1591: Personal & Place Names extracted from Durham wills - Northumberland & Newcastle (2024)

1591: Personal names and place names extracted from probate records in theRegistry of the Diocese of Durhamfor the counties of Northumberland & Newcastle upon Tyne.

Please always check against the originals, images of most of the originals can be found online via Durham University Library Archives & Special Collections Catalogue although a number are marked 'tbc' (to be completed), and will be completed as the originals are consulted.

I would be grateful for information on any errors that I have made.Jane Anderson, Newcastle upon Tyne. will dated 23.6.1591, probate 7.9.1591 (DPR1/1/1591/A1/1-2)

to be buried in the churchyard of Alh[allows]
brother [damaged] Anderson
father [blank] Anderson lately decd
brother Mathewe Anderson
Cuthberte Ubanck, clerk
Alice Snowball
brother Roberte Anderson
wit: Cuthbert Ubanck clerk, Lowrance Moxson, Androwe [?Spuer?] & others (not named)

Probate granted 7.9.1591 to Robert Anderson, brother of the decd.

Christopher Archer, Newcastle upon Tyne.Merchant. will dated 28.9.1591, probate [1591](DPR1/1/1591/A3/1, also Probate Register: DPRI/2/6, f.221)

wife Anne Archer
[two messuages etc in All Hallowe Bancke in Newcastle in occ of James Myddiltone]
Bartrame Andersone son of Edwarde Anderson late of Newcastle, merchant
wit: Robert Dente, Persevell Ayre, Bartram Andersonne the youngest, Mark Shafto, William Riddell, Ja Bamford

Raphe Ayneslaye, Newcastle upon Tyne. Master &mariner. will dated 9.3.1590, probate 7.9.1591(DPRI/1/1591/A4/1-2)

to be buried in the church of All Saints
son George Ayneslie of the City of London
wife Jenet Ayneslie
daughter Urseleye Herrisone of the City of London
wit: Hugh Wandles, Leonard Deagles

Inventory dated 7.8.1591 appraised by John Bower, Willm Andersone & Raph Wilkinsone

William Burdesse/Burdis, Dillston. Yeoman. willdated 2.3.1590, probate [?1591] (Probate Register only: DPR1/2/6, f.226)

to be buried in the parish church of Corbridge
[2 farmholds in Aydon]
brother George Burdesse & his 2 sons (not named)
Isabell Radcliffe
Robt Yonge
Luce Denyng
Jane Yonge
Janet Robson
Persevell Dodd
wit: Raph Fenwick, Sampson Hudspeth, Gilbert Hudspeth & others (not named)

debts owed by the decd to:
Mrs Hedley of the Lintes Grene
Isabell Radcliffe
Mr Carnabye of Halton
Edmond Burdesse
Janet of Plenmeller
sister Isabell
Edward Lange
Anne Burdesse & her son
executors of Willm [?Henderson?]

debts owed to the testator by:
Clement Ogyll
Rowland Milburne of the Black Lawe
Rowland Marshall
Cuthbert Read

Inventory dated 7.12.1591 appraised by Raphe Rydley, Anthon Grinwell, Mathewe Stookooe & Raynold Langlandes

Thomas Dowe, Whitley, parish of Tynemouth. willdated 10.8.1591, probate ? (Probate Register only DPR1/2/7, f.247)

to be buried in church of Tynemouth
wife Annas Dowe
son Robt Dowe
[3 stots & a why at Backworth]
[lease of ground called the Harnesse Close]
[2 houses in Tynemouth purchased of John Weddell of Tynemouth]
wit: George Powry clerk, Richard Hodgesonne, George Erington & others (not named)

reference to an inventory, no further details

Robart Erington, Denton, parish of Newburn.Gent. will dated 31.10.1590, probate [2.11.1591in the Surtees Society version] (DPR1/1/1591/E1/1) - see alsoSurtees Society vol 112, p150

to be buried within the choir door of Newburn church
daughter Alice Erington
youngest daughter [?Anne?] Erington
wife Barberie Erington
eldest son Marke Erington
youngest son George Erington
servant Elizabethe Patteson
servant Williame Hirde
son Robarte Erington
Barberie Erington, Custons Erington & Annes Erington my brother Nicolas Erington's daughters
Barberie Shafto, Fortune Shaftoe & Doritye Shaftoe my sister's daughters
mother Barberye Erington
[two summer beast gates in my pasture at Wharleton]
Mr Marke Shafto of Newcastle, Mr Marke Erington of Pontilande & Mr William Phenicke of Blakeden (supervisors)
wit: Henrie Harrison, John Fernysyde

