volatile blend that was repellent alone, and in preliminary single- or paired-tree experiments significantly enhanced protection from attack over that achieved with verbenone alone. The other approach was to increase the dose of verbenone. In their efforts to develop an efficacious verbenone treatment against the southern pine beetle Phero Tech Inc. devised a high-dose pouch that released verbenone at 25 mg/24 h at 20ºC. This research project combined both approaches in a single treatment.

Research Accomplished

• In June 2001, a 10-replicate, five-treatment experiment was initiated on 50 plots near Williams Lake, B.C. in collaboration with Lignum Ltd. and Phero Tech Inc. It carried over into 2002 with respect to field evaluation, data analysis and writing. A seven-component nonhost volatile (NHV) blend tested in this experiment was comprised of guaiacol, benzaldehyde, salicyladehyde, nonanal, (E)-2-hexen-1-ol, (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, and benzyl

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 7 alcohol. Release devices containing antiaggregants (verbenone or NHVs) were deployed at 16 points on a 10 m grid in 40 x 40 m plots.

• In 10 control plots with no antiaggregants, single pheromone-baited trees at the plot centre were all mass-attacked by the mountain pine beetle by early October (Table 1), as were 26.6% of the 432 lodgepole pines within the boundaries of the plots (Table 2). In contrast, in plots treated with a high dose of verbenone plus NHVs, two of the central pheromone-baited trees escaped any attack whatsoever, four of 10 plots had no surrounding trees attacked and only 2.1% of the total of 523 surrounding trees were mass-attacked (Tables 1,2). Density of attacked and mass-attacked trees was highest within 5 m of the central baited tree in all treatments, indicating that those beetles that breached the antiaggregant grid were then drawn toward the baited tree. Operational efficacy should thus be improved in the absence of baited trees within a treated area. We concluded that high-dose verbenone plus NHV treatments could be implemented operationally as a minor component of an integrated pest management strategy for large infestations, particularly in a push-pull tactic in which beetles are pushed from one area by the antiaggregant treatment and drawn into another with attractive baits (see Section VI, F). However, primarily because of cost ($1,250/ha, excluding tax and labour), the principal use would be in short-term protection of small, high-value stands or stands of high ecological or social value. A manuscript reporting these results was published in 2003 in Forestry Chronicle (Section V,A, No.13). After a diversion in 2002 testing MCH and 2- phenyl ethanol as potential disruptants (see Section IV, D) we returned to operational research in 2003, focussing on lowering the cost of antiaggregants by simplifying the nonhost volatile blend and reducing the density per ha of release devices.



Investigators John Borden, Lisa Poirier (UNBC), Deepa Pureswaran

Cooperators Gordon Craigie RPF (Weyerhaeuser Canada), Chuck Carter RPF (Canadian Forest Products)

Problem Statement

While high-dose verbenone plus NHVs constitute an efficacious treatment for protecting lodgepole pine from attack by the mountain pine beetle (see IV,C above), both disruptants are costly, and the potential use is thus limited. One approach to reducing cost is to reduce the fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 8

Table 1. Effect of treatment with verbenone at two release rates, with and without NHVs on attack by mountain pine beetle on baited and surrounding lodgepole pine in 40 x 40 m plots. Baited trees No. mass attacked No. replicates with attack Treatment No. plots (≥31.25 attacks/m2) on surrounding trees

Control 10 10 10 Low verbenone 9 9 9 Low verbenone & NHVs 10 9 8 High verbenone 10 10 8 High verbenone & NHVs 10 8 6

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Table 2. Comparison of proportions of available lodgepole pine ≥17.5 cm dbh surrounding the central baited tree that were attacked (≥1 attack) and mass-attacked (≥31.25 attacks/m2) in 2001. Proportiona Treatment No. trees Attacked Mass-attacked

Control 432 26.6 a 21.3 a Low verbenone 561 14.1 b 11.6 b Low verbenone & NHVs 437 17.2 b 15.3 ab High verbenone 521 7.7 c 6.0 c High verbenone & NHVs 523 3.3 c 2.1 d a Proportions within a column with the same letter are not significantly different, chi-square test for multiple proportions, P<0.05.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 10 density of disruptants from the currently-used density of 100/ha (10 x 10 m spacing). Another approach is to investigate other less costly disruptants that might improve the efficacy of a low- dose verbenone blend. Three candidate disruptants were considered; 1-octen-3-ol (see IV,B above), MCH (see IV,B above) and 2-phenylethanol (a potent antiaggregation pheromone discovered by Deepa Pureswaran in her M.Sc. research). On the advice of Steve Burke of Phero Tech we discarded 1-octen-3-ol because of its high toxicity to vertebrates. This left us with MCH and 2-phenylethanol.

Research Accomplished

• Two 12-replicate trapping experiments were set up near the East Gate of Manning Park in 2002. These were to verify the results of past trapping experiments and to test low dose verbenone (V), MCH and 2-phenylethanol (2PE) in binary and ternary combinations for their ability to disrupt catches of mountain pine beetles in traps baited with the pheromones trans-verbenol and exo-brevicomin and the host kairomone myrcene (bait). Treatments in the two experiments were as follows:

Exp.1 Exp. 2 unbaited control unbaited control bait bait bait + V bait + V + MCH bait + MCH bait + V + 2PE bait + 2PE bait + MCH + 2PE bait + V + MCH + 2PE bait+ V + MCH + 2PE • Trapping Exp. 1 and 2 were exactly replicated twice as tree baiting experiments (except that myrcene was not included in Phero Tech tree baits), once at Whipsaw Creek near Princeton, and once on the 1400 Road south of Prince George, with respective numbers of replicates as follows: 25, 20, 20 and 17. In mid and post-attack assessments, the attack density on the treated trees was counted in 20 x 40 cm panels on the east and west faces of the trees, and all trees ≥17.5 cm dbh within 5 m of the baited tree were evaluated as unattacked, lightly- attacked (attack density <31.25/m2) or mass-attacked (attack density ≥31.25/m2,or many pitch tubes and copious amounts of frass in bark crevices, cobwebs and around the root collar).

• In the trapping experiments the repellency of both MCH and 2-phenylethanol was verified, but only the latter was competitive with verbenone; the ternary combination reduced the

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 11 catches to a level not significantly different from that in unbaited control traps (Table 3). The tree baiting experiments (Tables 4, 5) demonstrated why it is unwise to rely only on trapping experiments, a fault that has plagued other research groups. In tree-baiting Exp. 1 no treatment was better than verbenone alone, although 2-phenylethanol appeared to have some ability to protect trees from attack. In Exp. 2 at Princeton, all combinations that included verbenone were effective in preventing mass attack on baited trees as well as attack on surrounding trees. At Prince George, the beetle pressure was so high that the unbaited control trees were frequently attacked, probably obscuring significant treatment effects. One pertinent conclusion, that can be reached, is that MCH has no potential as a operational protectant against attack by D. ponderosae. On the other hand, one might tentatively conclude that it is worth working further with 2-phenylethanol. A manuscript on these experiments was written and submitted for publication in 2004 (Section V,B, No. 33).

• Subsequent to this research, 1-octen-3-ol has been the bait of choice in new mosquito traps that have been sold in great numbers due to the fear of West Nile Fever. Acceptance of 1- octen-3-ol for this use in urban areas by both the PMRA (Canada) and the EPA (USA) suggests that it also may be acceptable for forestry use. We have communicated our results to Dr. Brian Sullivan, US Forest Service, Pineville LA, who disclosed to us that 1-octen-3-ol is produced in large amounts by two species of fungi associated with the southern pine beetle, suggesting that it is a signal indicating that a tree is no longer suitable for attack because of incipient decay. Therefore, further trapping experiments with 1-octen-3-ol alone and in combination with verbenone against the mountain pine beetle are planned for 2004. The experiments will be run in tandem with individual-tree and small-plot attack disruption experiments.

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Table 3. Ranked catches of mountain pine beetles in multiple-funnel traps baited with attractant baits (trans-verbenol, exo-brevicomin and myrcene) alone or with MCH, 2-phenyl- ethanol (2PE) or verbenone (V) alone or in ternary combination (Exp. 1) and with the candidate antiaggregants in all possible binary and the ternary combination (Exp. 2). N=12 in both experiments.

Exp. Number of Beetles captured( x ±SE)a no. Treatment Males Females

1 bait 137.8 ± 47.4 a 86.5 ± 38.8 a bait + MCH 44.9 ± 8.9 b 24.4 ± 8.2 b bait + 2-PE 4.7 ± 1.1 c 4.3 ± 1.2 c bait + V 3.5 ± 1.2 cd 2.3 ± 1.5 cd bait + MCH +2PE +V 3.5 ± 0.5 cd 1.1 ± 1.0 d unbaited control 0.8 ± 0.4 d 0.8 ± 0.3 d

2 bait 76.2 ± 29.8 a 41.3 ± 16.0 a bait + MCH + V 2.2 ± 1.5 b 1.1 ± 0.6 b bait + MCH + 2PE 1.7 ± 0.7 b 1.6 ± 0.7 b bait + 2PE + V 0.5 ± 0.2 b 0.2 ± 0.2 b bait + MCH + 2PE + V 0.4 ± 0.2 b 0.6 ± 0.2 b unbaited control 0.1 ± 0.1 b 0.3 ± 0.1 b a Means within a column and experiment followed by the same letter are not significantly different, Ryan, Einot, Gabriel, Welsh multiple Q test, P<0.05

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Table 4. Attack by the mountain pine beetle in tree-baiting Exp. 1 and 2 on trees treated with trans-verbenol and exo-brevicomin (bait) alone or with MCH, 2-phenylethanol (2PE) or verbenone (V) alone or in ternary combination (Exp. 1,) or MCH, 2PE and V in all possible binary and ternary combinations (Exp. 2)

Attack % Trees %Trees density/m2 Exp. No. attacked mass-attacked on attacked no. Location Treatment trees (≥ 1 attack)a (≥31.25/m2)a treesb

1 Princeton bait 25 100.0 a 100.0 a 125.5 a Bait + MCH 25 96.0 ab 84.0 b 112.5 a Bait + 2-PE 23 75.0 b 66.7 b 108.1 a Bait + V 25 0.0 c 0.0 c na bait + MCH + 2-PE + V 27 11.5 c 0.0 c 6.3 b unbaited control 26 0.0 c 0.0 c na

Prince George bait 20 95.0 a 95.0 a 91.4 ab bait + MCH 20 90.0 ab 80.0 ab 105.4 a bait + 2-PE 20 90.0 ab 75.0 abc 77.3 ab bait + V 20 65.0 ab 35.0 c 52.9 c bait + MCH + 2-PE + V 20 55.0 b 40.0 bc 60.9 bc unbaited control 20 55.0 b 40.0 bc 62.5 bc

2 Princeton bait 20 100.0 a 100.0 a 114.1 a bait + MCH + 2-PE 20 70.0 b 60.0 b 73.2 ab bait + MCH + V 19 31.6 bc 5.3 c 17.8 b bait + 2PE + V 20 25.0 c 0.0 c 8.8 b bait + MCH + 2-PE + V 20 30.0 bc 0.0 c 6.3 b unbaited control 20 5.0 d 0.0 c 6.3 b

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 14 Prince George bait 17 94.1 a 94.1 a 64.6 a bait + MCH + 2-PE 17 52.9 b 23.5 b 26.6 ab bait + MCH + V 17 41.2 b 23.5 b 26.6 ab bait + 2PE + V 17 58.8 ab 35.3 b 38.2 ab bait + MCH + 2-PE + V 17 70.6 ab 47.1 b 26.6 b unbaited control 17 64.7 ab 29.4 b 35.4 ab a Proportions within a column, category and experiment followed by the same letter are not significantly different, chi-square test for multiple proportions, P < 0.05. b Means within a column, category and experiment followed by the same letter are not significantly different, Ryan, Einot, Gabriel, Welsh multiple Q test, P < 0.05.

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Table 5. Attack by the mountain pine beetle in tree baiting Exp. 1 and 2 on surrounding trees within 5 m of trees treated with trans-verbenol and exo-brevicomin (bait) or with MCH, 2-phenylethanol (2PE) or verbenone (V) alone or in ternary combination (Exp. 1), or MCH , 2PE and V in all possible binary and ternary combinations (Exp. 2). Exp. No. % Trees attacked % Trees mass-attacked no. Location Treatment trees (≥ 1 attack)a (≥31.25/m2)a 1 Princeton bait 103 30.1 a 15.5 ab bait + MCH 119 33.6 a 23.5 a bait + 2PE 104 10.6 b 4.8 b bait + V 117 0.0 c 0.0 c bait + MCH + 2PE + V 127 0.0 c 0.0 c unbaited control 100 0.0 c 0.0 c

Prince bait 69 73.9 a 47.8 ab George bait + MCH 65 59.0 ab 31.3 ab bait + 2PE 62 43.5 bc 24.2 b bait + V 70 40.0 bc 27.1 ab bait + MCH + 2PE + V 75 33.3 c 18.7 b unbaited control 65 69.2 a 49.2 a

2 Princeton bait 96 51.0 a 26.0 a bait + MCH + 2PE 93 24.7 b 15.1 a bait + MCH + V 87 2.3 c 1.1 b bait + 2PE + V 89 0.0 c 0.0 c bait + MCH + 2PE + V 105 1.0 c 0.0 c unbaited control 103 1.0 c 0.0 c

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 16 Prince bait 52 67.3 a 44.2 a George bait + MCH + 2PE 52 59.6 ab 36.5 ab bait + MCH + V 51 51.0 ab 25.5 ab bait + 2PE + V 61 37.7 b 23.0 ab bait + MCH + 2PE + V 47 46.8 ab 25.5 ab unbaited control 67 35.8 b 17.9 b a Proportions within a column, category and experiment followed by the same letter are not significantly different, chi-square test for multiple proportions, P < 0.05.

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Investigator John Borden

Cooperators Jeff Alexander RPF (Lignum Ltd.), Dwayne Payne (Consultant to Lignum Ltd.)

Problem Statement

The cost of $1,250/ha, excluding tax and labour, of using verbenone plus a 7-component nonhost volatile blend at 10 m centres (Section VI,C) to deter attack by the mountain pine beetle is prohibitive for most uses. Coincidentally, a complex blend that includes several moderately toxic aldehydes would be difficult to register with the PMRA as a reduced-risk pesticide. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to test a simplified 3-component nonhost volatile blend comprised of (E)-2- and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and benzyl alcohol.

Research Accomplished

• Forty plots, each 40 x 40 m, were laid out from 10-12 March 2003 in a lodgepole pine stand at km 23 on Redeau Road east of 150 Mile House. At the centre of each plot, a large- diameter tree was designated to be pheromone-baited to challenge beetles to penetrate the 10 x 10 m grid (16 points) of disruptive semiochemicals. Plot centres were at least 75 m apart. Pheromone baiting and deployment of disruptants on the 40 plots was done on 26-29 June. Treatments were: pheromone-baited control, verbenone alone (Phero Tech high-dose polyurethane 1.5 mil pouches), 3-component nonhost volatile blend (components released from Phero Tech bubble caps at ca. 1.2 mg/day each), and verbenone plus the nonhost volatile blend. With 40 plots, there were 10 replicates of each treatment.

• Evaluation of attack by the mountain pine beetle was done on 24-27 October 2003. The dbh and attack density were measured on the pheromone-baited tree in the plot centre. Every other lodgepole pine >17.5 cm dbh in every plot was examined and classified as unattacked, attacked or mass-attacked. All attacked and mass-attacked trees were stem-mapped. Data on the number of available trees per plot and on ratios of newly-attacked green trees to

previously-attacked red trees (G:R ratio) were transformed by log10. Data on percent attack and mass-attack were square root transformed. All data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test, α=0.05

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• All 40 pheromone-baited trees in the plot centres were mass-attacked, and there were no differences in the attack densities (Table 6). However, all three treatments resulted in a significant reduction in attack on the remaining available trees in the 40 x 40 m plots (Table 6), as well as in the G:R ratios (Table 7). This is the first time that nonhost volatiles alone have been shown to have a significant area-wide effect. However, there was no increase in efficacy achieved by adding the nonhost volatile blend to verbenone. Therefore, using the blend in the concurrent push-pull experiment in 2003 (Section IV, F) would not have been necessary, although there would have been no negative impact. Curiously, there was much less concentration of attack per dm around the central baited trees (Table 8) than observed in previous studies (Section V,A, No. 13). This may have been caused by 21.2% fewer available trees >17.5 cm dbh than in the previous work, and a higher beetle pressure that resulted in a 70% increase in mass-attacked trees (based on the bait-only controls), both factors acting to distribute the attack evenly throughout the plots.

• Eliminating the nonhost volatile blend altogether would recuce the cost of using high-dose verbenone pouches alone at 10 m centres to $800/ha, excluding tax and labour.



Investigators JohnBorden, Jennifer Burleigh FIT, RPBio (Phero Tech Inc.)

Cooperators Jeff Alexander RPF (Lignum Ltd.), Dwayne Payne (Consultant to Lignum Ltd.)

Problem Statement

The risk of mountain pine beetle attack on Lignum Ltd.’s permanent sampling plots (PSPs) was the reason for commencing our applied research on verbenone and nonhost volatiles in 2001, at the invitation of Lignum Forester Tracy Earle RPF. Three of these plots on Pigeon Road were treated at 10 m centres with low-dose verbenone in Phero Tech bubble caps in 2001, when beetle pressure was low. Walkthroughs in 2001 and early in 2003 revealed almost no attack in the treated areas, even though there was sufficient infestation in the surrounding forest to justify partial sanitation cutting. However, the disruption treatment was never formally evaluated. The greatly increased risk of attack by 2003 prompted an operational trial of verbenone plus the

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Table 6. Comparison of attack by the mountain pine beetle in 40 x 40 m plots with a pheromone- baited lodgepole pine at the centre, and 16 slow-release devices deployed at 10 m centres emitting a three-component nonhost volatile (NHV) blend, high-dose verbenone, or both together.

Attack density on Number of available Percent attack and mass-attack pheromone-baited trees trees ≥ 17.5 cm dbh on available trees (mean ± SE)a a a Treatment (mean ± SE) (mean ± SE) Attack Mass Attack Bait only 75.0 ± 6.7 42.2 ± 6.6 40.4 ± 4.1 a 37.6 ± 4.1 a Bait +NHVs 83.1 ± 11.0 39.7 ± 5.0 17.2 ± 3.7 b 15.5 ± 3.7 b Bait + verbenone 68.1 ± 14.0 36.9 ± 3.4 6.5 ± 1.4 c 5.6 ± 1.4 c

Bait + NHVs + verbenone 77.5 ± 12.0 37.4 ± 3.9 9.4 ± 2.5 bc 6.5 ± 2.5 c a If ANOVA P<0.05, means within a column followed by the same letter are not significantly different, Tukey HSD test, P<0.05. ANOVA results (N=10, df=3,36) as follows: attack density F=0.6240, P=0.6042; number of available trees F=0.0700, P=0.0756; attack F=20.02, P<0.0001; mass-attack F=21.98, P<0.0001

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Table 7. Comparison of green: red (G:R) ratios among treatments in 40 x 40 m plots testing the ability of NHVs, verbenone or both together deployed at 16 release points at 10 m centres to deter attack by the mountain pine beetle. Because of low number of red trees in the study site, numbers summed for each treatment. Only mass-attacked trees used to calculate G:R ratios.

Number of red trees a Treatment in all 10 plots G:R ratio (mean ± SE) Bait only 2 7.9 ± 1.4 a Bait + NHVs 7 1.0 ± 0.3 b Bait + verbenone 4 0.6 ± 0.1 b Bait + NHVs + verbenone 8 0.3 ± 0.1 b a Means followed by the same letter are not significantly different, REGW test, P<0.05. ANOVA results (N=10) as follows: F=43.70, d,f=3,36, P<0.0001,

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Table 8. Distribution of mass-attacked lodgepole pine ≥17.5 cm dbh wide bands around central pheromone-baited trees in 40 x 40 m plots.

Number of mass-attacked trees per dm2 by treatment Concentric bands from Bait + GLVs + Bait only Bait + GLVs Bait + verbenone centre out (m) verbenone

0-5 2.9 1.5 1.0 0.5 >5-10 2.0 1.1 0.5 0.5 >10-15 1.9 1.0 0.4 0.4 >15-20 2.2 1.0 0.4 0.3

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 22 3-component nonhost volatile blend to attempt to protect the trees in the permanent sampling plots from attack.

Research Accomplished

• Ten PSPs (Table 9), all within 50 km of Williams Lake, were treated from 28-30 June 2003 by deploying verbenone plus the 3-component nonhost volatile blend at 10 m centres in a 50 x 50 m area (36 release points in total). PSPs of two different sizes (Table 10) lay within the treated areas. Attack was evaluated from 26-28 October by examining every tree >17.5 cm dbh within a 100 x 100 m area superimposed on the 50 x 50 m treated area. Trees were classed as unattacked, attacked or mass-attacked, and the latter two were stem-mapped. For each plot, the percentages of available trees mass-attacked were compared by chi-square tests between the 50 x 50 m treated area and the 25 m band around it. A second analysis compared the percentage of available trees that were mass-attacked within the PSP per se and that in the remainder of the block.

• Less than 10% of the available trees were mass-attacked in eight of the treated areas, but the percentage of trees mass-attacked in the surrounding 25 m wide band was significantly higher in only four of these plots (Table 9). Trees in the PSPs were not protected to a greater extent than those in the remainder of the 50 x 50 m treated areas superimposed on them (Table 10).

• These results indicate that tree protection can be achieved with a push treatment alone. However, it is possible that a greater protective effect would have been observed if a push- pull tactic were employed, with a band of pheromone-baited trees surrounding the disruptant- treated plots. Unless policy prohibits sanitation harvesting, e.g. in parks, I recommend that disruptive treatments should only be applied if the resource manager is permitted and intends to remove all currently-infested trees, or kill the resident beetles through the use of MSMA or by falling and burning.




Investigators John Borden, Jennifer Burleigh FIT, RPBio (Phero Tech Inc.), Anna Birmingham (SFU)

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Table 9. Comparison of percentages of trees mass-attacked in the inner 0.25 ha treated with high- dose verbenone and a 3-component nonhost volatile blend and the outer 0.75 ha, superimposed on permanent sampling plots (PSPs). Data ranked according to percentages in the inner 0.25 ha.

Density/ha of available trees ≥ Percentage of available trees 17.5 dbh mass-attacked Inner Outer Inner Outer Location and PSP number 0.25 ha 0.75 ha 0.25 ha 0.75 ha

Pigeon Road, no. 332 648 605 0.0 4.5 ** Redeau Road, no. 329 840 588 0.0 5.2** Redeau Road, no. 328 860 540 0.5 2.7NS Pigeon Road, no. 331 696 591 1.1 1.4NS Solomon, no. 316 248 81 3.2 3.3NS Readeau Road, no. 327 604 597 3.3 4.9NS Pigeon Road, no. 330 604 684 3.3 11.3 ** Lynne Creek, no. 320 328 336 9.8 37.1** Lynne Creek, no. 318 240 209 16.7 17.8NS Lynne Creek, no. 319 213 345 27.1 15.9(NS)

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Table 10. Comparison of percentage of trees mass-attacked in psp’s nested wthin 50 x 50 m area treated with verbenone plus nonhost volatiles, nested in turn within larger area. Boundary of larger area usually 100 x 100 m, but sometimes variable because of overlap between plots or removal of a portion of a portion by harvesting. Data ranked according to percentage of trees attacked within the PSPs.

No. of available trees ≥ 17.5 cm Percentage of trees dbh mass-attacked Size of rest of Location and PSP number PSP (m) PSP plot PSP rest of plota Pigeon Road, no. 332 1,024 66 96 0.0 0.0 Redeau Road, no. 329 1,024 54 156 0.0 0.0 Redeau Road no. 327 1,024 51 100 0.0 5.0 Pigeon Road, no. 331 1,024 64 110 1.6 0.9 Redeau Road no. 328 1,024 61 154 1.6 0.0 Solomon Lake, no. 316 1,024 28 34 3.6 2.9 Pigeon Road, no. 330 1,024 64 87 4.7 2.3 Lynne Creek no. 318 484 19 41 5.3 22.0 Lynne Creek no. 320 484 14 68 14.3 8.8 Lynne Creek no. 319 484 4 44 50.0 25.0 a In no case was there a significant difference in percent of available trees attacked within the permanent sampling plot and the remainder of the 50 x 50 m semiochemical-treated area.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 25 Cooperators Larry Gardner RPF (West Fraser Mills Ltd.), Wayne Boudreau RPF (Tolko Industries Ltd.), Malcolm Sutton RPF (Weldwood of Canada Ltd.), Jeff Alexander RPF (Lignum Ltd.), Dwayne Payne (Consultant to Lignum Ltd.)

Problem Statement

Reducing the density of deployed release devices may be a more effective means of lowering the cost of using verbenone plus nonhost volatiles to deter attack by the mountain pine beetle than using a simplified nonhost volatile blend. Using the 3-component nonhost volatile blend (Section V,E), reducing the density from 10 x 10 m centres (100/ha) to 15 x 15 m or 20 x 20 m centres (44.4 and 25/ha, respectively) would lower the cost/ha from $800/ha, excluding tax and labour, to $355.20 and $200/ha, respectively. However, in many situations pest management practitioners might want the additional confidence of using attractive tree baits to PULL beetles away from the disruptant-treated PULL area. This push-pull tactic has been shown to work against the mountain pine beetle, but not to the extent that it could be considered operational.

Research Accomplished

• Walkthroughs from 13-17 and 20-22 May 2003 resulted in the selection of seven interior BC locations with sufficient area and infestation level to contain fifty 4-ha square plots that could accommodate 10 replicates of five different treatments (Tables 11,12). These plots were laid out by compass and hip chain at least 75 m apart from 9-30 June 2003. The 700 Road location east of McLeese Lake (Table 11) had three replicates, TFL 52 east of Quesnel had two replicates, and all others had one replicate each. Current attack in the plots ranged from 3-89 trees/ha (mean=29/ha). The number of uninfested lodgepole pines >17.5 cm dbh ranged from 99-712/ha (mean=342/ha). Thus the mean level of current attack was 7.8%. In addition to local sources of beetles, all locations, except possibly Pigeon Road and Joes Lake were in the path of the large current outbreak advancing from the west.

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Table 11. Description of experimental sites by replicate. When > 1 replicate per site, coordinates gives for approximate centre point of all plots.

Replicate location and no. Coordinates General site description TFL 52-1 and 2 (ca. 41 km E 52º50’N, 121º 53’W Lodgepole pine, 100-120 years old, with variable mixed of Quesnel) trembling aspen, Populus tremuloides Michx, interior spruce, Picea englemannii x glauca, interior fir, Abies lasiocarpa x bifolia , and black cottonwood, Populus trichocarpa Torr. Undisturbed. Baker Creek (ca. 37 km of W 52º53’N,123º2’W Lodgepole pine, 100-120 years old, some large openings of Quesnel) in 20 x 20 m and 15 x 15 m blocks. Undisturbed 2500 Road (ca. 5 km W of 52º 52’N, 123º20’W Lodgepole pine, 100-140 years old, some large openings Quesnel) in bait only block. Undisturbed. Tzenziacut Lake (ca. 45km 52º 38’N, 122º 52’ W Lodgepole pine 60-80 years old, dense Sitka alder, SW of Quesnel) Alnus viridis sinuate (Regel) Á. Löve & D. Löve, understory. Undisturbed. 700 Road 1 and 2 (ca. 25 km 52º 35’N, 122º 7’W Lodgepole pine 120-160 years old, with variable mixed NE of McLeese Lake) interior spruce and Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco. Extensive partial cutting for mountain pine beetles in 2001. 700 Road 3 (ca. 25 km NE of 52º 35’ N, 122º 7’ W Three treatments at same coordinates as 700 Road 1 and McLeese Lake) 2: 15 x 15, bait only and control; lodgepole pine in 15 x 15 m block mainly 60-80 years old. Undisturbed. 700 Road 3 (ca. 32 km NE of 52º 39’ N, 122º 10’ W Lodgepole pine 120-140 years old. Undisturbed, 10 x 10 McLeese Lake) m and 20 x 20 m blocks. Pigeon Road (ca. 15 km NE of 52º 7’ N, 121º 47’ W Lodgepole pine 100-120 years old, with variable mixed 150 Mile House) trembling aspen and Douglas-fir. Undisturbed. Joes Lake (ca. 42 km S of 51º 45’ N, 122º 6’ W Lodgepole pine 100-120 years old. Undisturbed. Williams Lake)

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Table 12. Comparison of percentages of trees mass-attacked in the inner ha and the outer 3 ha, ranked by replicate for percentages in the inner ha. Also given are the three independent variables that could affect the percentages of trees that were mass-attacked.

Density/ha of Density/ha of red trees available trees Percentage of available Treatment and attacked in Mean ≥17.5 cm dbh trees mass-attackeda replicate 2002 dbh (cm) Inner Outer Inner Outer

V+NHVs, 10 x 10 m TFL52–2 27 20.5 506 502 0.4 5.8 ** TFL52–1 6 24.5 555 600 1.1 7.4 ** 2500 Road 39 22.8 693 641 2.9 13.2 ** 700 Road–3 42 24.0 546 525 3.1 20.1 ** Joes Lake 89 25.9 208 184 6.7 13.6 ** Tzenzaicut Lake 10 22.8 390 414 7.4 39.1 ** Baker Creek 97 23.7 339 228 9.4 15.8 ** 700 Road –1 14 - 179 127 33.5 50.3 ** Pigeon Road 8 28.7 220 182 50.0 64.1 ** 700 Road –2 14 29.6 125 90 52.8 60.5 NS

V+NHVs, 15 x 15 m TFL52 –2 6 22.4 806 681 0.1 5.5 ** 2500 Road 47 19.8 730 635 1.9 13.9 ** Joes Lake 13 22.0 371 282 4.9 15.8 ** Baker Creek 28 20.4 290 240 5.5 14.6 ** Tzenzaicut Lake 18 23.9 602 677 9.0 23.4 ** 700 Road –1 2 32.8 208 183 16.8 45.6 ** TFL52 –1 15 31.4 253 297 22.5 31.0 ** 700 Road –3 27 23.4 503 442 24.3 43.2 ** Pigeon Road 14 26.5 169 144 43.8 70.9 ** 700 Road –2 19 33.7 141 90 52.5 73.2 **

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 28 V+NHVs, 20 x 20 m Baker Creek 57 24.7 128 157 0.8 11.1 ** TFL52 –1 7 23.4 460 474 1.3 11.3 ** 2500 Road 32 25.2 788 639 4.5 21.0 ** TFL52 –2 22 28.1 478 506 7.9 10.3 ** Tzenzaicut Lake 4 24.0 425 407 15.5 50.6 ** Joes Lake 17 26.7 198 145 18.7 33.3 ** 700 Road –2 53 32.9 146 152 33.6 43.3 ** 700 Road –3 15 35.6 288 227 35.1 54.1 ** Pigeon Road 8 21.8 185 165 39.5 48.5 ** 700 Road –1 41 29.6 221 127 40.7 42.5 NS

Bait only 2500 Road 74 22.7 627 532 5.7 23.6 ** Baker Creek 82 22.3 275 256 9.5 22.6 ** TFL52 –1 12 24.0 331 391 14.5 13.5 (NS) TFL52 –2 8 23.2 398 464 20.4 17.9 (NS) Joes Lake 19 22.9 259 243 25.1 46.4 ** 700 Road –2 32 31.0 172 241 51.7 52.8 NS 700 Road –3 38 26.4 199 223 63.8 58.5 (NS) 700 Road –1 37 31.6 185 207 69.2 56.5 (**) Tzenzaicut Lake 15 22.4 388 344 70.4 66.8 (NS) Pigeon Road 24 25.1 166 191 80.1 80.4 NS

Untreated Control TFL –2 6 22.4 711 621 0.6 4.3 ** 2500 Road 37 22.1 795 644 2.3 7.5 ** Baker Creek 56 24.9 350 345 12.3 14.7 NS Pigeon Road 2 27.3 428 350 17.5 28.2 ** TFL52 –1 13 - 184 239 24.5 16.9 (*) Joes Lake 3 22.7 334 288 26.3 20.7 (*) Tzenzaicut Lake 14 25.8 353 361 37.7 43.3 NS 700 Road –1 68 32.1 165 195 49.1 64.3 **

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 29 700 Road –2 26 28.4 315 226 53.7 49.0 (NS) 700 Road –3 27 27.8 212 254 75.0 70.3 (NS) a Chi-square probability of difference between inner ha and outer 3 ha in percentages of available trees mass-attacked indicated by: ** ≤0.01, * ≤0.05, NS=not significant. Asterisks or NS in parentheses indicate negative difference.

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• All plots had a 1 ha square in the middle, surrounded by a 50 m wide, 3 ha perimeter. One treatment was an untreated control. A bait-only (pull) treatment had 12 pheromone-baited trees (mean dbh=30.4±0.6 cm) spaced 25 m apart in the centre of the 3 ha perimeter band. The other three treatments all had pheromone-baited trees in the perimeter band, but also had “push” devices releasing verbenone plus the 3-component nonhost volatile blend (Section V,E) affixed to the north face of lodgepole pines or other vertical objects at 10, 15 or 20 m centres. Verbenone was released at 25 or 100 mg/day at 20 and 30° C, respectively, from polyurethane gel pads inside 1.5 mil plastic pouches (release rates determined by Phero Tech Inc.) The three nonhost volatiles, (E)-2- and (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol and benzyl alcohol, were all released at ca. 1.2 mg/day at 22°C from Phero Tech bubble caps.

• The experiment was evaluated over a 21-day duration from 29 September- 15 October and 20-24 October 2003, using 2- or 3-person crews. Every lodgepole pine >17.5 cm dbh on all 50 plots (total=69,759 trees) was examined, and all attacked and mass-attacked trees were stem mapped. Mass attack was determined by large numbers of pitch tubes on the bole and/or copious amounts of frass in bark crevices, on cobwebs and around the root collar. Attack density on all pheromone-baited trees was counted in two 20 x 40 cm panels on the east and west faces of the tree. The dbh of the five nearest lodgepole pines >17.5 cm dbh to the first corner of the inner ha encountered was also recorded.

• The percentages of trees that were mass-attacked in the inner ha and outer 3 ha of each plot were compared by chi-square tests. Linear regression was used to determine the relationship between the percentage of available trees >17.5 cm dbh that were mass-attacked, and three independent variables: 1) density/ha of red trees that would have produced emergent beetles in the summer of 2003, 2) density/ha of available lodgepole pines >17.5 cm dbh in the inner ha and outer 3 ha, and 3) mean dbh of the five living trees measured in each plot. Multiple regression was used to examine the combined effect of density of available trees/ha and dbh on the percentage of available trees that were mass-attacked. The mean ratios of newly mass- attacked green trees to previously-attacked red trees (G:R ratios) were compared among treatments by ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test, and the mean G:R ratios between the inner ha and the outer 3 ha for each treatment were compared by t-tests. The Percentages of trees NOT mass-attacked (pooled within each treatment) were compared among treatments by chi- square tests for multiple proportions. In all cases α=0.05.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 31 • The percentages of available trees that were mass-attacked were significantly higher in the outer 3 ha than in the inner ha in all 10 replicates in the 10 x 10 m treatment, and nine of 10 replicates in the 15 x 15 m and 20 x 20 m treatments (Table 12). In contrast, only three such differences occurred in the bait-only plots, and in five cases, one significant, there was a lower percentage in the outer 3 ha than in the inner ha. Similarly, in the untreated control plots, the percentage of available trees that were mass-attacked was significantly greater in the outer 3 ha than in the inner ha in four replicates, and in four cases, two significant, there was a lower percentage in the outer 3 ha. These data indicate that the push-pull treatments were superior to the bait-only treatment, but also indicate that random variation in the control plot resulted in significant differences that had nothing to do with any semiochemical treatment. Unfortunately, lack of time and resources precluded testing the push-only tactic.