Roger Fenwick, Kirkharle. will [date notknown], probate 27.11.1591 - see Surtees Society vol 38, p246n. Thisnote is the only reference to a will, which has not been found, and itis possible that the information comes from a Probate Register and/orProbate Bonds (tbc)

wife Dorothy
Lionel Fenwick (exec)
wit: William Fenwick esq, Robert Lawson

Oswold Frier, Newcastle upon Tyne. Tailor. willdated 2.7.1591, probate [?1591] (Probate Register only: DPR1/2/6, f.232)

to be buried in the church of St Nicholas near to Mrs Shaftoe's stall
John Gray, draper & his wife
Mrs Katherin Graye daughter of Mr Raphe Graye of Horton
Mrs Jane Gray
John Frier of Melbey in Swadell & his sisters
Oswold Gray son of John Gray, draper & Isabell his daughter
Roger Frier, cordiner
Jane Pearson wife of Xpofer Peirson
Margaret Storie
[a quye in the custody of Xpofer Thoroby]
wife Agnes Frier
wit: Xpofer Pierson, John Cliborne, John Grey & others (not named)

John Hearon, Chypchase. Esquire. will dated5.12.1590, probate 22.9.1591 (DPRI/1/1591/H1, also Probate RegisterDPR1/2/6, f.236) - see also Surtees Society vol 38, p200

daughters Barbara Hearon, Margerye Hearon & Margret Hearon
sons Regynald Hearon, Wyllm Hearon & Walter Hearon
wife Margerye Hearon
son John Hearon
John Hearon son of my son Cuthbert Hearon
Henrye Rames
Robert Rames
Willm Rydley the younger
Cuthbert Hearon son of Cuthbert Hearon my son
Wyllm Weldon son of Mychaell Weldon
John Vaux son of Wyllm Vaux
George Thirlwal
Regynald ..lland (The Surtees Society volume gives Holland, but theinitial letter does not appear as an 'H', possibly more like a lowercase 'g', giving Galland, and the probate register gives Gollande)
servant Oswold Hearon
[rents of Whelpington & Raye]
servant James Hearon
servant Thomas Rydley
servant Cuthbert Dod
servant Nycholas Tomson
servant Patricke Watson
[closes which were John Fraters]
Edward Yorke, Edmond Burrell, Andrewe Lee, Raufe Nycholson, Robert Magre & James Scelton
Raphe Graye of Chyllingham & Wyllyam Rydley of Willymonteswicke esquires (supervisors]
wit: Willm Rydley, Mychyell Weldon, Thomas Rydley & others (not named)

Inventory, upper portion lost so missing date & appraisers

Anthonie Hedworth, Newcastle upon Tyne.Merchant. will dated 28.9.1591, probate [?1591](Probate Register only: DPR1/2/6, f.237)

to be buried in the church of St Nicholas
wife Katherin Hedworth
children Richard Hedworth, Adrian Hedworth, Isabell Hedworth & Anne Hedworth
wit: Robert Simpson, William Bainbrigge

Martin Hodshon, West Matfenne, parish ofStandfordham. will dated 29.5.1591, probate[?1591] (Probate Register only: DPR1/2/6, f.238)

son Thomas Hodshon
son John Hodshon
daughter Agnes
daughter Mawlde als Mallie Hodshon
wife Elizabethe Hodshon
wit: Thomas Dun, Symon Dun, John Dun, Edwarde Sproustonne & others (not named)

John Howey, Ailneham. will dated 11.5.1591, probate [?1591] (Probate Register only: DPR1/2/6, f.238)

son Andrewe Howey base begotten son of Christian Hall
wife Isabell Howey
daughter Isabell Howey
daughter Annas Howey
Robt Alder of Prindicke gent & Edward Alnewicke (supervisors)
wit: Robt Alder, William Herron clerk, William Johnson, Rolande Clerk & others (not named)

Christopher Morpethe, Newcastle upon Tyne.Merchant. will dated 6.4.1591, probate [?1591](Probate Register only: DPR1/2/6, f.233)

to be buried in church of St Nicholas in father's grave
brother Robert Morpeth
brother Anthony Morpeth
[house in Sidgaite bought of John Wilkinsone]
Joane Morpeth daughter of my brother Anthonye Morpethe
Christopher Morpethe son of my brother Robert Morpeth
Agnes Morpeth daughter of my brother Roberte & Margrett Morpeth & Elizabeth Morpeth her sisters
brother Edward Hixson & my sister his wife & their children
brother Leonerd Hartburne & my sister his wife & Robert Hartburne their son & the rest of their children
brother Richard Read
brother Martine Holymane & his wife & daughter
Mr Henrye Andersone esquire & his wife & Elizabeth Andersonehis daughter & Thomas Andersone his son & the rest of hischildren
Bartrame Andersone brother of the said Henrye Andersonn
Mr Thomas Caverley & his wife
Mr Willm Reddell & his wife & his son John
Mr Robert Midforde of Sighell & his wife
Mr Henrye Chapmane & his wife
Thomas Robinson of Use Bridge
John Hardcastle
George Nicholson
uncle Anthonye Midforde's daughters late of Ponteland
Marye Bednell wife of Luke Bednell of Alnwick the silk gowns which her father gave me
Mr Richard Howldsworth vicar of Newcastle
Mr James Bamforde
Mr Henry Whitackres
Thomas Wigham
sister Jane Morpeth
wit: Richard Houldesworth, Henry Whitackres, Thomas Wigham, George Nicholson