• Only some treatments in some replicates were acceptable from an operational viewpoint. Taking <10% mass-attack as a threshold level of acceptability in the inner ha, the push-pull treatment was effective in five, four and three of 10 replicates in the 10 x 10, 15 x 15 and 20 x 20 m treatments, respectively. By chance alone the percentage of available trees that were mass-attacked was lower than 10% in the inner ha of two untreated control plots, negating the apparent effect of the bait-only treatment in three replicates. When treatments failed, they often did so in spectacular fashion, e.g. three percentages of mass-attacked trees in the inner ha >30% in the 10 x 10 m treatment, two >40% and two >20% in the 15 x 15 m treatment, and three >30% in the 20 x 20 m treatment. The highest percentages of available trees that were mass-attacked in the outer 3 ha in push-pull plots, and both positions in the bait-only and untreated control plots exceeded 60% in 13 instances, reflecting the extreme beetle pressure to which the treatments were challenged.

• Two other subtle measure of effectiveness of the 10 x 10 and 15 x 15 m treatments were apparent. The mean G:R ratios in the inner ha for these two treatments were significantly lower than in the untreated control plots, and were also lower than in the outer 3 ha (Table 13). Thus even with the spectacular failures in 2-3 replicates in these treatments (Table 12), the mean infestation growth rates were 2.6 and 2.7 fold, respectively, as opposed to 5.9 fold in the untreated control treatment. Moreover, there were significantly higher percentages of trees unsuccessfully attacked, i.e. attacked but not mass-attacked, in the inner ha of 10 x 10 and 15 x 15 m treatments than in all other treatments, and this trend was reflected in the outer

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Table 13. Comparison of G:R ratios pooled for all replicates for mass-attacked trees ranked by means in the inner ha. Number of red trees/ha in entire 4 ha plot used in all calculations.

a Range Mean ± SE t-test P inner vs Treatment Inner Outer ha Inner ha Outer 3 ha outer

V+ NHVs, 10 x 10 m 0.1 - 13.3 0.3 - 16.2 2.6 ± 1.4 a 5.4 ± 2.0 0.0494 V+NHVs, 15 x 15 m 0.2 - 5.5 1.2 - 8.7 2.7 ± 0.6 a 4.7 ± 0.8 0.0303 V+NHVs, 20 x 20 m 0.0 - 17.6 0.3 - 16.2 4.6 ± 1.7 ab 9.7 ± 5.2 0.0690 Bait only 0.3 - 17.9 0.7 - 15.1 5.1 ± 1.7 ab 5.5 ± 1.7 0.7366 Untreated Control 0.5 - 27.1 0.9 - 18.4 5.9 ± 2.5 ab 5.7 ± 1.7 0.4651 a Means for inner ha followed by the same letter are not significantly different, Tukey HSD test, P<0.05. ANOVA results (N=10) as follows: Inner ha F=5.64, df=34,15, P=0.0056; Outer 3 ha F=0.79, df=33,15, P=0.5476.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 33 3 ha (Table 14). Thus the treatments were disruptive enough to deter initial attack in many trees from advancing to mass-attack.

• One might hypothesize that failure of treatment would have occurred when there were many red trees on a plot that could have produced large numbers of emergent beetles. However, there was no relationship whatsoever between the density/ha of red trees and percentage of available trees that were mass-attacked (maximum r2 =0.13, P=0.3166) in 10 regression analyses (five treatments and inner and outer positions). In contrast, for all except the 20 x 20 m treatment, the percentage of available trees that were mass-attacked increased significantly as the density of available lodgepole pines/ha decreased, and as the dbh of those trees increased (Table 15). In other words, when there were few trees of large diameter, the treatment was most likely to fail. This was particularly apparent for the 700 Road plots, where partial cutting had occurred two years before the experiment, and for the Pigeon Road plots, which often had a high proportion of mature Douglas-fir. The attack that is unexplained by these relationships is probably due to immigration of beetles at the front of the huge infestation to the west of the experimental plots.

• Given the high hazard of mountain pine beetle attack in all plots except those at Tzenzaicut Lake (Table 11), and the apparently high to extreme risk of attack in all locations, it is remarkable that the treatments worked at all. The results presented in Section IV,E indicate that adding a simplified nonhost volatile blend to verbenone does not increase the disruptive effect of the treatment. Therefore, high-dose verbenone at 10 x 10 or 15 x 15 m densities in a push-pull tactic can be recommended for operational implementation. Adopting a 15 x 15 m spacing for verbenone without a nonhost volatile blend would lower the cost from $1,250/ha, excluding tax and labour, to $355.20, making the treatment cost-effective. Because of the adverse effects on efficacy of low host species stoking and high diameter, a reasonable precaution would be to apply treatment when the density of lodgepole pine is >300/ha, and preferably when the mean dbh is <25 cm.



Investigators John Borden, Anna Birmingham (SFU), Jennifer Burleigh (Phero Tech Inc.), J-P. Lafontaine (Phero Tech Inc.), Peter Rattray (Phero Tech Inc.)

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Table 14. Ranked percentages of all attacked trees that were not mass-attacked in the inner ha and outer three ha, pooled for all replicates.

Percent of attacked Total number of trees NOT mass- Position Treatment attacked trees attacked a

Inner ha V + NHVs, 15 x 15 m 613 24.1 a V + NHVs, 10 x 10 m 432 17.6 a Bait only 1,152 12.8 c Untreated Control 931 12.5 c V + NHVs, 20 x 20 m 610 12.0 c

Outer 3 ha V + NHVs, 15 x 15 m 3,302 18.7 a V + NHVs, 10 x 10 m 2,683 17.4 a V + NHVs, 20 x 20 m 2,429 15.5 ab Bait only 3,649 14.5 bc Untreated Control 3,064 12.4 c a Percents followed by the same letter are not significantly different, chi-square test for multiple proportions, P≤0.05

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Table 15. Linear regression equations showing negative relationship between density of available trees/ha and the percentage of available trees ≥17.5 cm dbh that were mass-attacked (dependent variable) and a positive relationship for dbh. Two replicates in which dbh was not measured excluded. Log transformations used as necessary to correct for non-normality.

Dependent Independent Treatment variable variable Position Regression equation r2 P

V+NHVs, % mass-attack log10 density/ha inner y=-2.33x +6.69 0.69 0.0031 10 x 10 m outer y=-0.23x + 9.67 0.48 0.0266 dbh inner y=11.84x - 15.72 0.73 0.0034 outer y=5.43x - 23.68 0.54 0.0180

V+NHVs, % mass-attack density/ha inner y=-0.05x +39.68 0.50 0.0226 15 x 15 m outer y=-0.07x + 60.73 0.49 0.0247 dbh inner y=2.40x - 43.45 0.48 0.0261 outer y=3.25x - 49.68 0.50 0.0228

V+NHVs, % mass-attack density/ha inner y=-28.70x + 90.10 0.21 0.1832 20 x 20 m outer y=-28.57x + 101.20 0.19 0.2100 dbh inner y=1.73x - 27.24 0.22 0.1671 outer y=87.36x - 92.27 0.11 0.3418 bait only log10 % mass- log10 density/ha inner y=-1.56x + 5.28 0.52 0.0192 attack outer y=-1.27x + 4.69 0.52 0.0181 dbh inner y=4.10x - 4.25 0.32 0.0914 outer y=2.06x - 1.30 0.18 0.2180 untreated % mass-attack log10 density/ha inner y=-76.85x + 224.4 0.53 0.0171 control outer y=-95.41x + 271.6 0.51 0.0206 dbh inner y=5.44x - 110.8 0.51 0.0307 outer y=6.24x - 128.4 0.73 0.0034

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 36 Cooperators Jeff Alexander RPF (Lignum Ltd.), Dwayne Payne (Consultant to Lignum Ltd.)

Problem Statement

Two commercial tree baits for the mountain pine beetle are on the market, one produced in various forms by Phero Tech Inc. since 1983, and the other by Biota Control Inc. since 1999. A pre-commercial study on the comparative performance of the two baits done on contract for the BC Ministry of Forests has never been released to the public. Therefore, users have no data available to them on the relative merits of each bait. However, there are some reports of short longevity of the Biota baits. In contrast, one practitioner contends that Biota baits are superior for containment and concentration of infestations (a major use), while Phero Tech baits are best for post-harvest mop-up (a minor use). Our objective was to experimentally resolve questions about the performance of these two products.

Research Accomplished

• The chemical purity and release rate characteristics of the bait components trans-verbenol and exo-brevicomin were analyzed at Phero Tech Inc. Performance in the field was determined in a 28-replicate experiment set up on 28 and 29 June 2003 at the Pigeon Road site east of 150 Mile House (Table 11). Lodgepole pines were selected for baiting at least 50 m apart on transects through moderately-infested stands. Each successive pair of trees randomly received either a Phero Tech or a Biota bait. Baits were affixed at maximum height from the ground on the north face of a tree. The experiment was evaluated on 26 and 27 October 2003. The dbh of each baited tree was taken, and the attack density was measured in two 20 x 40 cm panels on the east and west faces of the tree. Every lodgepole pine in a 40 x 40 m plot centered on the bait tree was evaluated a unattacked, attacked or mass-attacked, and trees in the latter two categories were stem mapped. All paired data were analyzed between treatments by ANOVA, α=0.05.

• There was very little difference in the performance of baits produced by either company (Table 16). However, trees bearing Phero Tech baits had a slightly higher attack density than those with Biota baits; this difference approached significance. Because attack density will continue to increase over time on trees with Phero Tech baits (A. Gustafsson, MPM thesis, SFU), this difference may indicate a slightly greater longevity of Phero Tech than Biota baits.

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Table 16. Comparative measurements of 40 x 40 m plot characteristics and performance of mountain pine beetle tree baits produced by Phero Tech Inc and Biota Control Inc.

Mean Value (±SE) Variable measured Phero Tech Biota Fb P dbh of bait trees 30.7 ± 0.9 30.1 ± 0.9 0.2843 0.5961 attack density/m2 on bait trees 100.4 ± 6.2 83.7 ± 5.6 5.9724 0.0613 no. available trees ≥17.5cm dbh 49.9 ± 4.4 45.0 ± 4.2 0.6268 0.4320 % available trees attacked 68.4 ± 3.3 71.4 ± 2.7 0.5011 0.4821 % available trees mass-attacked 62.8 ± 3.1 65.0 ± 3.1 0.0675 0.7961 no. red trees/plot 3.5 ± 0.9 4.1 ± 1.0 0.2685 0.6064 G:R ratio (mass-attacked trees)a 3.9 ± 1.8 3.9 ± 1.8 0.0001 0.9931 a G:R ratio calculated by comparing number of mass-attacked trees/ha on each plot with the numer of red trees/ha using the sum of all red trees on all 56 plots. b For all ANOVA, N=28, df=1,54

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 38 There was also no difference in the ability of baits from either company to concentrate attack around the baited trees (Table 17).

• Chemical analysis revealed that trans-verbenol produced by Phero Tech and Biota baits were 92 % and 62% chemically pure, respectively. Corresponding purity data for exo-brevicomin were >98% and 93%, respectively. Release rate determinations for trans-verbenol indicated consistently high levels of ca. 0.6 mg/day per device up to 67 days for Phero Tech baits, and much lower levels, ca. 0.2 mg/day for Biota baits. Corresponding determinations for exo- brevicomin showed Biota baits still releasing this compound at ca. 0.07 mg/day at day 67, while release rates from Phero Tech baits fell from 0.05 mg/day at day 32 to ca. 0.02 mg/day at day 67.

• These data indicate that comparable performance can be obtained using baits from either commercial source. One should not be superior over the other for either containment or mop- up tactics. Therefore, selection of products by the resource manager should be based on other criteria, such as price, ease of handling, consistency of quality, duration between order and delivery, and the availability of technical back-up when requested.


Investigators John Borden, Leslie Chong, Aileen Wardle

Cooperator Ionut Aaron (Malcom Knapp Research Forest)

Problem Statement

Since the withdrawal of all chemical insecticides as log protectants against ambrosia beetles, there has been a lengthy quest for alternative agents. Our research has shown that nonhost angiosperm bark volatiles have considerable promise as new-age protectants. However research completed by Leslie Chong and me in the spring and summer of 2001 at the Malcom Knapp Research Forest indicated that attack by ambrosia beetles could be delayed, but not prevented, by treating logs with devices releasing four repellent nonhost angiosperm bark volatiles: 1-hexanol, benzyl alcohol, methyl salicylate and salicylaldehyde. In considering what to do next an apparent breakthrough in our thinking arose from revisiting a 1983 publication in which W.W. Nijholt of the Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre, reported that spraying logs with oleic acid resulted in three weeks of protection from attack by Trypodendron lineatum. We also put together our observations and those of Dr. Lee Humble of PFC that scolytid beetles bury their

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Table 17. Distribution of mass-attacked lodgepole pines ≥17.5 cm dbh in concentric 5 m wide bands around central tree baited with mountain pine beetle tree baits produced by Phero Tech Inc and Biota Control Inc.

Concentric Mean no. mass-attacked Mean percent of available trees mass- bands from centre trees/dm2 attacked/dm2 out (m) Phero Tech Biota Phero Tech Biota

0-5 2.8 2.6 80.6 81.2 >5-10 2.9 2.7 24.0 23.0 >10-15 3.4 3.1 12.9 12.5 >15-20 4.2 3.9 9.0 9.3 a Distributions not significantly different between columns, chi-square test, P>0.05.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 40 dead at the ends of empty galleries with findings by our laboratory and others that co*ckroaches, ants and aphids use oleic and linoleic acid as death recognition signals. We hypothesized that Nijholt’s early success with oleic acid occurred because landing ambrosia beetles perceived a signal of pervasive death and did not proceed with attack until the signal had dissipated.

Research Accomplished

• Leslie Chong, Aileen Wardle and I tested the above hypothesis in two 10-replicate experiments involving 140 logs laid out 10 m apart in pairs along forestry roads at the Malcom Knapp Research Forest. The experiments were set up on 2-3 April 2002. A pheromone bait releasing lineatin and sulcatol was placed on a stake midway between the logs in each pair to induce beetles to orient toward the logs and to challenge them to choose between an experimental and a control log. In one experiment the experimental log was sprayed with ca. 2 L of oleic acid, treated with a 6.75 m-long polyflow tube releasing the four repellent nonhost volatiles (NHVs), or received both treatments. In the other experiment the experimental log in the pair was sprayed with oleic acid, linoleic acid, canola oil (rich in oleic acid) or safflower oil (rich in linoleic acid). The vegetable oils are much cheaper than the purified fatty acids, but contain the acids bound in triglycerides. Landing on sticky cards and attack was monitored throughout the spring and early summer. Beetle flight was monitored throughout the season in multiple-funnel traps.

• In the first experiment (Table 18), the NHVs gave two weeks of protection from attack (1 of 10 logs attacked), but protection broke down by the third week (8 of 10 logs attacked). Oleic acid provided three weeks of protection, and there was no synergistic effect of combining NHV's with oleic acid. In the second experiment (Table 19), both fatty acids and both oils provided three weeks of protection. These results verify Nijholt's 1980 results with oleic acid and expand them to other fatty acid-based materials. However, one season of working with these obnoxious agents has convinced us that they are too costly and inconvenient to use operationally. Were it not for new results with bark beetle pheromones (see IV, below), this would have been our last year in the log protection business.

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Table 18. Timing of first observable attack by ambrosia beetles on western hemlock logs in paired-log experiment, with untreated logs (UN) and logs treated with nonhost volatiles (NHVs), oleic acid (OA) or both NHVs and oleic acid (BOTH) 10 m apart, with a pheromone bait on a stake midway between them. Treatments done on a 2-3 April 2002 and logs checked weekly thereafter.

No. of logs attacked (N=10) Week UN NHVs UN OA UN BOTH

1 7 1 71 3 0 2 9 1 71 4 0 3 10 8 101 9 0 4 10 10 105 10 4 5 10 10 109 10 5 6 10 10 1010 10 10

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Table 19. Timing of first observable attack by ambrosia beetles on western hemlock logs in paired-logs experiments, with untreated logs (UN) and logs treated with oleic acid (OA), linoleic acid (LA) canola oil (CO) (rich in oleic acid) or safflower oil (SO) (rich in linoleic acid) 10 m apart, with a pheromone bait on a stake midway between them. Treatments done on 2-3 April 2002 and logs checked weekly thereafter.

No. Logs attacked (N=10) Week UN OA UN LA UN CO UN SO

1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 3 0 3 1 4 0 3 5 0 8 1 4 2 6 1 4 10 6 9 10 10 9 10 10 5 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 10

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Investigators Stuart Campbell, John Borden, Regine Gries

Cooperator Brian Drobe, RPF (Weyehauser Canada)

Problem Statement

There is one record in the literature on the response of an ambrosia beetle to a bark beetle pheromone, a finding by an undergraduate student in my laboratory that Trypodendron lineatum in the B.C. interior apparently uses the Dendroctonus pheromone frontalin as a weak host- finding kairomone. In one experiment in 2001, M.Sc. student Stuart Campbell found that the mountain pine beetle was moderately repelled from attractant-baited traps to which the ambrosia beetle pheromone lineatin had been added. Because ambrosia beetles do not infest trees killed by the mountain pine beetle until 9-10 months after attack, when the trees are no longer suitable for mountain pine beetles, a repellency to lineatin would be highly adaptive. Conversely, Stuart reasoned that it would be adaptive for ambrosia beetles to be repelled by pheromones released by bark beetles at the time they attack living trees, when they are not yet suitable as an ambrosia beetle habitat.

Research Accomplished

• Working with Regine Gries Stuart collected T. lineatum, T. rufitarsus and T. retusum at Deep Gulch (near Princeton) on 1-2 May 2002 and subjected them to GC-EAD analysis with an array of bark beetle pheromones. The antennae responded to only some of these compounds. For example T. lineatum antennae responded to ipsenol, ipsdienol, cis-verbenol, verbenone, MCOL, MCH, and seudenol, but not to exo- and endo-brevicomin, trans-verbenol, or (curiously) frontalin.

• As time permitted (this is not in his thesis topic), Stuart tested the bioactivity of antennally- active compounds in three experiments with pheromone-baited traps. Because of the strongly negative response of mountain pine beetles to 2-phenylethanol (Table 3), this compound was added to the list. In one experiment adding MCH to lineatin-baited traps reduced the catch of T. lineatum and T. rufitarsus combined (both are conifer-infesting species) by a highly significant 84% compared to catches in traps baited with lineatin alone (Table 20). Seudenol, the parent alcohol of the ketone MCH, also caused a significant reduction. Because lineatin is such a potent pheromone, and because the repellency of MCH was so pronounced, this

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 44 partial result in itself was enough to induce us to test MCH alone and in combination with nonhost volatiles as a log protectant.

• The other intriguing result is that the response to pheromone-baited traps by interior T. lineatum was significantly enhanced by the addition of either ipsenol or ipsdienol (aggregation pheromones of secondary bark beetles in the genus Ips), while the beetles were indifferent to exo-brevicomin, frontalin, MCOL, 2-phenyl ethanol and trans-verbenol (aggregation pheromones of primary bark beetles in the genus Dendroctonus) (Table 20). Thus T. lineatum responds positively to the pheromones of secondary bark beetles that attack weakened hosts suitable for ambrosia beetles, and is indifferent to or repelled by pheromones of primary bark beetles that attack living hosts unsuitable for ambrosia beetles. The ecological and evolutionary implications of these results suggest that these highly adaptive responses could by reliably exploited in pest management.

• In 2003, we set up two 10-replicate felled-log protection experiments testing MCH, nonhost volatiles and both together, one at the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest, and the other at White Lake, near Salmon Arm. We also conducted trapping experiments at both locations testing the response of T. lineatum, G. sulcatus and G. retusus to MCH, ipsenol and ipsdienol. The results were disheartening; NOTHING WORKED. The MCH failed to provide significant log protection and was not repellent in traps, and neither ipsenol nor ipsdienol enhanced the response to pheromone-baited traps. We have several possible explanations for this discouraging effort.

1. On the advice of Mr. S. Burke of Phero Tech Inc., we removed salicylaldehyde from the 4-component nonhost volatile blend. He felt that it would be difficult to register the blend as a reduced-risk pesticide with this moderately toxic aldehyde included. Apparently, the remaining 3-component blend of methyl salicylate, 1-hexanol and benzyl alcohol failed to provide sufficient base-level repellency to allow us to evaluate MCH as an adjuvant.

2. MCH applied in bubble caps, as recommended for operational use against the Douglas-fir beetle, may have been released in early spring at too low a rate to be effective.

3. Both experiments were in different biogeoclimatic zones than those in which Stuart Campbell obtained his intriguing results in 2002. There is evidence in the literature that T. lineatum from these different zones do not respond in the same manner to green leaf

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Table 20. Comparison of ranked catches of T. lineatum in traps baited with the attractive pheromone lineatin alone or in combination with one of 10 bark beetle pheromones.

No. No. of beetles captured ( x ±SE)a Treatment reps. Males Females

1 lineatin + ipsdienol 10 464.0 ± 87.5 a 395.7 ± 78.0 a lineatin + verbenone 10 341.2 ± 67.9 ab 179.8 ± 31.3 b lineatin 9 272.6 ± 70.9 b 185.6 ± 43.3 b lineatin + trans-verbenol 10 250.8 ± 47.1 b 166.0 ± 38.3 b unbaited 10 0.3 ± 0.2 c 0.3 ± 0.2 c

2 lineatin + MCOL 10 376.7 ± 80.3 a 209.9 ± 35.3 a lineatin + frontalin 9 350.0 ± 24.1 a 244.1 ± 20.5 a lineatin 10 283.5 ± 37.8 ab 218.9 ± 27.7 a lineatin + seudenol 10 173.7 ± 10.0 b 04.8 ± 10.7 b lineatin + MCH 9 35.0 ± 0.4 c 22.8 ± 4.1 c unbaited 8 0.6 ± 0.4 d 0.3 ± 0.2 d

3 lineatin + ipsenol 10 376.7 ± 80.3 a 227.4 ± 16.0 a lineatin 10 223.9 ± 23.5 b 140.2 ± 16.5 b lineatin + exo-brevicomin 10 216.6 ± 19.6 b 138.3 ± 13.0 b unbaited 10 0.1 ± 0.1 c 0.1 ± 0.1 c

4 lineatin 8 478.0 ±129.9 a 338.7 ±111.1 a lineatin + 2-phenyl ethanol 8 272.1 ± 52.3 a 177.4 ± 41.7 a 2-phenyl ethanol 8 1.1 ± 0.5 b 0.8 ± 0.4 b unbaited 8 0.4 ± 0.3 b 0.3 ± 0.2 b a Means within a column and experiment followed by the same letter are not significantly different, Ryan, Einot, Gabriel, Welsh multiple Q test, P < 0.05.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 46 volatiles. It is thus possible that there are separate ecotypes of ambrosia beetles that evolved varying responses to semiochemicals because of differing selection pressures.

I feel discouraged and apologetic, even though I learned long ago that the insects always have the right answer. Undaunted, however, before I give up completely, I intend to test 1-octen-3-ol for bioactivity as an ambrosia beetle repellent in 2004.


Investigators Kathy Simmonds (nee Hein), John Borden, Steve Burke (Phero Tech Inc.), Dave Wakarchuk (Phero Tech Inc.), Jennifer Burleigh (Phero Tech Inc.), Nicole Jeans-Williams (ForHealth Management)

Cooperators Ron Ferrier (Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd., Okanagan Falls), Bob Carmichael (Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd., Vavenby), Gary Greyell (Riverside Forest Producsts, Westbank)

Problem Statement

Large wood-boring beetles in the families Cerambycidae and Buprestidae, and wood wasps in the family Siricidae collectively cost interior B.C. lumber producers at least $34 million per year. The multiple-funnel traps currently used in operational trapping programs in B.C. and Alberta catch ambrosia beetles exceedingly well, but many large woodborers are not captured, and some of those that are escape. Therefore, for several years we have been working with Phero Tech, as well as Dr. Peter de Groot at the Canadian Forest Service's Great Lakes Forestry Centre, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, to design, manufacture and field test traps that would be efficacious alternatives to multiple-funnel traps. We had earlier discarded a highly-effective trap consisting of cross-vane panels standing in a water-filled receptacle because of the excessive labour involved, their susceptibility to wind, the large number of small mammals captured, and the stinking mess of captured insects that had to be processed. Therefore, in recent years we have retained the cross-vane barrier design, but have investigated various types of "escape proof" collecting containers. Results from the summer of 2001 indicated that cross-vane traps with a black collecting bucket were superior to traps with a white bucket, four vanes were superior to three vanes, and a tall, wide, vertical, black silhouette was superior to a short, narrow one. However, the "puck board" cross vanes, while very durable, are heavy, expensive and difficult to assemble in the field. Therefore, a lighter, but still durable, material was needed. With these guiding principles we are working with Phero Tech to design and test lightweight pre-

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 47 commercial cross-vane traps and sleeve traps specifically targeted at Monochamus spp. and Xylotrechus spp., the two most damaging groups of large woodborers.

Research Accomplished

• Kathy Simmonds worked at Phero Tech for eight weeks in the spring of 2002 to manufacture two prototype lightweight traps from 8 mil. polyethylene. The first was a 30 cm diameter 1.2 m long "pipe" attached to a deep polyethylene funnel, at the bottom of which was the bottom funnel of a Lindgren multiple-funnel trap with a double-length collecting cup. The second was similar to the cross-vane puck-board trap modified by Dr. Dan Miller of the U.S. Forest Service in Athens, Georgia. It consisted of four 21 cm x 1.2 m 8 mil. polyethylene panels suspended over an identical capture and collecting assembly as used in the pipe trap. Ten randomized complete block replicates of four trap types (the two new traps above, the conventional Phero Tech multiple-funnel trap, and the 2001 puck-board cross-vane trap that we developed) were set up in early June at each of three sites: Weyerhaeuser Canada's mill yards at Okanagan Falls and Vavenby, and Riverside Forest Product's 4-Mile Bear Creek Dryland Sort near Westbank. Results Okanagan Falls and Vavenby (Table 21) indicate large numbers of beetles captured by all trap types. When the captures were broken down by numerical ranking (with no statistical tests) the 2002 cross-vane trap was clearly superior, with 15 first place rankings (of 24 possible), a score of 3.42 and the highest number of total beetles captured (5,172) (Table 22). In contrast, the conventional multiple-funnel trap ranked the lowest by all three criteria, and the 2001 cross-vane and 2002-pipe traps were at an intermediate performance level. However, as the trapping season progressed the plastic in both 2002 traps began to suffer wind- and heat-induced distortion and weakness, and some of the metal hardware wore through or broke. Moreover the cross-vane trap was too long for operational use. Therefore, a final year of pre-commercial testing in 2003 emphasized more durable materials and reductions in trap size. Even so, Dr. Jon Sweeney, of the Canadian Forest Service's Maritimes Forestry Centre in Fredericton, N.B., found that the CV-2002 trap caught 3.9 times more brown spruce borers, Tetropium fuscum, than the next best trap, which is commercially available. Although Phero Tech Inc. wanted to initiate commercial sales of the new cross-vane trap in 2003, we convinced them that a final year of testing would lead to a more effective and durable trap.

• Seven final experiments were conducted in 2003. The first ran most of the summer at Weyerhaeuser Canada’s mill yard at Okanagan Falls. It tested a modified cross-vane trap

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Table 21. Catches in 2002 of cerambycid beetles in an experiment testing four types of traps at Weyerhaeuser Canada's mill yards at Okanagan Falls and Vavenby. All traps were baited with commercial lures (Phero Tech Inc.) releasing ethanol and α-pinene. Traps were: multiple-funnel trap with a dry collecting cup used operationally for woodborer trapping (MF); 2001 cross-vane test trap with puckboard vanes and dry bucket receptacle (CV-2001); lightweight 8 mil. plastic pipe trap manufactured in 2002 in collaboration with Phero Tech (Pipe-2002); and lightweight 8 mil. plastic crossvane trap manufactured in 2002 in collaboration with Phero Tech (CV-2002).

No. beetles captured Location Species Sex MF CV-2001 Pipe-2002 CV-2002

Okanagan Monochamus males 41 25 35 45 Falls scutellatus females 23 17 16 17

M. clamator males 115 96 110 191 females 115 98 115 184

M. obtusus males 570 210 221 671 females 383 151 202 506

Xylotrechus males 405 858 662 522 longitarsus females 295 721 455 426

Arphopalus males 11 26 28 21 asperatus females 17 44 57 38

A. productus males 31 43 41 57 females 25 35 34 45

Asemum males 7 12 30 35 striatum females 16 23 45 51

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 49

Vavenby Monochamus males 193 446 227 273 scutellatus females 125 218 202 212

M. clamator males 22 18 21 25 females 17 36 17 18

Xylotrechus males 595 832 845 879 longitarsus females 396 614 544 507

Asemum males 5 36 29 177 striatum females 20 60 37 231

Tetropium males 5 15 14 16 velutinum females 2 15 13 25

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 50

Table 22. Comparison of numerical ranking for each entry by sex and species in Table 21 for numbers of cerambycid beetles caught in four types of traps tested in 2002. Combined score is based on a 4-point scale, in which a rank of first = 4, second = 3, third = 2, and fourth = 1, taken as a mean of 24 possible rankings.

Number of instances by rank Rank MF CV-2001 Pipe-2002 CV-2002

First 6 2 5 Second 6 9 2 4 Third 1 4 15 5 Fourth 16 5 1 0

Score 1.67 2.67 2.38 3.42

Total no. beetles captured 3,434 4,649 4,000 5,172

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 51 (CV-2003), with the panels reduced in height to approximately 1 m to make them more easy to handle. It also had other structural modification that improved the durability in wind and extreme heat. It was tested against a cross-vane trap from IPM Technologies Inc., Portland Oregon, the main competitor trap of a similar design on the market, and against multiple- funnel traps with a single collecting cup, or a double cup with increased depth made by fitting two cups together with the bottom cut out of the upper cup. This last design was tested to see if increasing the depth reduced escape of captured insects. The traps were laid out in 10 randomized complete blocks, and new replicates were implemented every two weeks by re-randomizing their placement. The other six experiments were designed to determine whether the new traps could be used to catch bark and ambrosia beetles at the same time they were deployed to catch woodborers. Each had 10 replicates in randomized complete blocks, and compared catches in the new cross-vane traps with those in conventional multiple-funnel traps. They targeted the following insects in three locations: Malcomn Knapp Research Forest, Maple Ridge, Trypodendron lineatum, Gnathotrichus sulcatus and Dendroctonus pseudotsugae; White Lake near Salmon Arm, T. lineatum (interior), T. rufitarsus and D. pseudotsugae (interior); and East Gate Road near Manning Park, Dendroctonus ponderosae. Captured beetles were held frozen until sexed and counted. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, and for the Okanagan Falls experiment by the REGW test, α=0.05.

• Because of the hot, dry summer in 2003, very few woodborers were caught in the large experiment at Okanagan Falls. However, in the nine instances in which the F value was significant, the CV-2003 trap was superior for either or both of the species in question (Table 23). In many other cases, the numerically-highest catches were in the new cross-vane trap. In spite of the low catches, these results conform those of previous years of the general superiority of the the new crass-vane trap. In no case was there a significantly greater catch of an ambrosia beetle of either sex in the CV-2003 or the conventional multiple-funnel trap (Table 24). However, for both Douglas-fir beetle experiments, higher numbers of males were caught in the cross-vane than in the multiple-funnel traps. These results indicate that if ambrosia or bark beetles are targeted along with woodborers, e.g. in dryland sorts with large numbers of bark beetles in sanitation-harvested timber, the catches will be no lower than in conventional multiple-funnel traps.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 52

Table 23. Comparison of cerambycid and buprestid catches in 2003 in four types of traps: Phero Tech flexible cross vane (CV-2003), IPM Tech cross vane (IPM), multiple-funnel with double- depth cup (MFD), and multiple-funnel with single cup (MFS). Traps laid out in randomized complete blocks on 21 May 2003 and re-randomized over time in two-week periods, for five or six replicates, depending on date of last catch, except for A. asperatus which was captured only in the last replicate. Up to three traps per treatment broken or fallen. Weyerhaesuer Canada Ltd. Okanagan Falls mill yard.

Mean catch (±SE)a Family and species Trap Type No Reps Males Females CERAMBYCIDAE Monochamus scultellatus CV-2003 59 0.1 ± 0.0 0.3 ± 0.1 a IPM 57 0.2 ± 0.1 0.1 ± 0.1 b MFD 58 0.2 ± 0.1 0.0 ± 0.0 b MFS 60 0.1 ± 0.0 0.1 ± 0.0 b

M. clamator CV-2003 49 1.3 ± 0.0 1.5 ± 0.3 a IPM 48 1.0 ± 0.2 0.9 ± 0.2 b MFD 49 1.0 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.2 b MFS 50 0.9 ± 0.2 0.6 ± 0.1 b

M. obtusus CV-2003 49 2.1 ± 0.4 1.6 ± 0.4 IPM 48 1.5 ± 0.4 1.1 ± 0.3 MFD 49 1.5 ± 0.4 0.7 ± 0.2 MFS 50 1.3 ± 0.3 0.9 ± 0.3

Xylotrechus longitarsus CV-2003 59 2.0 ± 0.3 a 1.5 ± 0.3 a IPM 57 1.0 ± 0.2 b 0.8 ± 0.1 ab MFD 58 1.2 ± 0.2 b 0.9 ± 0.2 ab MFS 60 0.9 ± 0.2 b 0.7 ± 0.1 b

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Arhopalus apseratus CV-2003 10 0.7 ± 0.4 1.8 ± 0.5 IPM 9 0.4 ± 0.2 1.0 ± 0.2 MFD 9 0.7 ± 0.2 1.3 ± 0.6 MFS 10 0.7 ± 0.3 0.3 ± 0.2

Asemum striatum CV-2003 49 0.7 ± 0.4 0.7 ± 0.4 IPM 48 0.1 ± 0.0 0.2 ± 0.1 MFD 49 0.1 ± 0.1 0.1 ± 0.0 MFS 50 0.3 ± 0.2 0.3 ± 0.2

BUPRESTIDAE Chalcophora virginiensis CV-2003 49 2.6 ± 0.8 a 9.4 ± 2.1 IPM 48 1.2 ± 0.4 ab 5.0 ± 0.9 MFD 49 0.7 ± 0.2 b 4.1 ± 0.8 MFS 50 0.6 ± 0.2 b 3.8 ± 0.7

Dicerca tenebrosa CV-2003 49 0.4 ± 0.2 1.7 ± 0.6 IPM 48 0.2 ± 0.1 0.5 ± 0.1 MFD 49 0.2 ± 0.1 0.9 ± 0.2 MFS 50 0.2 ± 0.1 0.8 ± 0.2

Buprestis subornata CV-2003 49 0.3 ± 0.1 a 1.6 ± 0.4 IPM 48 0.1 ± 0.0 ab 0.1 ± 0.0 MFD 49 0.2 ± 0.1 ab 1.2 ± 0.3 MFS 50 0.0 ± 0.0 b 0.9 ± 0.2

Buprestis nutalli CV-2003 49 1.0 ± 0.3 a 1.6 ± 0.4 IPM 48 0.4 ± 0.1 b 0.4 ± 0.1 MFD 49 0.5 ± 0.2 ab 0.8 ± 0.3 MFS 50 0.3 ± 0.1 b 0.6 ± 0.2

Buprestis laeviventris CV-2003 59 2.52± 0.6 a 7.8 ± 1.3 a IPM 57 0.9 ± 0.2 b 3.3 ± 0.6 b

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MFD 58 2.5 ± 0.7 a 6.0 ± 1.6 ab MFS 60 1.1 ± 0.3 b 4.3 ± 1.0 b a If ANOVA P<0.05, means within a column and species followed by the same letter are not significantly different, REGW test, P<0.05.

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Table 24. Catches of bark and ambrosia beetles in CV-2003 and single-cup multiple funnel traps in 2003.