Christopher Nicholson, [location not stated].Smith. will dated 30.3.1591, probate [?](Probate Register only: DPR1/2/7, f.278)

to be buried St John's churchyard
daughter Isabell Staper & Elizabeth Taylor her daughter
Janet Taylor
Jane Nicholsonn & Thomas Nicholsonn her husband (implied decd)
Agnes Nicholsonn daughter of Thomas Nicholsonn
Elizabeth Staper
servant Xpofer Lightonn
sister Margart Gibsonn
sister Margerie Robinson
Janet Browne
servant Marien Dixonn
daughter Elizabeth Staperr
wit: George Clarksonn, Thomas Dodds, James Biltonn

Thomas Ogle, Holy Island. Gent. [date lost], probate [1591] (DPRI/1/1591/O1/1-3)

to be buried in the church of the Holie Ilande
son Hendrie Ogle
wit: Uswold Oglle, Thomas Manners, John Shorte, Raphe Browne, Wm Ogle,Olyver Stealle, John Clerke, Wm Steward & others (notnamed)

debts owed by the testator to:
**portions lost to damage**
Sir Wm Rea...
Ed... Stran...
Mr Row........
Rich .........
Herry Wa....
debts owed to the testator by:
Mr Swynho of G.....
John Short
John Clerke

Inventory dated 1.10.1590 appraised by Thomas Patterson & Willm Watson
**lower portion missing altogether**

Mathewe Paige, parish of St Nicholas, Newcastle upon Tyne.Glover. will dated 11.11.1589, probate [1591](DPRI/1/1591/P1/1)

son John Paige
Margaret Craggs
Doraty Craggs
Alice Woldhawe
Isabell Craggs
sister Isabell Hunter
Bartram Woldhawe
brother Thomas Paige
George Still of Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant adventurer
[best sword which Henry Robson has, servant to Thomas Dods]
wit: Roland Stoco, Jesper Fairellis, Bartram Woldhawe, Oswold Chaittor & others (not named)

Thomas Preston, Cowpon.
Yeoman. will dated 3.10.1590, probate [1591] (DPRI/1/1591/P2/1-2)

to be buried within the choir of Horton Church
wife Barbara
daughter Margerie
Mr Ralph Lawson of Brough esquire & Robt Lawson of Cramlington gent (tutors & supervisors)
eldest son John Preston
son Robt
[farmhold in Neythertonn]
wit: Robt Lawson gent, Rychard Preston, Thomas Hayghe & others (not named)

Tuition of children Robt, Wm, Gaw, Raph, Eliz & Jul granted 5.11.1591 to Barbara widow of decd

Inventory dated 6.11.1590 appraised by James Burne, Thomas Patyson, Rychard Preston & Willm Harbotle
includes goods at Cowpen & Netherton

Henry Shell, Berwick upon Tweed. Soldier under CaptainSelbye. will dated 28.9.1591, probate [1591](DPR1/1/1591/S1/1)

[house in Marigate where I dwell]
wife Agnes
son Henrye Shell
son Martin Shell
youngest son John Shell
child yet to be born
daughter Margaret
[house in Marigate which was my father Martin Shell's]
[newly built house in Walkergate which I had of Agnes Shell]
wife's four children (not named)
brother Rowlande Shell
Raphe Shell's widow
wit: Rychard Clarke preacher, John Pratt, John ..all..., Dan Crawe, Meredith Griffen, Wm Harratt, Peter Fairly not pub

Martin Turpin, Newcastle upon Tyne. NotaryPublic. will dated 2.8.1590, probate 1.9.1591(DPRI/1/1591/T1/1-4)

wife (not named)
two children (not named)
wit: [none recorded]

Inventory dated 9.4.1591 appraised by George ...till merchant,Cuthberte Wymprey baker, George Rochester sadler & Valentyne[?Bakar?] goldsmith
debts owed to the decd by:
Florence Southerne widow
Margerye Fawdon widow
Francis Dixson butcher
Marke Shafto merchant
Henrye Lawe merchant
Thomas Thompson sadler
William Browell merchant
Francis Anderson merchant
Robert Mitford merchant
Gyles Hearon gent
Roberte Anderson the younger
Leonard Doddes yeoman
Thomas Dackham gent & Nicholas Punder merchant
Raphe Marley yeoman
Luke Bedenell gent
Roger Grey & Arthure Grey gent & Andrewe Skeele tailor
Mr Raphe Grey esquire
John Cuthberte yeoman
William Blithman yeoman
Thomas Harbottell yeoman
Roberte Dowe yeoman
John Coodin mariner
Cuthberte Crissope merchant
William Thompson yeoman
Roger Wharier
debts owed by the decd to:
Mr Roberte Atkinson
John Blanchard of Yorke
Anthonye Morpeathe merchant
Elizabeth Jackson widow

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extract Dave King, published 5.10.2021, updates 14.4.2022, 13.3.2023

1591: Personal & Place Names extracted from Durham wills - Northumberland & Newcastle (2024)


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