No. Catch by trap type (mean ± SE)a Location, date and bait Species captured reps Sex CV-2003 Multiple-funnel

MALCOLM KNAPP RESEARCH FOREST, MAPLE RIDGE, 20 March – 17 April/03 lineatin, ethanol, Trypodendron lineatum 10 M 590.7 ± 137.5 840.6 ± 164.1 α-pinene 9 F 358.7 ± 60.3 577.8 ± 80.5 Gnathotrichus sulcatus 10 M 505.0 ± 105.4 410.0 ± 57.5 9 F 356.8 ± 81.1 339.87 ± 37.9

17 April - 8 May/03 sulcatol, ethanol, G. sulcatus 10 M 28.4 ± 8.2 39.2 ± 14.2 α-pinene 10 F 82.4 ± 19.0 80.5 ± 22.0 T. lineatum 10 M 72.4 ± 25.2 71.5 ± 22.7 10 F 114.3 ± 24.2 103.5 ± 21.7

8-15 May/03 frontalin, MCOL, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae 10 M 64.8 ± 17.8 29.4 ± 11.6* ethanol 9 F 13.6 ± 3.5 8.7 ± 3.0

WHITE LAKE, SALMON ARM 20 March-17 April/03 lineatin, ethanol, T. lineatum 10 M 505.0 ± 105.4 410.0 ± 57.5 α-pinene 10 F 356.8 ± 81.1 339.8 ± 37.9 T. rufitarsus 10 Mixed 82.1 ± 6.6 62.3 ± 10.9

8-15 May/03 Frontalin, MCOL, Dendroctonus pseudotsugae 10 M 133.6 ± 23.9 71.5 ± 16.5* ethanol 10 F 73.5 ± 12.6 55.4 ± 18.4

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EAST GATE ROAD, NEAR MANNING PARK August/03 exo-brevicomin, D. ponderosae 9 M 4.7 ± 1.0 6.0 ± 2.6 trans-verbenol, myrcene 9 F 4.2 ± 1.8 4.2 ± 1.8 a Paired means on a line followed by asterisk are significantly different, ANOVA, P<0.05

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• The 2003 field season completed seven years of research, culminating in the design, modification and field evaluation of the flexible cross-vane trap. The final step was realized in the spring of 2004, when Phero Tech Inc. made its first sales of the new “Colossus” trap.


Investigators Stuart Campbell, John Borden

Cooperators Ionut Aaron (Malcom Knapp Research Forest), Gwen Baker (Riverside Forest Products)

Problem Statement

This study follows up the discovery by a U.S. Forest Service scientist, Dr. Brian Strom that southern pine beetles are inhibited form responding positively to attractive pheromones when they are released from white-painted traps or trees. In addition to elucidating the fundamental aspects of host selection, e.g. rejection by conifer-infesting insects of white nonhost species like trembling aspen and paper birch, this project is exploring the potential for visual disruption of host selection, e.g. whitewashing a log deck (believe it or not) to protect it from woodborer attack. It is also exploring whether there is a synergistic interaction between known olfactory repellents and deterrent visual stimuli.

Research Accomplished

• Stuart's results from the summer of 2001 were analyzed in 2002. They indicate that in general conifer-infesting bark beetles and large woodborers were deterred from responding to attractive baits in white multiple-funnel traps, but ambrosia beetles were not. Ambrosia beetles infest primarily downed logs, have evolved potent pheromones and may not rely heavily on visual stimuli for host selection. Although large woodborers also infest downed hosts, they do not have long-range pheromones, and may have evolved behavioural traits that rely more heavily on visual stimuli than ambrosia beetles.

• In 2002 Stuart conducted a large experiment aimed at elucidating the interplay between vision and olfaction in the selection of hosts by the mountain pine beetle. Clusters of four traps (two white, two black) were erected around a pole baited with attractive pheromones exo-brevicomin, and trans-verbenol. The attractive kairomone myrcene was placed on 1) the black traps, 2) the white traps, 3) all four traps, and 4) neither, and 16 replicates of these four

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 58 treatments were set up near Princeton, to determine whether vision, olfaction or both senses are utilized in selecting hosts in a small area redolent with beetle-produced pheromones. The data were not analyzed until well into 2003. They indicate three intriguing results. 1) Myrcene is responsible for long range orientation to currently-attacked groups of trees. Almost no beetles were caught in clusters that did not have myrcene. This result appears to refute the hypothesis of host selection by random landing in this species, at least when a suitable olfactory stimulus is present. 2) Having entered a cluster, beetles orient to candidate hosts on the basis of vision. In clusters with myrcene on both black and white traps, there were more beetles in black than white traps. 3) When myrcene was present only on white traps, the positive olfactory stimulus over rode the negative visual stimulus, and catches in black and white traps were equal.

• The results of experiments conducted in 2002 on the Douglas-fir beetle, the mountain pine beetle and the western balsam bark beetle all show significant interactions between visual and chemical stimuli. Thus bark beetles join a very small group of other insects investigated to date that are capable of integrating visual and olfactory stimuli.

• In 2003, Stuart collected bark from Douglas-fir, lodgepole pine, interior fir, red alder, trembling aspen and paper birch, and determined their reflectance spectra in a Cary spectrophotometer. The conifers and red alder were not significantly different in reflectance from each other or from black multiple-funnel traps. Trembling aspen and paper birch reflected light throughout the range of visual wavelengths, similar to the reflectance spectra of white traps. Thus using black and white traps to simulate hosts and nonhosts was justified. Stuart also found that paper birch reflected well into the ultraviolet range, the first time such reflectance has been observed for the bark of any tree. This may be an adaptive mechanism to protect sensitive photosynthetic subcortical tissue from damage by ultraviolet radiation in this thin-barked species. Secondarily, it may accentuate the visual repellence of birch bark to coniferophagous bark and timber beetles.

• Stuart now resides in Guelph, Ontario. He will return to SFU to defend his thesis in May or June 2004. It will be left to others to exploit his results by integrating visual and chemcial stimuli to protect vulnerable hosts from attack by bark and timber beetles.



Investigators Susanne Kühnholz, John Borden, Regine Gries, Harold Pierce Jr., Bernie Crespi (SFU), Adnan Uzonovic (Forintek), Collette Breuil (Forest Sciences, UBC), Karen Jacobs (Forest Sciences, UBC)

Cooperators Lisa Poirier (UNBC), Lee Humble (PFC)

Problem Statement

Recent issues and events have made the study of ambrosia beetles of continuing importance. These include: international concern over importation and exportation of living ambrosia beetles and their symbiotic fungi in wood products; potential and realization of offshore exportation of forest products from interior Canadian forests where ambrosia beetles have traditionally not been considered to be a problem; emergence of value-added industries that demand blemish-free wood; the threat of non-tariff barriers to trade if ambrosia beetle infestations are found in Canadian forest products; alarmingly huge infestations in living European hardwoods of Trypodendron domesticum and T. signatum which normally infest logs; the discovery by Dr. Lee Humble of PFC that five species of exotic ambrosia beetles have become established in B.C.'s forests, including T. domesticum from Eurasia and Xyloterinus politus from eastern North America; and the increasing interest in native hardwood products that has transformed hardwood-infesting ambrosia beetles into potential pests. Accordingly, Ph.D. student Susanne Kühnholz is completing a study of the chemical ecology of T. lineatum and T. rufitarisus (which attack conifers), T. retusum (which attacks trembling aspen), and T. betulae (which attacks birches). She is also working on symbiotic fungi associated with each species and is using molecular techniques to determine the phylogenetic relationship among B.C.’s native species, and how they relate to the world fauna in this genus. Susanne’s observations that T. retusum and T. betulae attack healthy trees is in opposition to all published reports, but they are consistent with our finding (corroborating Lee Humble’s observations) that T. domesticum is also attacking living trees in B.C. A manuscript describing observations and potential for attack on living trees by secondary ambrosia beetles was published in 2003 (Section V,A, No. 15). Research Accomplished

• Field trapping experiments with T. betulae were conducted in 2001 on the campus of the University of Northern B.C. with the new pheromone 2,2,6-trimethyl-6-vinyl-2H-pyran-3-ol

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 60 (named tirathol after the genus of tropical moths from which it was first identified as a pheromone), indicated that the highest trap catches were obtained in response to a blend of the naturally-occurring ESR and ZRR stereoisomers. Inhibition of trap catches to the unnatural ERS and ZSS isomers suggested molecular interference at the receptor site. The antennally-active host volatile conophthorin in combination with tirathol enhanced trap catches. This research continued in 2002, adding ethanol as a potential attractant. The results indicate a positive synergistic interaction between tirathol, conophthorin and ethanol (Table 25). Tirathol is the first new ambrosia beetle pheromone to be discovered since the 1970's. Should any of the new exotic species, e.g. X. politus, prove to be pests, the expertise at SFU may be exploited to identify and develop new pest management tools.

• Response to the pheromone lineatin by the aspen-infesting species T. retusum was enhanced by the host volatile salicylaldehyde, which in turn inhibited responses to lineatin by the conifer-infesting T. lineatum and T. rufitarisus. Reciprocally, α-pinene enhanced responses by T. lineatum and T. rufitarisus and inhibited responses by T. retusum. Thus species specificity among three species that share the same pheromone is maintained in part by host and nonhost volatiles. We have no evidence for the involvement of semiochemicals in maintaining reproductive isolation between T. lineatum and T. rufitarisus.

• In collaboration with Dr. Adnan Uzonovic of Forintek, Susanne, has isolated 3-7 morphologically-distinct fungal isolates from each species of beetle. Drs. Collette Breuil and Karen Jacobs of UBC's Forest Science Department have collaborated with Susanne to verify three distinct species morphologically and four based on DNA analysis. This research is continuing, and preliminary results indicate that each native species has a different complex of fungi, some of which are shared. Studies with Dr. Uzonovic have indicated that some isolates are weakly aggressive invaders of the wood and bark of cut aspen bolts, suggesting pathogenic potential, but a tree inoculation study did not support this hypothesis, even though living fungi of all three isolates tested were recovered from the trees approximately six months after inoculation.

• In January 2004, Suzanne completed research in Dr. Bernie Crespi's laboratory at SFU using mitochondrial DNA to determine the relatedness or disparity among B.C.'s four native Trypodendron species species, and to set these species in context with most of the world species in this genus. This cladistic analysis indicates distinct separation of the four native species, but indicates relatedness of T. lineatum and T. rufitarsus with two European species, fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 61

Table 25. Captures of Trypodendron betulae in multiple-funnel traps in two 2002 experiments on the UNBC campus. Statistical analysis not yet done.

No. beetles captured ( x ±SE) Exp. no. Treatment Males Females

1 unbaited control 0.6 ± 0.3 1.1 ± 0.4 ethanol 3.9 ± 1.8 2.7 ± 0.9 tirathol 2.0 ± 0.8 1.6 ± 0.7 tirathol + ethanol 2.8 ± 1.3 4.2 ± 1.3

2 unbaited control 0.3 ± 0.2 0.1 ± 0.1 tirathol + conophthorin 1.5 ± 0.8 1.4 ± 0.5 tirathol + conophthorin + ethanol 11.2 ± 4.1 9.4 ± 3.6

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 62 and T. retusum and T. betulae with the European T. domesticum. This study will provide a basis not only for comparison of the phylogeny of beetle species and their symbiotic fungi, but may also aid in determining the origin of exotic species or populations intercepted at ports of entry or established in B.C.'s forests.

• Susanne was on medical leave in the spring and summer semesters of 2003 because of the birth of twin girls on 21 March 2003. She is presently writing her thesis in Sweden and anticipates returning to BC to defend it in the summer of 2004.


Investigators Cindy Broberg, John Borden

Cooperators Dave Minhas RPF (Scott Paper), Gashaw Abebe (Scott Paper), Dan Carlson RPF (Scott Paper), Dave Piggin RPF (BC Ministry of Forests

Problem Statement

Poplars are increasingly harvested for lightweight lumber, oriented strand board, paneling, moldings, chip board, furniture manufacture, engineered lumber and soft paper products. Poplars and willows are used for soil stabilization, livestock fodder, windbreaks and greenbelts, and may in the future be used for CO2-neutral biomass energy production. Species in both genera are vital

in maintaining biodiversity in forested landscapes, yet very little is known about insect species

that infest poplars and willows. In B.C., an exotic weevil, the poplar and willow borer,

Cryptorhynchus lapathi, frequently attacks willow, Salix spp., and black cottonwood, Populus

trichocarpa, but there are only four records of it infesting trembling aspen, P. tremuloides.

Conversely, the native cerambycid beetle, Saperda calcarata predominately attacks aspen, but

can occur on poplar and willow. Ph.D. student Cindy Broberg set out in 2000 to study the

comparative chemical ecology of C. lapathi and S. calcarata. However, S. calcarata has proven to be exceedingly hard to collect in the field or rear in the laboratory, making most laboratory studies impossible to date. Moreover, despite strong antennal responses in GC-EAD analyses to captured host volatiles, not one S. calcarata has been captured in a multitude of experiments

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 63 employing black and white multiple-funnel traps baited with antennally-active synthetic host volatiles. Therefore with one exception this report focuses primarily on investigations in 2001-

2003 involving C. lapathi.

Research Accomplished

• In 2001-2002 Cindy placed considerable emphasis clonal variation of hybrid poplars in

relation to host selection and resistance to infestation by C. lapathi. In one 20-replicate, Latin

square experiment, male-female pairs were caged in August 2001 and August 2002 on first-

and second-year whips, respectively, on four hybrid poplar clones at Scott Paper's Harrison

Bay nursery. The crosses to form the clones were:

trichocarpa x nigra (TN)

trichocarpa x maximowiczii (TM)

trichocarpa x deltoides (TD)

nigra x maximowcizii (NM).

• In December 2001, 10 replicates were cut down and destructively sampled for C. lapathi

eggs. In July 2002, the remaining 10 replicates were cut and adult weevils were collected as

they emerged from the whips in screened cages. This experiment was repeated in 2002-2003.

In two years of data, there was a non-significant trend toward low numbers of eggs laid in

clones with a maximowcizii parent (Table 26). However, 97 and 33 weevils emerged from

TN whips in years 1 and 2, respectively, and none emerged from any of the NM whips.

Weevil pairs placed in pots containing willow, TN and NM for a three week period in 2003

had equal oviposition between the three types, supporting the non-significant trend in

ovposition by weevils caged on whips, and demonstrating that even in choice situations, NM

is not discriminated against.

• Olfactometer bioassays with stem sections, or stem sections plus leaves, revealed that

weevils did not discriminate between wild Populus trichocarpa vs. NM, TN vs. NM, or even

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 64 Table 26. Results of weevil-caging experiment showing variation among four hybrid poplar clones to infestation by Cryptorhynchus lapathi.

No. trees No. eggs per producing tree (N=10) adult weevils Total no. Years Clone (mean±SE)a (N=10) emerged weevilsc

2001-2002 TN 47 ±11 9b 97a TD 34 ±11 4 21b TM 25 ±13 2 3bc NM 14 ± 4 0 0c

2002-2003 TN 1.7 ± 0.8 7 33a TD 5.7 ± 3.4 5 14a TM 0.2 ± 0.2 1 1b NM 0.0 ± 0.0 0 0b a No significant difference among means, PROC GLM, P=0.22 for year 1; Kruskal-Wallis test, P=0.06 for year 2. b One tree that might have produced weevils was attacked so severely that it died. Four others had basal breaks c Letters following values indicate results of multiple comparisons tests. For year 1, PROC GLM, P<0.0001, REGQ; for year 2, Kruskal-Wallis test, P=0.002, Tukey.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 65 Salix scouleriana vs. NM (Table 27). Weevils also responded positively by olfaction towards NM when it was the only food source provided. Consequently, there is no evidence for discrimination against the resistant clones by olfaction. In fact, TM, which is highly resistant was more attractive than P. trichocarpa (Table 27).

• In choice paired-twig feeding bioassays, female, but not male, weevils fed consistently less

on NM stems than wild P. trichocarpa, TN, or S. scouleriana stems (Table 28). In no-choice

situations (Table 29), NM stems also often sustained less feeding damage; however, trends in

feeding did not follow general trends in larval success (Table 26). For instance, female

feeding on TN stems was not significantly different from that on NM stems; TM stems were

fed upon most, yet were nearly as resistant as NM.

• In summary, the lack of discrimination among clones revealed in olfactory and gustatory

bioassays strongly indicate that the resistance observed in NM and TM occurs after

oviposition. Such resistance may be harder to overcome than antixenosis (non-preference),

suggesting that new clones should be screened for resistance before any great effort is placed

in propagation and the establishment of plantations. In addition to the importance of this

research to Scott Paper, both Potlach Forest Products and Boise Cascade Corporation in

Oregon have recently experienced severe damage by C. lapathi in their hybrid poplar

plantations. Therefore, Cindy is continuing her research to characterize physical and

biochemical traits that could be involved in resistance. She has established three main

hypotheses to test.

1) Resistant clones can ‘kill’ larvae by physical or temporal means such as sap flow, or

timing of defensive strategies.

2) Resistant clones have inadequate nutrition for C. lapathi to complete development.

3) Resistant clones contain antibiotics, or toxins, that prevent successful weevil


fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 66

Table 27. Results from pitfall bioassays of Populus trichocarpa (TT) and four hybrid poplar clones. Distributions were tested to determine if they differed significantly from the binomial distribution, α = 0.5. SSc = S. scouleriana, SAl = S. alba.

Females Males Proportion Proportion Weevil’s Choice Entering Entering Dates Performed (Side 1 vs. Side 2) Tails N Side 1a N Side 1a

20 Aug, 22 Sept, TN vs. TT 2 20 0.55 15 0.80 * 12 Oct, 2001 TD vs. TT 2 19 0.53 17 0.47 TM vs. TT 2 30 0.70 * 27 0.78 * NM vs. TT 2 16 0.56 16 0.50

30 Oct, 2003 TN vs. TT 2 - - 20 0.45 TM vs. TT 2 18 0.39 19 0.47

29 Aug, 7 Sept, 2001, TT vs. empty pit 1 14 0.93 ** 18 0.89 ** 3 Oct, 2002 TN vs. empty pit 1 12 0.83 * 13 0.85 * TD vs. empty pit 1 14 0.79 * 18 0.78 * TM vs. empty pit 1 13 0.85 * 18 0.83 * NM vs. empty pit 1 15 0.87 * 20 0.85 **

30 Aug, 25 Sept, 2003 NM vs. TN 2 19 0.53 20 0.55 NM vs. SSc 2 21 0.29 20 0.40 TN vs. SSc 2 20 0.35 19 0.42

7 & 30 Sept, 2002 NM vs. TN 2 19 0.53 25 0.60 NM vs. SAl 2 22 0.55 18 0.61 TN vs. SAl 2 19 0.74 21 0.81 *

a Probability of significant difference, chi-square test indicated by * P<0.05 and ** P≤0.001

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 67

Table 28. Results from Paired-Twig Bioassays of Populus trichocarpa (TT) and four hybrid poplar clones. Distributions were tested to see if they differed significantly from zero with a paired t-test. SSc = S. scouleriana, SAl = S. alba

No. feeding punctures Amount frass produced (mg) Weevil’s Choice Side 1 Side 2 Side 1 Side 2 Sex (Side 1 vs. Side 2) Tails ( x ± SE) ( x ± SE) P ( x ± SE) ( x ± SE) P Female TN vs. TT 2 20.0 ± 4.6 14.3 ± 3.2 0.38 1.6 ± 0.5 1.4 ± 0.3 0.51 TD vs. TT 2 10.4 ± 1.7 26.6 ± 4.2 0.004 0.6 ± 0.1 1.2 ± 0.2 0.02 TM vs. TT 2 20.1 ± 3.9 19.7 ± 3.8 0.94 1.0 ± 0.2 1.3 ± 0.3 0.57 NM vs. TT 2 12.7 ± 1.8 22.9 ± 4.0 0.02 1.2 ± 0.2 2.2 ± 0.3 0.02

NM vs. TN 1 9.0 ± 1.4 39.2 ± 4.4 <0.001 1.0 ± 0.2 2.2 ± 0.3 0.008 NM vs. SSc 1 12.1 ± 3.2 29.3 ± 7.4 0.06 1.2 ± 0.2 2.0 ± 0.3 0.08 TN vs. SSc 1 45.5 ± 4.4 4.5 ± 1.2 <0.001 3.8 ± 0.3 0.9 ± 0.2 <0.001

Male TN vs. TT 2 15.6 ± 3.8 6.5 ± 2.3 0.07 1.5 ± 0.3 1.0 ± 0.2 0.18 TD vs. TT 2 9.9 ± 3.6 13.0 ± 2.8 0.52 0.7 ± 0.2 0.8 ± 0.2 0.76 TM vs. TT 2 21.1 ± 3.2 17.9 ± 6.4 0.07 1.0 ± 0.1 0.8 ± 0.1 0.10 NM vs. TT 2 13.2 ± 3.1 12.7 ± 3.3 0.93 0.9 ± 0.2 1.0 ± 0.2 0.49

NM vs. TN 1 2.8 ± 0.9 55.6 ± 4.6 <0.001 0.7 ± 0.2 3.3 ± 0.4 0.001 NM vs. SSc 1 7.5 ± 3.4 24.2 ± 7.3 0.07 0.7 ± 0.1 2.5 ± 0.3 <0.001 TN vs. SSc 1 51.1 ± 8.6 6.0 ± 1.7 <0.001 2.9 ± 0.2 1.1 ± 0.2 <0.001

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 68

Table 29. Results from no-choice feeding bioassays of four hybrid poplar clones (TN, TD, Tm and NM) and Populus trichocarpa (TT), Salix scouleriana (SSc) and Salix alba (SAl). Means tested by PROC GLM.

Test No. feeding punctures Amount frass produced (mg) Sex material ( x ± SE)a (x ± SE)a Females TT 20.5 ± 4.0 a 2.3 ± 0.5 ab NM 11.7 ± 2.6 a 1.0 ± 0.4 b TM 26.3 ± 5.9 a 3.1 ± 0.6 ab TD 13.6 ± 4.1 a 1.4 ± 0.3 a TN 16.6 ± 4.9 a 0.8 ± 0.3 b

NM 8.8 ± 1.8 c 2.1 ± 0.4 b TN 29.2 ± 6.3 b 4.4 ± 0.6 a SSc 38.1 ± 6.7 a 4.2 ± 0.7 a

Males TT 20.6 ± 3.4 ab 1.3 ± 0.3 b NM 14.0 ± 3.2 b 0.9 ± 0.2 b TM 29.5 ± 5.1 a 3.4 ± 0.7 ab TD 22.7 ± 3.3 ab 1.7 ± 0.3 a TN 32.4 ± 4.4 a 1.4 ± 0.5 ab

NM 12.3 ± 2.7 b 2.3 ± 0.4 c TN 36.7 ± 4.5 a 4.9 ± 0.3 a SSc 30.2 ± 4.3 a 3.5 ± 0.4 b a Means followed by the same letter are significantly different by REGQ. P-values from analysis of variance (PROC GLM) for the eight different tests are not reported here.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 69

• To test sap flow, Cindy drill-wounded trees throughout the spring of 2003 and attempted to

collect sap. She found that sap flowed most heavily during a short time of flushing from

internodal areas; very little, if any sap flowed from the nodes. Thus it seems that by

ovipositing into branch bases and not disrupting the xylem until later in the season, larvae

may be protected. A phenology experiment inoculating first instar larvae into TN and NM

before, during and after flushing is planned for spring 2005.

• For hypotheses of nutrition and antibiosis, Cindy has collected bark samples from 1-year old

TN, TD, TM and NM at three different times in the season and plans to quantify lipids,

proteins, carbohydrates, condensed tannins, phenolic glycosides, and also potentially

protease inhibitors and polyphenol oxidase activity. In addition, she is also collaborating with

Dr. J. Bohlmann’s laboratory at UBC to determine which, if any, of several genes known to

be associated with induced resistance are activated by weevil feeding and oviposition.

Quantification of carbohydrates and condensed tannins has been completed. There are no

clonal differences in carbohydrates that can explain resistance. Condensed tannin analysis

(Table 30) shows that the susceptible clone, TN, has higher levels. It is interesting to note

that in other salicaceous plants, there is a trend for high tannin and low glycoside content,

and vise versa. Cindy is currently assessing plants for phenolic glycosides.

• Cindy has also conducted pitfall and feeding bioassays comparing the preference of C.

lapathi males and females for willow (dormant native Salix spp., the non-native S. alba, and

S. scouleriana), trembling aspen, bigleaf maple, black cottonwood, red alder and Norway

spruce. Weevils consistently discriminated between willow and spruce, and S. scouleriana

and other angiosperm species (Table 31). Preference for willow was largely lost if S. alba or

dormant native willows were used. These data suggest that weevils use olfaction to avoid

coniferous non-hosts, and find angiosperm hosts, or close relatives of hosts, but that close-

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 70 Table 30. Ranked levels of condensed tannins in four different hybrid poplar clones over time.

Amount of Condensed Date Clone Tannins (mg/g dry bark)

6-Feb-03 TN 9.8 ± 1.3 NM 5.8 ± 0.1 TD 5.5 ± 0.3 TM 4.1 ± 0.4

10-Apr-03 TN 7.8 ± 2.0 TD 7.7 ± 0.7 TM 6.2 ± 0.4 NM 5.9 ± 0.4

30-Jul-03 TN 8.8 ± 0.4 NM 6.3 ± 0.5 TM 4.9 ± 0.3 TD 4.0 ± 0.3

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 71

Table 31. Results From Pitfall Bioassay Of Hosts And Nonhost Of C. Lapathi, By Types Of Willow. CW = Black Cottonwood, TA=Trembling Aspen, RA= red alder, BLM=bigleaf maple. Distributions were tested to determine if they differed significantly from the bionomial distribution, α=0.05. *P≤0.001.

Dormant Salix spp. S. alba S. scouleriana

Proportion Proportion Proportion Weevil’s Choice entering entering entering Sex (Side 1 vs. Side 2) N Side 1 N Side 1 N Side 1

Female CW vs. Wil 21 0.76 * 15 0.40 25 0.20 ** TA vs. Wil 22 0.64 14 1.00 ** 19 0.21 * RA vs. Wil 28 0.63 ** 15 0.47 29 0.21 ** BLM vs. Wil 18 0.50 19 0.58 17 0.06 ** Spruce vs Wil 21 0.19 ** 17 0.12 ** 24 0.00 **

Wil vs. Empty 19 0.79 ** 12 0.83 * CW vs. Empty 21 0.90 ** 16 0.88 ** TA vs. Empty 22 0.77 ** 16 0.94 ** RA vs. Empty 20 0.70 16 0.81 * BLM vs. Empty 21 0.76 * 18 0.61 Spruce vs. Empty 16 0.31 16 0.31

Male CW vs. Wil 19 0.65 19 0.45 24 0.29 TA vs. Wil 20 0.45 15 0.87 ** 19 0.53 RA vs. Wil 19 0.63 21 0.33 22 0.14 ** BLM vs. Wil 19 0.42 16 0.31 22 0.09 ** Spruce vs. Wil 15 0.13 ** 16 1.00 ** 25 0.00 **

Wil vs. Empty 24 0.46 16 0.81 * CW vs. Empty 20 0.85 ** 15 0.74 * TA vs. Empty 16 0.88 ** 26 0.92 **

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 72 RA vs. Empty 20 0.90 ** 19 0.79 * BLM vs. Empty 17 0.65 19 0.79 * Spruce vs. Empty 14 0.57 15 0.13 **

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 73 • range discrimination is required for final host choice. This hypothesis is supported by a

general preference for willows over other species in feeding bioassays.

• Further support for attraction to angiosperm volatiles comes from pitfall bioassay

experiments wherein weevils preferentially entered pits containing Porapak Q-captured

volatiles from Salix sitchensis over control pits. GC-MS analysis confirmed that many

volatiles are common among the angiosperm species, and 6 g of a synthetic blend of these

generic compounds was attractive to female weevils in pitfall bioassays. However, field tests

during 2002 using these volatiles did not induce weevils to enter baited traps of three

different designs. Cindy aerated willows at different times in the season and is comparing

captured volatiles from infested and uninfested hosts to determine if the spectra of potentially

attractive volatiles changes, and to elucidate whether weevil adults and or larvae supplement

host odour with an attractive pheromone that could cause the repeated attacks observed in

nature. These data have not yet been analyzed.

• Virgin female C. lapathi treated with methoprene, a juvenile hormone analogue, produced

conophthorin and frontalin in a 19:1 ratio, and males responded positively to this blend in

laboratory bioassays in late summer to early fall. Long-term aerations performed using virgin

females on willow, females and males on willow, and willow alone demonstrated that all

three systems are capable of producing conophthorin and frontalin. However, field trapping

experiments with conophthorin and frontalin failed to catch weevils.

• Laboratory experiments in 2001-2003 showed that Saperda calcarata uses olfaction to detect

aspen leaves shortly after emerging. However, once maturation feeding is complete, olfactory

responses are largely lost. Feeding bioassays showed that S. calcarata strongly discriminated

between S. scouleriana, P. trichocarpa and P. tremuloides (Table 32). Oviposition, however,

was indiscriminant between cut bolts of these species, and preliminary evidence shows that

larvae may be able to survive equally well in all three species. Thus, the observed fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 74 Table 32. Feeding bioassay of Saperda calcarata on three different salicaceous species.

Mean area consumed ± SE Mean area consumed ± SE (cm2) when all 3 species (cm2) when only one species Sex Species present present

Female S. scouleriana 0.08 ± 0.03 1.81 ± 0.65 P. trichocarpa 0.58 ± 0.31 5.23 ± 1.08 P. tremuloides 5.3 ± 0.80 6.66 ± 1.19

Male S. scouleriana 0.03 ± 0.02 0.28 ± 0.10 P. trichocarpa 0.34 ± 0.13 1.89 ± 0.39 P. tremuloides 3.5 ± 0.71 3.82 ± 0.52

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 75 phenomenon of S. calcarata attack being primarily found in aspen may be related to feeding

preferences of adults. In an attempt to return to the basics Cindy set up a 20-replicate field

experiment north of Savona in June 2002 to determine if S. calcarata would attack

artificially stressed aspens. Treatments were as follows:

1) two axe cuts into the sapwood on opposite sides of the lower bole,

2) two axe cuts plus one ethanol bait (a sign of anaerobic metabolism),

3) ethanol bait alone, and

4) untreated control.

All trees were ca. 20 m apart. When examined in the summer of 2003, five trees showed

attack, two each from categories 1 and 2, one from category 3.


Investigators Cindy Broberg, Regine Gries, John Borden

Cooperator Carolyn Jones (Van Dusen Botanical Gardens)

Problem Statement

We had previously demonstrated that the scolytid pheromone conophthorin is found in bark volatiles of paper birch, trembling aspen, black cottonwood and bigleaf maple (corroborating its discovery in Sweden in two species of birch), and that another pheromone, frontalin, is found in the bark of red and Sitka alder. Cindy's GC-EAD work with Regina Gries has carried this research even further. She has also found frontalin in trembling aspen and conophthorin and frontalin in willows. Even more surprising, two additional pheromones of coniferophagous bark beetles were discovered, exo-brevicomin (tentatively) in aspens, and chalcogran in aspen and willows. These findings raise profound questions as to how ubiquitous these compounds are, what their natural role in angiosperm trees is (they are complex and metabolically costly to synthesize), whether the biosynthetic pathways are similar, and how coniferophagous bark beetles avoid responding to them. Therefore, she has embarked on a collaborative study with Ms. Carolyn Jones of the VanDusen Botanical Garden in Vancouver to determine the extent of this phenomenon. Research Accomplished

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 76 • Cindy put together a carefully-considered list of predominantly angiosperm trees to sample in 20 families, 27 genera and 35 species. Volatiles have been captured from the cut branches and foliage of several species. Extracts of the Porapak Q-trapped volatiles are held in the freezer until sampled in ongoing research by co-chromatography and GC-MS with a comprehensive blend of known bark beetle pheromones on two different solid phases. The preliminary results (Table 33) indicate that myrcenol (26 positive occurrences), acetophenone (24), sulcatone (14), 1-octen-3-ol (11), chalcogran (9) and conophthorin (9) are the more frequently occurring compounds. Compounds that were screened for, but not found were: nonan-2-one, 4-methylheptan-3-ol, 4-methylheptan-3-one, 3-methylcyclohex-3-en-1- one, amitinol, (E,Z)-2,4-methyl decadienoate, endo- and exo-brevicomin, frontalin, grandisol, ipsenol, ipsenone, lineatin, multistriatin, pityol, seudenol, seudenone, and cis-verbenol. The number of actual positive occurrences for these compounds is, in reality, actually higher than shown here. First, volatile profiles vary with tree age and season, and we sampled only at one time point, early in spring. Thus we only observed sulcatone, 1-octen-3-ol, and chalcogran in Populus tremuloides stems, but in other aerations we have found conophthorin, frontalin, trans-verbenol, and exo-brevicomin. Secondly, we only report here confirmed records with positive occurrences on two different solid phases. The DB-17 column is more polar than the DB-5, and consequently has higher background noise, raising the threshold detection limit. Low levels of some of these compounds may still be important in olfaction. For instance, C. lapathi antennae can detect levels of conophthorin almost invisible on the DB-5 in the GC- MS. Ulmus americana (Ulmaceae) and Quercus wislizeni (fa*gaceae) did not contain detectable levels of any compound on two columns.


Two collaborative projects are under way on species of bark beetles that are of emerging importance in BC.

• The secondary bark beetle, Ips mexicanus, is often associated with the mountain pine beetle. Dr. Alan Carroll of the Pacific Forestry Centre has observed that it frequently kills trees in the spring that were unsuccessfully attacked by mountain pine beetles in the previous summer. Moreover, when mountain pine beetle populations are at a sub-outbreak level, he has found that isolated families appear to survive in trees attacked and killed by I. mexicanus.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556

Table 33. Taxonomic diversity of angiosperm trees, primarily growing at the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens, and the presence of bark beetle pheromones in their bark and/or leaves.

Bark beetle pheromone myrcenol acetophenone sulcatone 1-octen-3-ol chalcogran conophthorin 2-phenylethanol heptan-1-ol -terpineol verbenone heptan-2-ol pinocarvone terpinene-4-ol Grandisal myrtenol Sulcatol trans-verbenol 4-methylhexan-3-ol ipsdienol nonan-2-one

Taxonomic Information Aceraceae Acer negundo X Anacardiaceae Rhus dissectica X X X X X X X Aquifoliaceae Ilex aquifolium X X X Betulaceae Alnus sinuate X X X X X X A. cordata X X X X X Betula papyrifera X X X X B. alleghaniensis X X X B. pendula X X X Caprifoliaceae Sambucus racemosa X X X X X X Cornaceae Cornus nutallii X X X Ericaceae Arbutus menziesii X X X X X X X Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Robinia pseudoacacia X X X X X

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556

fa*gaceae Quercus robur X X X X X X X X X Q. shumardii X X fa*gus grandifolia X X X X X Ginkoaceae Ginko biloba X X X X Homamelidaceae Liquidambar styraciflua X Hippocasanaceae Aesculus glabra X X X X X X X Juglandaceae Juglans cinerea X X X X Lauraceae Sassafrass albidum X X X X X Magnoliaceae Liriodendron tulipfera X X X Magnolia grandiflora X X X X Oleaceae Fraxinus americana X X X X F. nigra X X X Platanaceae Platanus orientalis X X Rhamnaceae Rhamnus purshiana X X X X Rosaceae Crategus douglasii X X X Malus spp. X X X X Prunus virginiana X X Salicaceae Populus tremuloides X X X Salix purpurea X X X X X X S. prolixa X X X X X S. lanata X X X X X

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 79 • Because of this new-found importance of I. mexicanus, Regine Gries and I are collaborating with Dr. Carroll to identify its aggregation pheromone. Beetles were aerated and the captured volatiles analyzed by GC-EAD in 2003, and individual extractions and analyses will be done in the spring of 2004. Field experiments with synthetic compounds will be carried out in 2004 and 2005. It is possible that the pheromone could be used to control I. mexicanus when mountain pine beetle populations are at a low level and depend on the former species for survival. More likely, a pheromone-based monitoring system could be developed that predicts rises in mountain pine beetle populations based on changing ratios of numbers of the two species captured. A similar monitoring system based on predator: prey ratios is currently used to predict southern pine beetle outbreaks in the southern USA.

• The alder bark beetle, Alniphagus aspericollis, has recently become a problem in Weyerhaeuser Canada’s red alder plantations on the Sunshine Coast. The beetles breed up in alder slash, and many beetles that emerge in the summer remain in the new plantations and make overwintering galleries in the bole of 1-3 year old saplings. The lesions resulting from these galleries cause severe stem deformities and points of weakness, and in some cases are so devastating that the sapling dies. A fortuitous outcome of this study is that the normal overwintering habitat of emerged beetle is in the buds and twigs of mature trees. A pheromone could be used to monitor and possibly control populations of this new pest. Therefore, Regine Gries and I are collaborating with Jennifer Burleigh FIT, RPBio of Phero Tech Inc. and Neil Hughes RPF of Weyerhaeuser Canada’s Stillwater Division to identify the aggregation pheromone in this species. Beetles were excised from a tree under attack in the spring of 2003, separated by sex, and the volatiles captured on Porapak Q. Beetles that emerged from bolts collected from the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest were used in GC- EAD analyses of the captured volatiles. To date the beetle-produced compounds frontalin and conophthorin and several host volatiles have been found to be antennally-active. These compounds will be tested for bioactivity in field experiments in 2004 and 2005.

Some research has not been successful in yielding useful data or comprehensive results to date. Other projects have yielded promising data, but have been terminated in anticipation of the closure of my laboratory. Examples of such projects follow.

• Regine Gries and Kathy Hein have carried out extensive GC-EAD analyses of volatiles captured from male zebra beetles, Xylotrechus longitarsus. By the summer of 2003, we became convinced that earlier recordings of male-specific compounds, that could have been fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 80 sex or aggregation pheromones, were in fact artifacts. This line of research has been terminated.

• A final experiment by M.P.M. student Andrea Tanaka on the white pine weevil, Pissodes strobi, was analyzed in the winter of 2002-2003. It verified that the male-produced compound grandisol is an attractive pheromone for interior B.C. females, and that a newly- discovered compound grandisoic acid in combination with host volatiles is attractive to males. We planed further testing of both of these compounds against coastal and interior weevils in 2004, but this research has been put off until 2005.

• By the time she left SFU in the fall of 2002, Ph.D. student Sarah Bates, working with Harold Pierce and Regine Gries, had been able to identify four of five candidate sex pheromone components produced by male western conifer seed bugs, Leptoglossus occidentalis. However, the most antennally-active fifth component defied identification by GC-MS, and the amounts produced were too small to use other analytical methods. This research is included as an appendix in Sarah's thesis, and has been incorporated into a new study initiated by Dr. Gerhard Gries of SFU. He has already found evidence for the integration of sound and odour in the chemical ecology of this species. Also in Sarah's thesis is an Appendix reporting the antennal response in GC-EAD analyses by L. occidentalis antennae to nine pheromone components from sympatric cone-infesting moths and one midge. However, field experiments with these compounds in Japanese beetle traps at the Skimikin Seed Orchard in 2002 and at Kalamalka in 2003 failed to capture a single bug

• Research Associate Aileen Wardle worked up to the fall of 2002 with Regine Gries to identify the volatile components in the larval oral exudate (spit) of spruce budworm larvae. Using GC-EAD analysis on female western spruce budworms, they confirmed that the sex pheromone component (E)-11-tetradecanal, and the saturated aldehyde tetradecanal were both present in the larval exudate. However, Aileen was not able to obtain any consistent behavioural response by larvae to either or both compounds in a feeding bioassay or by adults in an oviposition bioassay. We will therefore report our findings, and leave future behavioural studies to others.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 81 V. PUBLICATIONS

As in all ongoing programs, publications arising from research completed before the start date of the grants in question are now just appearing, and results from funded research will be published after the end date. Any post hoc attempt to match publications with the supporting grants would be futile. Therefore all papers published, submitted or in preparation since 1 October 2001 are listed.


1. Lait, C.G., S.L. Bates, K.K. Morrissette, J.H. Borden and A.R. Kermode. 2001. Biochemical assays for detecting damage to the seeds of lodgepole pine, and other conifers, resulting from feeding damage by Leptoglossus occidentalis Hedimann (Hemiptera: Coreidae). Can. J. Bot. 79: 1349-1357.

2. Strong, W.B., S.L. Bates, and M.N. Stoehr. 2001. Feeding by Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann (Hemiptera: Coreidae) reduces seed set in lodgepole pine. Can. Entomol. 33: 857-865.

3. Allison, J. D. and J. H. Borden. 2001. Observations on the behaviour of Monochamus scutellatus (Say)(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in northern British Columbia. J. Entomol. Soc. B.C. 98: 195-200.

4. Poirier, L.M. and J.H. Borden. 2001. Qualitative analysis of larval oral exudate from eastern and western spruce budworms (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). J. Entomol. Soc. B.C. 98: 243-250.

5. Broberg, C.L., J.H. Borden and L.M. Humble. 2002. Distribution and abundance of the poplar and willow borer, Cryptorhynchus lapathi (L.) on Salix spp. in British Columbia. Can. J. For. Res. 32: 561-568.

6. Bates, S.L., C.G. Lait, J. H. Borden and A.R. Kermode. 2002. Measuring the impact of Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heteroptera: Coreidae) on seed production in lodgepole pine using an antibody-based assay. J. Econ. Entomol. 95: 770-777.

7. Morewood, W.D., K.E. Hein, P.J. Katinic, and J.H. Borden. 2002. An improved trap for large woodboring insects with emphasis on Monochamus scutellatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Can. J. For. Res. 32: 519-525.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 82 8. Bates, S.L., W.B. Strong and J. H. Borden. 2002. Abortion and seed set in lodgepole and western white pine conelets following feeding by Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heteroptera: Coreidae). Environ. Entomol. 31: 1023-1029.

9. Burleigh, J.S., R.I. Alfaro, J.H. Borden and S. Taylor. 2002. Historical and spatial characteristics of spruce budworm Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.) (Lepidoptera: torticidae) outbreaks in northeastern British Columbia. For. Ecol. Manage. 168: 301-309. 10.

10. Morewood, W.D. K.E. Hem, J.H. Borden and I.M. Wilson. 2002. α-Pinene and ethanol: key host volatiles for Xylotrechus Iongitarsus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). J. Entomol. Soc. B.C. 99: 117-122.

11. Allison, J.D., W.D. Morewood, J. H. Borden, K.E. Hein, and I.M. Wilson. 2003. Differential bio-activity of Ips and Dendroctonus pheromone components for Mononchamus clamator and M. scutellatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Environ. Entomol. 32: 23-30.

12. Wardle, A.R., J. H. Borden, H.D. Pierce, Jr. and R. Gries. 2003. Volatile compounds released by disturbed and calm adults of the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris. J. Chem. Ecol. 29: 931-944.

13. Borden, J.H., L.J. Chong, T.J. Earle and D.P.W. Huber. 2003. Protection of lodgepole pine from attack by the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera:Scolytidae), using high doses of verbenone in combination with nonhost volatiles. For. Chron. 79: 685- 691.

14. Wardle, A.R. and J.H. Borden. 2003. Sexual attraction among Lygus (Hemiptera: Miridae) species. Can. Entomol. 135: 733-735.

15. Kühnholz, S., J.H. Borden and A. Uzonovic. 2003. Secondary ambrosia beetles in apparently healthy living trees: adaptations, potential causes and suggested research. Integr. Pest Manage. Reviews 6: 209-219.

16. Borden, J.H., L.J. Chong, R. Gries and H.D. Pierce, Jr. 2003. Potential for nonhost volatiles as repellents in integrated pest management of ambrosia beetles. Integr. Pest Manage. Reviews 6: 221-236.

17. Huber, D.P.W. and J.H. Borden. 2003. Comparative behavioral responses of Dryocoetes confusus Swaine, Dendroctonus rufipennis (Kirby) and Dendroctonus posderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to angiosperm tree bark volatiles. Environ. Entomol. 32: 742-751.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 83 18. Evenden, M.L., L.E. Delury, G.J.R. Judd and J.H. Borden. 2003. Assessing the mating status of male obliquebanded leafrollers, Choristoneura rosccana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), by dissection of male and female moths. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 96: 217-224.

19. Miller, D. R. and J. H. Borden. 2003. Responses of Ips pini (Say), Pityogenes knechteli Swaine and associated beetles (Coleoptera) to host monoterpenes in stands of lodgepole pine. J. Entomol. Sci. 38: 602-611.

20. Lait, C. G., D. R.Miller, S. L. Bates, J. H. Borden and A. R. Kermode. 2003. Biochemical assay detects feeding damage to loblolly pine seeds caused by the leaffooted pine seed bug, Leptoglossus corculus (Hemiptera: Coreidae). J. Entomol. Sci. 38: 644-653.

21. Morewood, W. D., K. E. Simmonds, R. Gries, J. D. Allison and J. H. Borden. 2003. Dispruption by conophthorin of the kairomonal response of sawyer beetles to bark beetle pheromones. J. Chem. Ecol. 29: 2115-2129.

22. Pureswaran, D.S. and J.H. Borden. 2003. Tests of host specificity in four tree-killing bark beetles. Environ. Entomol. 32: 963-969.

23. Maclauchlan, L.E., L. Harder, J.H. Borden and J. Brooks. 2003. Impact of the western balsam bark beetle, Dryocoetes confusus Swaine (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), at the Sicamous Creek research site, and the potential for semiochemical based management in alternative siviculture systems. J. Entomol. Soc. B.C. (in press).

24. Tomlin, E.S., R.I. Alfaro and J.H. Borden. 2003. Overstory shading limits consititutive and induced resinosis of Sitka spruce against the white pine weevil. For. Ecol. Manage. (in press).

25. Pureswaran, D.S., R. Gries and J.H. Borden. 2004. Antennal responses of four species of tree-killing bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to volatiles from conifers and beetles. Chemoecology (in press).

26. Pureswaran, D.S. and J.H. Borden. 2004. New repellent semiochemicals for three species of Dendroctonus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Chemoecology (in press). 27. Pureswaran, D.S. and J. H. Borden. 2004. Is bigger better? Size and pheromone production in the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). J. Insect Behav. (in press).

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 84 28. Jeans-Williams, N.L. and J.H. Borden. 2004. Response of Dryocoetes confusus and D. autographus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) to enantiospecific pheromone baits. Can. Entomol. (in press). 29. Allison, J.D., J.H. borden and S.J. Seybold. 2004. A review of the chemical ecology of the Cerambycidae (Coleoptera). Chemoecology (in press).


30. Pureswaran, D.S., R. Gries and J.H. Borden. Quantitative variation in monoterpenes in four species of conifers. Biochem. Syst. Ecol. 31. Pureswaran, D.S. and J.H. Borden. Primary attraction and kairomonal host discrimination in three species of Dendroctonus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Agric. For. Entomol. 32. Jeans-Williams, N.L. and J.H. Borden. Evaluation of two pheromone baits for containment and concentration of attack by the western balsam bark beetle, Dryocoetes confusus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). West. J. Appl. For. 33. Borden, J.H., L.M. Poirier and D.S. Pureswaran. Evaluation of two repellent semiochemicals for disruption of attack by the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). J. Entomol. Soc. B.C. 34. Tomlin, E.S., J.A. Tanaka, R. Gries, J.H. Borden and R.I. Alfaro. Elicitors of traumatic resinosis in emblings of Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr. Tree Physiol. 35. Pureswaran, D.S. and J.H. Borden. The myrcene enigma: Why is myrcene the most effective synergist for the mountain pine beetle’s aggregation pheromone? Can. Entomol. 36. Burleigh, J.S., J. H. Borden and R.I. Alfaro. Impact of the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana (Clem.), on the increment and distribution of volume in white spruce, Picea glauca (Moench) Voss, in northeastern British Columbia. Can J. For. Res.


1. Alfaro, R.I., J.H. Borden, J.N. King, E.S. Tomlin, R.L. McIntosh and J. Bohlmann. 2002. Mechanisms of resistance in conifers against shoot infesting insects. pp. 101-106. In: Mechanisms and deployment of resistance in trees to insects. M.R. Wagner, K.M. Clancy, F. Lieutier and T.D. Paine (eds.). Kluwer Academic Press, Dordnecht, The Netherlands.

2. Borden, J.H. 2002. Allelochemics. pp. 14-17. In: Encyclopedia of pest management. D. Pimental (ed.) Marcel Dekker, New York.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 85 3. Borden, J.H. 2004. Forest pest and fire management. In: Encyclopedia of life support systems. UNESCO, EOLSS Pub. Co., UK (in press).


1. Borden, J.H. 2001. Ramblings. pp. 211-219. In: Boreal odyssey: Proceedings of the North American Forest Insect Work Conference May 14-18, 2001, Edmonton, Alberta. W.J.A. Volney, J.R. Spence and E.M. Lefebvre (eds). Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, Edmonton.

2. Borden, J. H. 2004. Dryocoetes confusus. CAB International, Data Sheet on Quarantine Pests (in press). 3. Borden, J. H. 2004. Ganthotrichus sulcatus. CAB International, Data Sheet on Quarantine Pests (in press).


The following papers, identified by principal author and subject (not title) will be written and submitted for publication in refereed journals in 2004-2006. J.H. Borden 1. Push-pull tactics for the mountain pine beetle. 2. Test of 1-octen-3-ol for tree protection against the mountain pine beetle. 3. Test of myrcene, terpinolene and 3-carene as synergists for mountain pine beetle pheromones. 4. Fatty acids and nonhost volatiles as attack deterrents for ambrosia beetles. 5. Evaluation of two commercial tree baits for the mountain pine beetle. A.R. Wardle 6. Spruce budworm sex pheromone components found in larval oral exudate. J.A. Tanaka 7. Aggregation pheromone for the white pine weevil. A. Gustafsson 8. Sequential pheromone baiting and attack dynamics of the mountain pine beetle. S.L. Bates 9. A new egg parasitoid for the western conifer seed bug. 10. Integrated pest management of the western conifer seed bug. 11. Survey methods for the western conifer seed bug. fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 86 L.J. Chong 12. Seasonal occurrence of native ambrosia beetles. E. Stokkink 13. Seasonal occurrence and distribution of exotic ambrosia beetles. A. Carroll 14. Aggregation pheromone for Ips mexicanus. J.S. Burleigh 15. Bark and timber beetles associated with decline of spruce forests following spruce budworm delofiation in northeastern B.C. 16. Aggregation pheromone of the alder bark beetle. 17. Impact of the alder bark beetle in red alder plantations. S.A. Campbell 18. Spectral reflectance from the bark of forest trees. 19. Visual deterrence of response by host seeking bark beetles. 20. Effect of visual stimulation on response of ambrosia beetles and large woodborers to olfactory stimuli. 21. Interaction of visual deterrence and attractive host kairomones for the mountain pine beetle. C.L. Broberg 22. Evidence for induced resistance in hybrid poplars to the poplar and willow borer. 23. Chemical ecology of the poplar and willow borer. 24. Chemical ecology of Saperda calcarata. 25. Potential constitutive resistance in hybrid poplars to the poplar and willow borer. 26. Genetic induction of resistance in hybrid poplars caused by feeding and oviposition of the poplar and willow borer. 27. Pheromones of coniferphagous bark beetles in angiosperm trees. S. Kuhnholz 28. Aggregation pheromone of Trypodendron betulae. 29. Chemical ecology and reproductive isolation among three native Trypodendron species that share the same aggregation pheromone. 30. Cladistic analysis of the world Trypodendron species. 31. Fungi associated with native Trypodendron species. 32. Colonization dynamics of fungi associated with T. retususum in living trembling aspen tissue. fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 87 VI. COMMUNICATION AND EXTENSION

In addition to publication of results with dispatch in high-quality, accessible, peer-reviewed journals, my laboratory followed other means of communication of results as needed to ensure that results are available to users. These are summarized below beginning on 1 October 2001, but as people left the laboratory, activity in this area fell off in 2003.


1. Bates, S.L., C.G. Lait, , J.H. Borden and A.R. Kermode. 2001. Developing damage prediction formulae for the western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis, in lodgepole pine. Entomological Society of Canada Annual Meeting, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 21-24 October, 2001.

2. Pureswaran, D.S., J.H. Borden, and R. Gries. 2001. Semiochemical-based host selection among four coniferophagous tree-killing bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). How different do the trees smell? Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 25- 29 November, 2001.

3. Morewood, W. D. 2002. Building a better beetle trap for big borers in British Columbia. Professional Pest Management Association of B.C. Annual Meeting, Burnaby, B.C., 6 February 2002.

4. Tanaka, A. 2002. The Pissodes problem; is there a semiochemical salvation? Professional Pest Management Association of B.C. Annual Meeting, Burnaby, B.C., 6 February 2002.

5. Borden, J.H. 2002. Who left the logs out? FERIC/FORINTEK/PAPRICAN Seminar. Wood Storage: Issues and Solutions.

• 26 March 2002, Montreal (by video conferencing).

• 27 March 2002, Edmonton (in person).

6. Borden, J.H. 2002. Research update. Phero Tech Technical Seminars.

• Prince George, 11 April 2002.

• Mackenzie, 12 April 2002.

7. Pureswaran, D.S. 2002. Host selection in tree-killing bark beetles. Unraveling the intricacies of a complex communication system. Western Forest Insect Work Conference, Whitefish, fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 88 Montana 23-25 April 2002. (WFIWC Memorial Scholarship Winner, Invitational Presentation).

8. Campbell, S.A. and J.H. Borden. 2002. Visual and semiochemical deterrence of host seeking forest coleoptera. Western Forest Insect Work Conference, Whitefish Montana, 23-25 April 2002 (poster).

9. Bates, S.L. 2002. Detection, impact and management of the western conifer seed bug Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, in lodgepole pine seed orchards. Pacific Branch, Entomological Society of America, Annual Meetings Lake Tahoe CA, 16-19 June 2002. (Comstock Award Winner, Invitational Presentation).

10. Borden, J. H., L. J. Chong, T. J. Earle and D. P. W. Huber. 2002. Protection of lodgepole pine from attack by the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), using high doses of verbenone and nonhost bark volatiles. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale FL, 17-20 November 2002. 11. Pureswaran, D. S., R. Gries and J. H. Borden. 2002. Interspecific communication and host selection in tree-killing bark beetles. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale FL, 17-20 November 2002. 12. Borden, J. H. 2003. Protection of lodgepole pine from attack by the mountain pine beetle. Seminar organized by Lignum Ltd., Williams Lake, B. C., 13 January 2003. 13. Campbell, S. A., R. Gries and J. H. Borden. 2003. Response of the striped ambrosia beetle, Trypodendron lineatum (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), to bark beetle pheromones. Professional Pest Management Association of B. C. Annual Meeting, Burnaby, B. C., 19 February 2003 (Best Student Paper Award). 14. Borden, J.H. 2003. Research update on the mountain pine beetle, incorporated into day-long short course on bark beetle management presented by J.S. Burleigh, Phero Tech Inc. and J.H. Borden, SFU, at the University of Northern B.C., 11 April 2003. 15. Broberg, C. 2003. Resistance in clonal poplars to the poplar and willow borer, Cryptorhynchus lapathi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Joint Annual Meeting of the Entomological Societies of Canada and British Columbia, Kelowna, B.C., 1-5 November 2003. 16. Campbell, S.A. and J.H. Borden. 2003. Integration of visual and semiochemical cues by host- seeking mountain pine beetles, Dendroctonus ponderosae (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Joint

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 89 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Societies of Canada and British Columbia, Kelowna, B.C., 1-5 November 2003. 17. Borden, J.H. and J.S. Burleigh. 2003. Verbenone and nonhost volatiles as attack deterrents for the mountain pine beetle. U.S. Forest Service Bark Beetle Working Group Conference, Durango, Colorado, 18-20 November 2003.


Because Phero Tech Inc. was our principal industrial sponsor and the potential developer and marketer of new technology arising from research, some member of our laboratory was in at least weekly contact with the company. More formal interaction with the company since 1 October 2001 has been as follows.

1. Research Planning Meeting, 28 November 2001, SFU, attended by Phero Tech personnel.

2. Woodborer Research Meeting, 15 January 2002, Phero Tech, attended by J.H. Borden, L.J. Chong, W.D. Morewood, K.E. Hein, S. Kühnholz, C. Broberg, and S.A. Campbell.

3. Woodborer Trap Design Meeting, 12 February 2002, Phero Tech, attended by J.H. Borden, W.D. Morewood and K.E. Hein.

4. Participation in technical seminars for forestry workers (see A, 6).

5. K. Hein seconded to Phero Tech 8 weeks in March - May 2002 to participate in design and manufacture of woodborer traps.

6. Research review and planning meeting, 10 September 2002, J.H. Borden meeting with J. Burleigh, A. Gustafsson, S. Burke and D. Wakarchuk.

7. Meeting at Phero Tech on 15 October 2002 between J. H. Borden, J. S. Burleigh and A. Gustafsson to discuss alder bark beetle project. 8. Research Planning Meeting, 16 December 2002, attended by all laboratory personnel, at Phero Tech. 9. Collaborative work on alder bark beetle contract by J. H. Borden (SFU), J. S. Burleigh and A. Gustafsson (Phero Tech) with N. Hughes RPF (Weyerhaeuser Canada, Stillwater Division) and R. Brewer RPF (GFC forest Management, Powell River), 2-5 December 2002 and 20-24 January 2003.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 90 C. REPORTS TO SPONSORING COMPANIES

The first report for this 2.5-year project was sent in late October 2002 to the following 20 industrial sponsors, which have contributed financially directly to the CRD grant program: Abitibi Consolidated Inc., B.C. Hydro, Bugbusters Pest Management Inc., Canadian Forest Products Ltd., Gorman Bros. Ltd., International Forest Products Ltd., Lignum Ltd., Manning Diversified Forest Products Ltd., Millar-Western Forest Products Ltd., Phero Tech Inc., Riverside Forest Products Ltd., Slocan Forest Products Ltd., Tembec Forest Industries Ltd., TimberWest Ltd., Tolko Industries Ltd. (Nicola and Quest Wood Divisions), Weldwood of Canada Ltd., West Fraser Mills Ltd., Western Forest Products Ltd., and Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd. The report was also sent to the industrial sponsors of Science Council of B.C. GREAT Scholarships for two students, Deepa Pureswaran and Cindy Broberg. Deepa was supported by the Cariboo Lumber Manufacturers' Association, the Interior Lumber Manufacturers' Association, the Northern Forest Products Association and Phero Tech Inc. Cindy was supported by Louisiana Pacific Canada Ltd., Scott Paper Ltd., Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd., Ainsworth Lumber Company Ltd., and Phero Tech Inc. Both students also sent individual reports to their sponsors.


Most of our field research took place within the operating areas of one or more of our industrial sponsors. We were often assisted by their forestry personnel, who become aware through grass roots technology transfer of our objectives, methodology and results. As documented in Section IV, in 2001-2004 this grass roots interaction involved 21 cooperators, who represent nine companies, two government agencies, one non-governmental organization and two universities. In addition, we collaborated directly on a mountain pine beetle project with Lignum Ltd., and one of their foresters, Ms. Tracy Earle RPF, is a co-author of a publication in Forestry Chronicle on this work. Dr. Lisa Poirier of UNBC, and Jennifer Burleigh, Peter Rattray and J.-P. Lafontaine of Phero Tech Inc. were collaborators on the mountain pine beetle project, and Nicole Jeans-Williams of ForHealth Management and Steve Burke of Phero Tech Inc. were collaborators in the woodborer trapping project.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 91 VII. RESEARCH PERSONNEL

Postdoctoral Personnel

H.D. PIERCE, Jr., University Research Associate

Degrees: BSc, PhD, Illinois. Subject Area: Volatile capture and extraction, analytical and synthetic organic chemistry, advising graduate students. Present Position: Unemployed as of 30 September 2002.

A.R. WARDLE, Research Associate

Degrees: BSc, UBC; MPM, PhD, SFU. Subject Area: Protection of logs from woodborer attack, bioactivity of budworm oral exudate. Present Position: Pest Management Specialist, Vancouver Parks Board, since 2002.

W.D. MOREWOOD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Degrees: BSc, MSc, PhD, Univ. Victoria Subject Area: Chemical ecology and management of wood-boring beetles. Present Position: Research Associate, Department of Entomology, Pennsylvania State University since 2002.

Research Technicians


Degree: BSc, SFU, RPBio Subject Area: Support services and research coordination, set up and maintenance of field experiments, data processing.


Degree: MAgric, Göttingen, Germany Subject Area: GC-EAD analysis, bioassays, maintenance of GC-EAD laboratory and coordination of laboratory services.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 92 K.E. SIMMONDS (nee HEIN)

Degree: BSc, SFU

Subject Area: Chemical ecology of wood-boring beetles. Present Position: Nursing student, BCIT since 2004.

Ph.D. Students


Degree: Dip. Univ. Wurbug Awards: SFU Graduate Fellowship Subject Area: Chemical ecology and interaction between four species of Trypodendron native to British Columbia


Degrees: BSc, Guelph; MPM, SFU, PhD (2002) Awards: NSERC Graduate Scholarship; Entomological Society of Canada Graduate Scholarship; Science Council of B.C. GREAT Scholarship Thesis: Detection, impact and management of the western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis (Heteroptera: Coreidae) in lodgepole pine seed orchards. Present Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva NY.


Degrees: BSc, Madras Christian Coll.; MSc, SFU, PhD (2003) Awards: SFU Graduate Fellowship; Science Council of B.C. GREAT Scholarship Thesis: The role of kairomones and pheromones in host selection by tree-killing bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Present Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, UBC.


Degree: BSc, Okanagan Univ. Coll. In coop with UBC, MPM, SFU

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 93 Awards: NSERC Graduate Scholarship; Entomological Society of Canada Graduate Scholarship; Science Council of B.C. GREAT Scholarship Subject Area: Comparative chemical ecology of the poplar and willow borer and Saperda calcarata on willow, aspen and cottonwood.

Master of Pest Management Students


Degree: BSc, Concordia, MPM , SFU (2002) Awards: Government of Sweden Graduate Scholarship Thesis: A test of sequential semiochemical baiting to contain and concentrate infestation of the mountain pine beetle, Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins (Coleoptera: Scolytidae). Present Position: Woodborer Program Manager, Phero Tech Inc., Delta, B.C.


Degree: BSc, SFU, MPM (2003) Thesis: Chemical ecology of the white pine weevil in Brisish Columbia. Present Position: Entolologist, Agriculture Canada, Agassiz, B.C.

M.Sc. Student


Degree: BSc, SFU Subject Area: Visual disruption of host selection in bark beetles and woodboring insects. Research Assistants P. MOREWOOD, MPM, SFU S.H. NAGLA, Biological Sciences Major, SFU M.C. TAI, English and Biological Sciences Major, SFU B. MOON, Biological Sciences Major, SFU S. VANDER MEER, Biological Sciences Major, SFU N. VANDER WAL, Biological Sciences Major, SFU C. SILVA, BSc, SFU G. REYES, BSc, Dalhousie

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 94 A. KRICKAN, Biological Sciences Major, SFU M. LEFLER, BSc, SFU B. CHALMERS, BSc, SFU S.A. CAMPBELL, MSc Student, SFU J. INKSTER, MSc, SFU


Deliverables for the 30 months beginning on 1 October 2001 are separated for convenience into contributions to scientific and technical knowledge, and operational deliverables associated with such activities as research administration, experimentation, reporting and networking.


The pace of research in forestry is necessarily slow, because it relies principally on gradual transformation of practices and policies based on large volumes of accumulated knowledge and skills. Nonetheless, several of the projects listed under Section IV, e.g. attack deterrents for the mountain pine beetle, poplar clones resistant to the poplar and willow borer, the new woodborer trap, will have a very practical outcome, and have commercial potential. The most significant of the contributions to date are itemized below.

1. Demonstration in 2002 of marked differences in the bark and foliage volatile spectra of Douglas-fir (coast and interior), interior spruce, interior fir and lodgepole pine that could be used in host discrimination by tree-killing bark beetles.

2. Finding in 2002 of primary attraction of Douglas-fir and spruce beetles to synthetic blends of host volatiles, the first such demonstration for either species.

3. Confirmation in 2002 that myrcene is a better synergist for mountain pine beetle pheromones than a synthetic blend of lodgepole pine volatiles, leading to the hypothesis in 2003 that the ancestral host of the beetle is whitebark pine, which has very high amounts of myrcene in its oleoresin.

4. Discovery in 2002 of new repellents for bark beetles, including trans-verbenol, acetophenone and 1-octen-3-o1 for the Douglas-fir beetle, MCH and 1-octen-3-ol for the mountain pine beetle, and 1-octen-3-ol for the spruce beetle.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 95 5. Proof in 2001-2002 that Phero Tech's new high-dose verbenone pouch can deter attack in lodgepole pine stands by the mountain pine beetle in 0.16 ha plots treated with 16 pouches, and that deterrence can be significantly increased by adding a seven-component nonhost volatile blend, both treatments being suitable immediately for small-scale implementation.

6. Verification in 2002 that MCH and 2-phenylethanol reduce catches of the mountain pine beetle in pheromone-baited traps, but discovery that only the latter compound is partially effective in deterring attack on pheromone-baited trees.

7. Demonstration 2003 that in 0.16 ha plots, an inexpensive simplified 3-component nonhost volatile blend was partially effective alone in deterring attack by the mountain pine beetle, but that a combination of this blend with high-dose verbenone was no better than verbenone alone. 8. Successful demonstration in a 10-replicate experiment in 2003 of the push-pull tactic against the mountain pine beetle in square 4 ha plots, by significantly reducing the percentage of trees that were mass-attacked in the centre ha treated with verbenone plus the 3-component nonhost volatile blend released at 10 or 15 m centres (but not 20 m centres), and with the outer 3 ha band treated with 12 pheromone-baited trees at 25 m centres. 9. Elucidation that failure in some replicates of the push-pull tactic in 2003 against the mountain pine beetle was not related to the number of red trees on a plot, but was strongly and negatively related with the density per ha of available lodgepole pines, and positively correlated with the diameter of those pines, in other words, lodgepole pines in plots with the lowest density/ha and the highest dbh were most likely to be attacked. 10. Moderately successful protection of permanent sampling plots from attack by the mountain pine beetle in 2003 using high-dose verbenone plus the 3-component nonhost volatile blend deployed at 10 m centres, suggesting that even greater efficacy could be achieved by using the push-pull tactic. 11. Demonstration in 2003 that commercial tree baits from Phero Tech Inc. and Biota Control Inc. were comparable in their ability to contain and concentrate attack by the mountain pine beetle, leading to the conclusion that resource managers should select their preferred product based on other criteria, such as price, ease of handling, quality control, duration between order and delivery, and the availability of technical back-up.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 96 12. Finding in 2002 that fatty acids and vegetable oils are competitive with a four-component nonhost volatile blend in delaying attack by ambrosia beetles on conifer logs, but realization that fatty acids and oils are impractical to work with and have little commercial value.

13. Finding in 2002 trapping studies that among an array of seven bark beetle pheromones that are perceived by ambrosia beetle antennae, MCH was so repellent to the striped ambrosia beetle that it was tested in 2003 as a log protectant in combination with nonhost volatiles, with the unfortunate outcome that for various reasons, no log protectant treatment was effective.

14. Additional finding in 2002 that attraction by the striped ambrosia beetle to the pheromone lineatin is enhanced by the bark beetle pheromones ipsenol and ipsdienol, but failure to verify this discovery in 2003 in different biogeoclimatic zones, suggesting that behavioural ecotypes exist.

15. Successful field testing in 2002 of new lightweight flexible plastic traps of both cross-vane and pipe design for trapping large woodborers, and further successful testing of an improved cross-vane trap in 2003, leading to the first sales of the new trap by Phero Tech Inc. in 2004.

16. Discovery in 2003 that the bark of paper birch reflects incident light well into the ultraviolet range, suggesting that this is an adaptation to protect sensitive photosynthetic tissue, and that it secondarily results in repellency of coniferophagous bark beetles. 17. Demonstration in 2001-2002 of the interaction of visual and chemical cues that guide bark beetles away from nonhosts and toward susceptible hosts. 18. Finding in 2001-2002 that large woodborers are repelled by white traps that simulate the bark of nonhost aspens and birches, but that ambrosia beetles are not repelled, leading to the hypothesis that ambrosia beetles have evolved as olfactory specialists, with keen host and nonhost perception and powerful pheromones, while large woodborers have evolved as generalists that rely on both visual and chemical cues. 19. Discovery in 2002 that the host volatiles ethanol and conophthorin interact with the pheromone tirathol to result in optimal attraction of the birch-infesting ambrosia beetle, Trypodendron betulae.

20. Characterization using morphological and molecular analyses in 2001-2003 of fungi associated with B.C.'s four native ambrosia beetles in the genus Trypodendron, with research continuing in 2004 in Dr. C. Breuil’s laboratory at UBC. fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 97 21. Demonstration by two weevil caging experiments in 2002 and 2003 of high susceptibility to the poplar and willow borer of one hybrid poplar clone (trichocarpa x nigra), and absolute resistance in another (nigra x maximowiczii).

22. In contrast to results in the field (21), lack of absolute discrimination among hybrid poplar clones by the poplar and willow borer in laboratory and field bioassays, suggesting that resistance expressed in the field by intact plants is induced by weevil oviposition, and leading to ongoing studies of the genetics of resistance in collaboration with Dr. J. Bohlmann’s laboratory at UBC.

23. New findings of pheromones of coniferophagous bark beetles in the bark of angiosperm trees, e.g. chalcogran and conophthorin in nine each of 33 species examined to date.

24. Characterization in 2003 and 2004 of the damage caused by lesions made by overwintering alder bark beetles on the bole of 1-3 year old saplings in red alder plantations, and discovery that the normal overwintering habitat of emerged beetles is in the buds and twigs in the crown of mature trees. 25. Verification in research terminating in 2002 that grandisol is a male-produced pheromone that attracts female white pine weevils, and that grandisoic acid in combination with host volatiles is attractive to males. 26. Discovery in 2002 of the spruce budworm sex pheromone component (E)-11-tetradecanal, and the saturated aldehyde tetradecanal, in the oral exudate of budworm larvae.


1. Set up and operation of over 65 experiments in over 30 separate research sites throughout the southern half of B.C., in a 2.5-year period, involving interaction with 7 collaborators in industry and academia, and 22 cooperators in 9 companies, 2 government agencies, one non- governmental organization and 2 universities.

2. Liaison in collaborative research and development with two scientists in Canadian Forest Service laboratories at Sault Ste. Marie and Fredericton, and one U.S. Forest Service scientist in Athens, Georgia.

3. Administration of over $500,000 in external research funding, including the support and supervision of three postdoctoral scientists, three research technicians, seven graduate students, and 13 research assistants, as well as a fleet of six vehicles which logged over fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556 98 150,000 km, purchase and deployment of over $50,000 in semiochemicals and release devices, and maintenance of a large inventory of laboratory and field equipment.

4. Contribution to scientific and technical training through the graduation of two PhD students, who are now Postdoctoral Fellows at Cornell University and UBC, and two MPM. students, who are now Woodborer Program Manager for Phero Tech Inc. and Entomologist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and the supervision of three other graduate students.

5. Communication of activities and results through the following: • 29 papers published or in press in refereed journals (with an anticipated 32 manuscripts yet to come);

• 2 chapters published in books, and one in press;

• 3 non-refereed publications;

• 19 presentations at scientific and professional meetings; and

• extensive interaction with Phero Tech Inc., the company that will develop marketable products and services arising from this research.

fii final report.doc Revision: 200605291556

First-Year Progress Report (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.